Can you impeach and entire political party?

Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

Adapted from an article titled “Lawless in the White House,” written by former GOP Congressman from Colorado, Bob Beauprez – Monday, August 19, 2013.
Paraphrased video commentary, with permission of the author, by Jerry McGlothlin

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”

Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.

Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

The editors at Investor’s Business Daily picked up on the issue, too. Following is what they call “just a small sampling” of a “Lengthy Legacy of Lawlessness.”

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

July 1, 2013: The Obama administration unilaterally decided to delay the employer mandate provision of ObamaCare for a year, which is to provide information to the feds about the extent of an applicant’s insurance. Never mind that the law states the mandate must go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014 — they are now relying on the “honor system” from applicants to determine if they are qualified for subsidies.

June 25, 2013: The Supreme Court ruled in Shelby County v. Eric Holder that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is “unconstitutional” and that “the formula can no longer be used as a basis for subjecting jurisdiction to preclearance.” Instead of complying with the ruling, Holder filed suit to order Texas to submit to preclearance, in defiance of Congress’ authority to legislate and the Supreme Court’s authority to rule on the constitutionality of the law.

June 15, 2012: The Obama administration announced it will stop deporting illegal immigrants under the age of 30 in a “deferred action” policy to circumvent immigration laws. This comes after Congress rejected a similar measure about a year ago. Since then, more than 500,000 illegals have received the deferment and only 20,000 have been rejected. As for the law-abiding applicants who have been waiting in line, well, that’s Obama’s idea of “lawfulness.”

May 20, 2013: A Washington Post article revealed that Fox News reporter James Rosen was investigated by the DOJ, which subpoenaed his phone records and emails in direct contravention of the First Amendment under the pretense of a leak investigation.
Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

Adapted from an article titled “Lawless in the White House,” written by former GOP Congressman from Colorado, Bob Beauprez – Monday, August 19, 2013.
Paraphrased video commentary, with permission of the author, by Jerry McGlothlin

Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”

Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.

Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

The editors at Investor’s Business Daily picked up on the issue, too. Following is what they call “just a small sampling” of a “Lengthy Legacy of Lawlessness.”

Aug. 14, 2013: The Obama administration delayed the provision in ObamaCare to cap out-of-pocket health care costs, picking and choosing parts of the law to enforce, which is to exceed its authority.

July 17, 2013: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals joined the federal appeals courts in D.C. and Philadelphia in ruling President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recess appointments — who by law must be approved by Congress — were unconstitutional. Thus far, the president has ignored the ruling.

July 1, 2013: The Obama administration unilaterally decided to delay the employer mandate provision of ObamaCare for a year, which is to provide information to the feds about the extent of an applicant’s insurance. Never mind that the law states the mandate must go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014 — they are now relying on the “honor system” from applicants to determine if they are qualified for subsidies.

June 25, 2013: The Supreme Court ruled in Shelby County v. Eric Holder that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is “unconstitutional” and that “the formula can no longer be used as a basis for subjecting jurisdiction to preclearance.” Instead of complying with the ruling, Holder filed suit to order Texas to submit to preclearance, in defiance of Congress’ authority to legislate and the Supreme Court’s authority to rule on the constitutionality of the law.

June 15, 2012: The Obama administration announced it will stop deporting illegal immigrants under the age of 30 in a “deferred action” policy to circumvent immigration laws. This comes after Congress rejected a similar measure about a year ago. Since then, more than 500,000 illegals have received the deferment and only 20,000 have been rejected. As for the law-abiding applicants who have been waiting in line, well, that’s Obama’s idea of “lawfulness.”

May 20, 2013: A Washington Post article revealed that Fox News reporter James Rosen was investigated by the DOJ, which subpoenaed his phone records and emails in direct contravention of the First Amendment under the pretense of a leak investigation.

Russia made him do it!!
Sure, the GOP whines as well about how Obama should have been impeached.

Only difference is, there was nothing to impeach Obama over. There seems to be plenty to impeach not just Trump, but all the Conservative conspirators who worked with Russia to get him elected. Obama had 0 -zero- people from his Administration end up in jail. Right now, it looks like everyone in Trump's Administration could be headed for jail for conspiring with a foreign enemy to undermine our elections. That's treason, you know.

At the end of the day, all that ever happens in the federal government is whining to appeal to the base. No one is ever held accountable because they never want to be held accountable.

This isn't a "both sides" thing. This is exclusively a Conservative thing. Conservatives had to sell out to Russia because they knew they could not win based on the merits of their ideas and beliefs.

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

This oughtta be good.

Easy, just tap into the DNC e-mails and let them go viral

That would elect even Hitler.
Blah blah blah, derp derp derp

So nothing you posted there is impeachable. And I don't understand your point...Conservatives controlled the House in 2011 and got the Senate in 2015. Why did they not impeach Obama for any of that stuff? Oh right, because none of it is impeachable.

However, Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC is most definitely impeachable.
Blah blah blah, derp derp derp

So nothing you posted there is impeachable. And I don't understand your point...Conservatives controlled the House in 2011 and got the Senate in 2015. Why did they not impeach Obama for any of that stuff? Oh right, because none of it is impeachable.

However, Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC is most definitely impeachable.

Except it never happened. Sooo.....
What a nitwit. I only hope that one is just very young and as such, not very sophisticated in his his thinking. Otherwise...

You know, it takes a special kind of stupid to adhere to an ideology that has absolutely no track record of success, whose proponents continually have to shift the goalposts when making their arguments, and that could not win based on the merits of the policies so it had to enlist a hostile foreign power to help.

That's where y'all are at right now.
Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC

1. you have no evidence of that "colluding"
2. you have no evidence Russia did the hacking other than parroting the same liars who claimed building 7 was not demo-ed
3. you HATE HATE HATE the TRUTH those hacks revealed....

a) CNN deliberately CHEATED and did COLLUDE with Hillary in an attempt to INFLUENCE the election by giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate
b) that the "fights" at Trump events were deliberately started by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN "workers"
c) that CNN and NYT and other "US" media outlets routinely sent "news" stories to the HILLARY CAMPAIGN for "proofing..."

Blah blah blah, derp derp derp

So nothing you posted there is impeachable. And I don't understand your point...Conservatives controlled the House in 2011 and got the Senate in 2015. Why did they not impeach Obama for any of that stuff? Oh right, because none of it is impeachable.

However, Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC is most definitely impeachable.

Oh boy!!! We got us a legal scholar here!!!
What a nitwit. I only hope that one is just very young and as such, not very sophisticated in his his thinking. Otherwise...

You know, it takes a special kind of stupid to adhere to an ideology that has absolutely no track record of success, whose proponents continually have to shift the goalposts when making their arguments, and that could not win based on the merits of the policies so it had to enlist a hostile foreign power to help.

That's where y'all are at right now.

You have actual evidence of this?

had to enlist a hostile foreign power to help.
What a nitwit. I only hope that one is just very young and as such, not very sophisticated in his his thinking. Otherwise...

You know, it takes a special kind of stupid to adhere to an ideology that has absolutely no track record of success, whose proponents continually have to shift the goalposts when making their arguments, and that could not win based on the merits of the policies so it had to enlist a hostile foreign power to help.

That's where y'all are at right now.
The entire “Trump Russian scandal” narrative is complete utter nonsense. Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump, they’re clinging to a Saturday Night Live comedy skit- with the full cooperation of their liberal lackeys in the mainstream media.

They’ve just made a YUGE mistake. And it’s all going to blow up in their face. There is a "Russian influence scandal." It just has nothing to do with President Trump.

It belongs to Hilary and the Democrats.

First, a few Trump aides had conversations with the Russian ambassador, or Russian officials. Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a U.S. Senator at the time. That’s part of his job.

But talk about hypocrisy. It turns out many Democrat U.S. Senators had the same meetings. So did House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi. They all met with the same Russian Ambassador.

Secondly, Democrats seem to think talking to Russians is a crime. They even throw around words like “treason.” But they see no issue with Democrats taking millions of dollars from Russians?

Because it turns out that Tony Podesta, brother of Hillary’s national presidential campaign manager John Podesta is a super lobbyist who took huge money from the Russians in order to end U.S. government sanctions against Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank
Not only did the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager take huge money from the Russians to represent a foreign government’s biggest bank, but his firm accepted over $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it from foreign governments.

If Democrats want Congressional investigations into Russian connections, I say we give them major investigations. Let’s start with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta.

Now we get to the juiciest part of the scandal- Hillary herself.

I’ve been publicly talking about this story for many years. The Clinton Foundation was from the start a bribery and extortion racket set up by the former President of the United States and his wife, the Secretary of State. They didn’t just talk to Russians, or other foreign governments and foreign leaders. They accepted massive bribes, disguised as “charitable donations.”

This happened while Hillary was Secretary of State. Even the Gambino Crime Family couldn’t dream up with an extortion racket this big! I can hear famed mob attorney and former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman advising his mob clients “You can’t possibly extort foreign governments in plain sight, while you’re Secretary of State. Are you out of your mind?”

But why would any of this audacity shock anyone. Never forget the King of Morocco donated $12 million to the Clinton Foundation only on the condition that Hillary show up at his event.

Bill Clinton received a $1 million birthday present in return for a 5-minute meeting with the leaders of Qatar.

There are many more instances of “donations” traded for access to the Secretary of State of the United States. But none of them beats the $145 million received by the Clinton Foundation in return for Secretary of State Clinton selling 20% of the U.S. uranium stock to…guess who?

The Russians.

Hillary’s State Department approved giving one fifth of the U.S. uranium stock to Russia, at the same time top executives of the uranium company gave Hillary $500,000 for one speech and “donated” $145 million to her foundation.

Democrats throw around the word “treason” for phone calls, or meetings? But Hillary’s actions while serving as Secretary of State perfectly fits the definition of treason.

Obama and his crony Attorney General did nothing to investigate these blatant crimes. It’s clearly time for President Trump and Congress to start investigations.

If phone calls to Russians merit an investigation, what is the significance of the Clinton Foundation accepting $145 million from the Russians, while Hillary is Secretary of State and being lobbied by these same people to sell off America’s valuable resources? Or Hillary’s campaign manager’s brother lobbying on behalf of Russia’s biggest bank while his brother runs her campaign for President?

But Hillary has one more YUGE problem. If Putin and Russia get sick and tired of being a piñata for Democrats, guess what they might do?

Democrats claim Russia hacked Hillary’s deleted emails, right? They seem so certain. Well maybe Russia will choose to release all 30,000 emails. Tomorrow. And then we’ll all find out what Hillary discussed in writing that she so badly needed to make disappear.

And it's perfect timing for the Congressional investigation.

Good luck Hillary. Democrats were right. There is a Russian and influence peddling scandal. But it belongs to Hillary and the Democrat Party. And now we have a President Trump who will investigate and prosecute.

I have a funny feeling Democrats will be sorry they ever opened up this can of worms.
Trump colluding with Russian spies to hack into the DNC
1. you have no evidence of that "colluding"
2. you have no evidence Russia did the hacking other than parroting the same liars who claimed building 7 was not demo-ed
3. you HATE HATE HATE the TRUTH those hacks revealed....

a) CNN deliberately CHEATED and did COLLUDE with Hillary in an attempt to INFLUENCE the election by giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate
b) that the "fights" at Trump events were deliberately started by PAID HILLARY CAMPAIGN "workers"
c) that CNN and NYT and other "US" media outlets routinely sent "news" stories to the HILLARY CAMPAIGN for "proofing..."


So everything this Russian troll is saying is wrong. You can tell it's a Russian troll because of the syntax of the posts. It reads like someone put something into a Google translator.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going

I agree, right after he gets his 3rd justice onto the Supreme Court, we should definitely think about putting his agenda on hold.
You have actual evidence of this?had to enlist a hostile foreign power to help.

That's what the investigators are saying. What's going to happen when the investigations are made public and Trump colluded with Russia?
Except it never happened. Sooo.....
So then why are there four investigations into it?
Because one of the few things that Dimmocrats are good at is using the system to smear people without any evidence using unsubstantiated investigations and charges levied against innocent people, like Tom DeLay who was cleared of all charges but still lost his political careers due to Dimmocrat shenanigans like this bullshit they are raising about Trump.
Except it never happened. Sooo.....

So then why are there four investigations into it?

Who knows.... investigations aren't evidence of anything. If they were, we wouldn't need investigations. We'd go right to the criminal indictment. But see, that's how our system works. If it is believed that a crime may have been committed, we investigate it to see if there is really any evidence of a crime.

Personally, I think this whole Russian thing is a diversion from something much more sinister. But, that is just my opinion.
<Russian Active Measures!> DO NOT BUY IT!

So Votto is just following the orders from Putin. Spread disinformation, sow doubt, and cloud the issue with inarticulate mumblings so the real issue -Trump/Putin/GOP- is obfuscated.

But the thing is, you guys already used that playbook. So now we know what you're doing.

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