Can you impeach and entire political party?

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

I've done that. You just refuse to accept it because you're either a) a Russian operative yourself or b) are so steeped in denial you have no shame.

Russia got Trump elected by conspiring with the GOP and Trump's campaign to illegally hack into the DNC in order to drum up e-mails that could be released as a slow drip of misinformation that influenced voters' perception of Hillary Clinton. Further to that, Russia's troll army inundated social media and message boards (much like serveral of the posters are doing here) by spreading fallacies, misinformation, and outright lies (like Pizzagate and Trickle-down Economics/Tax Cuts among others) to sway low-information, lowly-educated, yet internet-accessible poor, white, resentful bigots in swing states through targeted e-mail, social media, and message board campaigns.

Ever notice how most Conservative posters start out articulate, then eventually devolve their posts into something that looks like it was written by a Google Translator? That's Russian Active Measures and they are even doing it right in this thread. Since I called it out, bear has suddenly stopped responding. Curious, isn't it?
You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

I've done that. You just refuse to accept it because you're either a) a Russian operative yourself or b) are so steeped in denial you have no shame.

Russia got Trump elected by conspiring with the GOP and Trump's campaign to illegally hack into the DNC in order to drum up e-mails that could be released as a slow drip of misinformation that influenced voters' perception of Hillary Clinton. Further to that, Russia's troll army inundated social media and message boards (much like serveral of the posters are doing here) by spreading fallacies, misinformation, and outright lies (like Pizzagate and Trickle-down Economics/Tax Cuts among others) to sway low-information, lowly-educated, yet internet-accessible poor, white, resentful bigots in swing states through targeted e-mail, social media, and message board campaigns.

Ever notice how most Conservative posters start out articulate, then eventually devolve their posts into something that looks like it was written by a Google Translator? That's Russian Active Measures and they are even doing it right in this thread. Since I called it out, bear has suddenly stopped responding. Curious, isn't it?

Oh brother... what next, Trump pees on hotel room beds with hookers?

You have yet to tell us how Russia got Trump elected.

I've done that. You just refuse to accept it because you're either a) a Russian operative yourself or b) are so steeped in denial you have no shame.

Russia got Trump elected by conspiring with the GOP and Trump's campaign to illegally hack into the DNC in order to drum up e-mails that could be released as a slow drip of misinformation that influenced voters' perception of Hillary Clinton. Further to that, Russia's troll army inundated social media and message boards (much like serveral of the posters are doing here) by spreading fallacies, misinformation, and outright lies (like Pizzagate and Trickle-down Economics/Tax Cuts among others) to sway low-information, lowly-educated, yet internet-accessible poor, white, resentful bigots in swing states through targeted e-mail, social media, and message board campaigns.

Ever notice how most Conservative posters start out articulate, then eventually devolve their posts into something that looks like it was written by a Google Translator? That's Russian Active Measures and they are even doing it right in this thread. Since I called it out, bear has suddenly stopped responding. Curious, isn't it?

You realize how childish this shit is? What are you, some loopy first year college kid?
See post #340... once you answer that intelligently, I'll take you serious. No one to date has been able to answer the question as to just how Russia influenced the election.

I don't do tricks for Russian trolls. How about this about you explain to me why it is that most Conservative posters on this thread start off with an articulate post, yet then devolve into posts devoid of grammar, syntax, and read like they were spit out from an internet translator?
See post #340... once you answer that intelligently, I'll take you serious. No one to date has been able to answer the question as to just how Russia influenced the election.

I don't do tricks for Russian trolls. How about this about you explain to me why it is that most Conservative posters on this thread start off with an articulate post, yet then devolve into posts devoid of grammar, syntax, and read like they were spit out from an internet translator?

Or, you can just tell me, and back it up with facts, how Russia got Trump elected. Did they hack ballot boxes?

You realize how childish this shit is? What are you, some loopy first year college kid?

Ironic that the folks who support Donald Trump in all his inarticulate, bumbling, cluelessness have the nerve to call others childish. This from the folks who support a President who has childish temper tantrums on Twitter. Pfft.
You realize how childish this shit is? What are you, some loopy first year college kid?

Ironic that the folks who support Donald Trump in all his inarticulate, bumbling, cluelessness have the nerve to call others childish. This from the folks who support a President who has childish temper tantrums on Twitter. Pfft.

You sound about as silly as Trump does at times.
Or, you can just tell me, and back it up with facts, how Russia got Trump elected. Did they hack ballot boxes?

I already explained it to you in a previous post. You just chose to ignore it because that little brain of yours cannot wrap itself around the fact that you were taken for a ride by Trump and the GOP, and now you find yourself in the unenviable position of having to defend Russian influence within the ideology you have adhered to.

You are sure? How so?

Because the bigger the ego, the worse the secret. Conservatives and Trump do a lot of compensating for shortcomings. Whether those shortcomings are physical, emotional, financial, or otherwise, remains to be seen. I'm sure whatever it is will be revealed when this investigation is done.
Or, you can just tell me, and back it up with facts, how Russia got Trump elected. Did they hack ballot boxes?

I already explained it to you in a previous post. You just chose to ignore it because that little brain of yours cannot wrap itself around the fact that you were taken for a ride by Trump and the GOP, and now you find yourself in the unenviable position of having to defend Russian influence within the ideology you have adhered to.


No, you stated your opinions. So far, there is zero evidence of any collusion. You claiming to be so means jack.
You sound about as silly as Trump does at times.

I can already see you pivoting away from Trump as more and more bad stuff comes to light. I think you're just laying the "but he wasn't a real Conservative" groundwork now so you can shirk responsibility for the flawed ideology and demagogues to which you adhere and follow later.

You're not nearly as smart or clever as you think you are.
You sound about as silly as Trump does at times.

I can already see you pivoting away from Trump as more and more bad stuff comes to light. I think you're just laying the "but he wasn't a real Conservative" groundwork now so you can shirk responsibility for the flawed ideology and demagogues to which you adhere and follow later.

No bad stuff is coming to light kid... and I never for a moment took Trump to be a true conservative.

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