Canada bribing, paying off U.S businesses to move jobs to Canada. Violate NAFTA:"Canadian Tarriff"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The question is constantly asked, "how can Canada, with a higher cost of doing business whether in wages, unions, regulations, able to take so many American jobs?" The answer isn't too difficult if you peel back the violations. Bribery and direct business interference is a socialist and communist staple.

Canada has a couple of "tariffs" already. The first can be gleaned by this amazing stat: Over a 15 year period the RCMP went forward with TWO cases of charges of bribery against businesses. TWO! While America and France lead the way in this regard, including the Who's Who of America facing charges and even jail time. The link below explains this and it is from 2011, just to illustrate how dismal Canada is:

Canada ranked worst of G7 nations in fighting bribery, corruption

From the article:

Canada has again been scolded on the international stage for its “lack of progress” in fighting bribery and corruption by a watchdog agency that ranks it among the worst of nearly 40 countries.

Transparency International, a group that monitors global corruption, put Canada in the lowest category of countries with “little or no enforcement” when it comes to applying bribery standards set out by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

A trial set to start this August against an Ottawa man accused of bribery in India would be only the second time a charge has been laid under the act.

Since the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act became law 13 years ago in Canada, a small fine against an Alberta company in 2005 has been the only conviction ever recorded. A trial set to start this August against an Ottawa man accused of bribery in India would be only the second time a charge has been laid under the act.

By contrast, the United States has prosecuted more than 200 companies and individuals, many of them “a veritable who’s who of the corporate world,” according to Peter Dent, a partner at Deloitte and Touche, LLP who also sits on the board of Transparency International.

Canada is also one of a handful of nine countries that explicitly permits so-called “facilitation payments” to foreign officials for acts of a “routine nature” that may be part of their jobs.

So, what does this mean for American workers? It means, bribery, palm greasing and other favours are allowed in Canada. It also illustrates how easily the Federal and Ontario governments can outright give GM $550M of taxpayers funds to take 4000 jobs from Michigan and Ohio and ensure they are in Ontario at two locations (St. Catherines and Oshawa). Wages aren't lower. Regulations are excessive. Costs; especially hydro rates, are astoundingly high. Yet, somehow GM places these jobs in Canada. What is more astounding, this $550M announcement wasn't even spoken of by politicians, it was leaked by a Detroit newspaper! Is this a trade ally that Americans have been lead to believe?

Bribery, corruption, payments and communist funding to businesses to come to Canada is a tariff on competition, the American government and the American worker. These 4000 jobs would create a large revenue source for the U.S government on a yearly basis, stolen by payments by the Canadian government. This is just one example of so many, the feckless "ability" (or outright looking away) of the RCMP to bribery begs the question, "how much bribery and payments are going on in Canada at the behest of the state to ensure jobs go to Canada rather than America?"

The second "Canadian Tariff" involves the security apparatus entering American corporations and undermining their ability to compete and succeed against competition.

This involves primarily creating unhappiness at the place of work and generating interest in unions. Ironically, this is something Trump was a victim of in a few cases when he owned some buildings in New York. In his book "Art of the Deal" he suggests that certain building tenants were being encouraged to create a union, as Trump put it "to increase his costs", which most unions generally do. Canada engages in these tactics against American corporations on Canadian soil, and there is no knowledge of these tactics and the individuals unless someone blows the whistle (something I did a few years ago and continue to do).

So when you hear people suggest "tariffs are bad for business". In general yes, they do add costs, but when they are used to balance an unfair situation they are invaluable. If Canada is engaging in these and many other tactics to steal U.S jobs, how do you think American workers will fare in the long run? A tariff at the border is an overt, clear cut, direct manner in which to "equalize" these underhanded violations of NAFTA which Canada engages in.

What other alternative does America have when Canada undermines and abuses NAFTA? Canada is already the biggest loser in lawsuits against NAFTA, which in and of itself says alot about our system. There are 1000 times more cases of covert, unknown backroom deals that are designed to take jobs and business from America. If America doesn't deal with Canada, along with Mexico and China, it will be a near impossible task to reinvigorate America.
That article was published in 2011 - 6 years ago, when the Conservatives were in power. What does it have to do with the way things are today, under the Liberal Trudeau government?
That article was published in 2011 - 6 years ago, when the Conservatives were in power. What does it have to do with the way things are today, under the Liberal Trudeau government?

You really think it matters which Canadian government is in power? The RCMP, OPP and TPS have been doing what they please without accountability for decades, enabling the government to bribe, steal, cheat and abuse human rights while exuding the facade that we are a democratic country based on rule of law and capitalism.

Canada will continue to steal American jobs and undermine NAFTA until some U.S administration puts an end to the abuses, these changes will not come from within Canada, that you can be sure of.

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