Can you show me PICTURES of sea level rise?

Here's the thing that you deniers like to do: over simplify the argument.

Yes, the Earth's climate has changed from hotter to colder, back and forth, over the eons (if you even believe the Earth is older than 10k years). Everyone understands that. It has been growing warmer since the last major ice age with some colder fluctuations. That's natural. No one of any geological history education disputes such facts.

Here's the thing. It has accelerated greatly since the industrial revolution. And that's the problem. Animal and plantlife, because of the rapidly changing climate, don't have as much of an opportunity to adapt. That could cause a major extinction event, especially if that life is something which is part of the oxygen or carbon cycles, i.e. rainforests or algae. And it could also dramatically effect human populations in equatorial and tropical climes and around coastlines. Not to mention human populations everywhere because of flooding, extreme droughts, etc.

Climate change or global warming wouldn't be a big deal if it were occurring on a natural timescale, but because it is happening at an accelerated pace, it could have dramatice or even catastophic implications for all life on the planet.

So, because the vast majority of the data points to an accelerated waming climate the vast majority of climatologists think that accelerated global warming seems to be happening. Not all of the data supports it, and not all climatologists believe it - but most do. And most scientists do. And all major governments do and institutions do. So either there is a vast global conspiracy to fool everyone into acting to slow global warming for some vague, nebulous reason (so that solar and alternative energy companies and green companies with all their money and power can maintain their grip on civilization) or those with money and power already (i.e. oil and gas companies owned by people like the Koch Bros. and BP) are attempting to undermine the science, the conclusions that the evidence logically leads to, and the ugent message that we need to change our ways in order to maintain their near monopoly on energy - the most essential of all commodities to modern civilization. We've seen this before with the tobacco companies in the 50s and early 60s

Which seems more likely to you?
There is no reason at all to believe that the release of 6,700 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emmissions per year should have any effect whatsoever on our climate, just like there is no reason why one would expect one's lawn to die if you were to cover it with a black plastic sheet. What a silly notion! It is all an Al Gore conspiracy, because he is still piissed about losing his election...
Here's the thing that you deniers like to do: over simplify the argument.

Yes, the Earth's climate has changed from hotter to colder, back and forth, over the eons (if you even believe the Earth is older than 10k years). Everyone understands that. It has been growing warmer since the last major ice age with some colder fluctuations. That's natural. No one of any geological history education disputes such facts.

Here's the thing. It has accelerated greatly since the industrial revolution. And that's the problem. Animal and plantlife, because of the rapidly changing climate, don't have as much of an opportunity to adapt. That could cause a major extinction event, especially if that life is something which is part of the oxygen or carbon cycles, i.e. rainforests or algae. And it could also dramatically effect human populations in equatorial and tropical climes and around coastlines. Not to mention human populations everywhere because of flooding, extreme droughts, etc.

Climate change or global warming wouldn't be a big deal if it were occurring on a natural timescale, but because it is happening at an accelerated pace, it could have dramatice or even catastophic implications for all life on the planet.

So, because the vast majority of the data points to an accelerated waming climate the vast majority of climatologists think that accelerated global warming seems to be happening. Not all of the data supports it, and not all climatologists believe it - but most do. And most scientists do. And all major governments do and institutions do. So either there is a vast global conspiracy to fool everyone into acting to slow global warming for some vague, nebulous reason (so that solar and alternative energy companies and green companies with all their money and power can maintain their grip on civilization) or those with money and power already (i.e. oil and gas companies owned by people like the Koch Bros. and BP) are attempting to undermine the science, the conclusions that the evidence logically leads to, and the ugent message that we need to change our ways in order to maintain their near monopoly on energy - the most essential of all commodities to modern civilization. We've seen this before with the tobacco companies in the 50s and early 60s

Which seems more likely to you?

Seems more likely that the AGW Cult has been fudging the data.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. " -- IPCC
Here's the thing that you deniers like to do: over simplify the argument.

Yes, the Earth's climate has changed from hotter to colder, back and forth, over the eons (if you even believe the Earth is older than 10k years). Everyone understands that. It has been growing warmer since the last major ice age with some colder fluctuations. That's natural. No one of any geological history education disputes such facts.

Here's the thing. It has accelerated greatly since the industrial revolution. And that's the problem. Animal and plantlife, because of the rapidly changing climate, don't have as much of an opportunity to adapt. That could cause a major extinction event, especially if that life is something which is part of the oxygen or carbon cycles, i.e. rainforests or algae. And it could also dramatically effect human populations in equatorial and tropical climes and around coastlines. Not to mention human populations everywhere because of flooding, extreme droughts, etc.

Climate change or global warming wouldn't be a big deal if it were occurring on a natural timescale, but because it is happening at an accelerated pace, it could have dramatice or even catastophic implications for all life on the planet.

So, because the vast majority of the data points to an accelerated waming climate the vast majority of climatologists think that accelerated global warming seems to be happening. Not all of the data supports it, and not all climatologists believe it - but most do. And most scientists do. And all major governments do and institutions do. So either there is a vast global conspiracy to fool everyone into acting to slow global warming for some vague, nebulous reason (so that solar and alternative energy companies and green companies with all their money and power can maintain their grip on civilization) or those with money and power already (i.e. oil and gas companies owned by people like the Koch Bros. and BP) are attempting to undermine the science, the conclusions that the evidence logically leads to, and the ugent message that we need to change our ways in order to maintain their near monopoly on energy - the most essential of all commodities to modern civilization. We've seen this before with the tobacco companies in the 50s and early 60s

Which seems more likely to you?

Seems more likely that the AGW Cult has been fudging the data.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. " -- IPCC

Who cares what the IPCC says. Who care what the environmentalists say. What does the data tell you and what does it means for civilization and the environment? What could happen if we as a species ignore the science?
Here's the thing. It has accelerated greatly since the industrial revolution.

And when was the "Industrial Revolution". Oh, from 1760 through 1830. But during this time, the River Thames still frequently froze solid during the winter. And in 1816 (over 50 years after the Industrial Revolution began) you had the "Year Without A Summer", which had areas get snowfall in June.

Part of the entire problem with the "Global Warming" crowd is where they placed their baseline. They picked a time period (in which because of the invention of the first modern scientific instruments) was smack dab in the middle of the coldest period of time in over 2,000 years (known as "The Little Ice Age" (1350-1850). If they instead used the Medieval Climate Maximum (950-1250) as their "baseline", we would actually still be showing lower then average temperatures.

It is easy to see places where the climate has changed drastically, even during the last 3,000 years. But those changes had nothing to do with humans, it is simply the planet continuing to change.
Here's the thing. It has accelerated greatly since the industrial revolution.

And when was the "Industrial Revolution". Oh, from 1760 through 1830. But during this time, the River Thames still frequently froze solid during the winter. And in 1816 (over 50 years after the Industrial Revolution began) you had the "Year Without A Summer", which had areas get snowfall in June.

Part of the entire problem with the "Global Warming" crowd is where they placed their baseline. They picked a time period (in which because of the invention of the first modern scientific instruments) was smack dab in the middle of the coldest period of time in over 2,000 years (known as "The Little Ice Age" (1350-1850). If they instead used the Medieval Climate Maximum (950-1250) as their "baseline", we would actually still be showing lower then average temperatures.

It is easy to see places where the climate has changed drastically, even during the last 3,000 years. But those changes had nothing to do with humans, it is simply the planet continuing to change.

So you state. Offering no evidence of what you state. But every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states otherwise.

Now in order for you to defend your position, you have to beleive there is an internantional conspiracy among scientists from every nation and political system on the planet. Pretty much puts you people in the little tin hat leugue.
Does photoshop count? As in "This it what the Jefferson Memorial will look like with a 25ft sea level rise".


Don't get me all excited like that.:evil:


  • $ht_sandy_new_york_flooded_subway_tunnel_ll_121030_wg.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 73
I'll tell you what - let's stick our heads in the sand for 20 years before we finally admit there's a bloody massive problem.

Sea Level Rise -- National Geographic

NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Monitoring & Understanding Our Changing Planet

Bangladesh coastal population threatend by sea level rise « Fire Earth

Plenty of pictures for the OP in those links.

Whilst I'm on the go, most major coastal cities (Or those on tidal rivers) are equally at risk. That includes London and New York.
There is no reason at all to believe that the release of 6,700 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emmissions per year should have any effect whatsoever on our climate, just like there is no reason why one would expect one's lawn to die if you were to cover it with a black plastic sheet. What a silly notion! It is all an Al Gore conspiracy, because he is still piissed about losing his election...

Why would 6.7B Tons (actually 30Gtons of CO2, you are repeating the misleading equiv weight of Carbon, not CO2) of man-made CO2 matter when the land and sea surface are giving off and recieving over 700Gtons of CO2 per year WITHOUT MAN !!!

It's well accepted and established among warmers and skeptics alike, that a doubling of CO2 from 280 to 560ppm accounts for 1.1DegC of warming from the CO2 EFFECT ALONE.

Thats roughly the time period from 1960 to 2040. Everything else about AGWarming theory is speculation.. All of those multipliers and accelerators of the climate is what folks are skeptical about.. Big diff between 3 or 4 degC over a few decades according to IPCC and 1.1DegC for nearly a century.
Can you show me PICTURES of sea level rise? Like one area between a earlier date and today.

I want to see this with my own eyes...This is the best way to bring a point across.


Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane storm surge can inundate the Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century. Officials expect that to double over the next 50 years. Seasonal tidal flooding that was once a rare inconvenience is now so predictable that some businesses at the end of Key West's famed Duval Street stock sandbags just inside their front doors, ready anytime. New York City's mayor has announced a plan for flood walls and levees to hold back rising water levels there. Those wouldn't help much in the Keys, though. The islands' base is porous rock and coral, so water just comes up through the ground.
Can you show me PICTURES of sea level rise? Like one area between a earlier date and today.

I want to see this with my own eyes...This is the best way to bring a point across.


Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane storm surge can inundate the Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century. Officials expect that to double over the next 50 years. Seasonal tidal flooding that was once a rare inconvenience is now so predictable that some businesses at the end of Key West's famed Duval Street stock sandbags just inside their front doors, ready anytime. New York City's mayor has announced a plan for flood walls and levees to hold back rising water levels there. Those wouldn't help much in the Keys, though. The islands' base is porous rock and coral, so water just comes up through the ground.

This MAY BE a problem that needs fixin'.. But it's NOT influenced by that new fangled AGW hysteria at all...

That Civil War era tidal gauge at Key West was probably used by them to construct this..


Tell me WHERE in that historical record the "accelerated rise of surface temps since 1980s" has appeared to influence A 100 YR trend...
Can you show me PICTURES of sea level rise? Like one area between a earlier date and today.

I want to see this with my own eyes...This is the best way to bring a point across.


Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane storm surge can inundate the Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century. Officials expect that to double over the next 50 years. Seasonal tidal flooding that was once a rare inconvenience is now so predictable that some businesses at the end of Key West's famed Duval Street stock sandbags just inside their front doors, ready anytime. New York City's mayor has announced a plan for flood walls and levees to hold back rising water levels there. Those wouldn't help much in the Keys, though. The islands' base is porous rock and coral, so water just comes up through the ground.

This MAY BE a problem that needs fixin'.. But it's NOT influenced by that new fangled AGW hysteria at all...

Well, that's your retarded denier cult myth but the scientific evidence says otherwise so who really cares about your nutty denial of reality?

Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane storm surge can inundate the Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century. Officials expect that to double over the next 50 years. Seasonal tidal flooding that was once a rare inconvenience is now so predictable that some businesses at the end of Key West's famed Duval Street stock sandbags just inside their front doors, ready anytime. New York City's mayor has announced a plan for flood walls and levees to hold back rising water levels there. Those wouldn't help much in the Keys, though. The islands' base is porous rock and coral, so water just comes up through the ground.

This MAY BE a problem that needs fixin'.. But it's NOT influenced by that new fangled AGW hysteria at all...

Well, that's your retarded denier cult myth but the scientific evidence says otherwise so who really cares about your nutty denial of reality?

gawd you're a real bore.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Florida Keys prepare for sea level rise
The Associated Press
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane storm surge can inundate the Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century. Officials expect that to double over the next 50 years. Seasonal tidal flooding that was once a rare inconvenience is now so predictable that some businesses at the end of Key West's famed Duval Street stock sandbags just inside their front doors, ready anytime. New York City's mayor has announced a plan for flood walls and levees to hold back rising water levels there. Those wouldn't help much in the Keys, though. The islands' base is porous rock and coral, so water just comes up through the ground.

This MAY BE a problem that needs fixin'.. But it's NOT influenced by that new fangled AGW hysteria at all...

Well, that's your retarded denier cult myth but the scientific evidence says otherwise so who really cares about your nutty denial of reality?

That "nutty denial" is the official NOAA tide gauge report for Key West in the last century.

Who is being the retarded cult myth denier here?? Eh TinkerBelle?

Thanks for cutting off the pertinent part of my response and dodging the question.. So I'll ask it again...


Tell me WHERE in that historical record the "accelerated rise of surface temps since 1980s" has appeared to influence A 100 YR trend...

There's a little RollingThunder theatrics for ya there. Did I use a LARGE ENOUGH FONT ??

I guess you're gonna tell us that the ACCELERATED sea level rise is being hidden by increased water vapor in clouds --- Yup --- that's the ticket...
There is no reason at all to believe that the release of 6,700 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emmissions per year should have any effect whatsoever on our climate, just like there is no reason why one would expect one's lawn to die if you were to cover it with a black plastic sheet. What a silly notion! It is all an Al Gore conspiracy, because he is still piissed about losing his election...

You say 6700 million metric tons of greenhouse gass emissions like it were really that much couldn't possibly not cause a climate catastrophe. Do you really have any idea of how vanishingly small our contribution to the atmospheric CO2 really is? Here, have a look at what our greenhouse gas contributions look like.....really.

Take a look at how small our greenhouse gas contributions are and get over yourself already. We don't even release enough CO2 to overcome the natural variation in atmospheric CO2 from year to year.
[ame=]CO2 Contributed by Human Activity: 12 to 15ppmv / version 1 - YouTube[/ame]
This MAY BE a problem that needs fixin'.. But it's NOT influenced by that new fangled AGW hysteria at all...

Well, that's your retarded denier cult myth but the scientific evidence says otherwise so who really cares about your nutty denial of reality?

That "nutty denial" is the official NOAA tide gauge report for Key West in the last century.

Who is being the retarded cult myth denier here?? Eh TinkerBelle?

Well, let's see, I'm denying your retarded denier cult myths and you're retardedly denying reality.

Here's what NOAA actually says

Sea level is rising at an increasing rate

There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century.

While studies show that sea levels changed little from AD 0 until 1900, sea levels began to climb in the 20th century.

The two major causes of global sea-level rise are thermal expansion caused by the warming of the oceans (since water expands as it warms) and the loss of land-based ice (such as glaciers and polar ice caps) due to increased melting.

Records and research show that sea level has been steadily rising at a rate of 1 to 2.5 millimeters (0.04 to 0.1 inches) per year since 1900.

This rate may be increasing. Since 1992, new methods of satellite altimetry (the measurement of elevation or altitude) indicate a rate of rise of 3 millimeters (0.12 inches) per year.

This is a significantly larger rate than the sea-level rise averaged over the last several thousand years.

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