Canada Declares State of Emergency Over Convoy Protesters.

Canuck Donald has been around the RT block before, so frequent it would appear that he’s worn a path from his door to all things Russian! I think he has me on ignore, for either being female or due to previous exchange, hard to know with some of these characters. Lol
I've been begging that commie POS to put me on ignore for months now and he won't do it. He has started to post about the goings on in his own fouled up country though.
Yep. Time to start confiscating their rigs, throwing them in jail, and giving out $1000 a day fines, that none of them can afford, and put them out of business. Hard to make a living with no truck, and no money.

It's an example of them having the luxury of creating passivist dependents long enough
to forget that shit always comes home to roost sooner or later.

You can read their statements and it is like they are appalled someone told them "No".

Yeah. Pretty much. Authoritarians are generally weaklings in the real world. It's why they rely so much on the barrel of a government gun.

It's when they realize that society no longer fears the barrel of a government gun that they lose their shit and crawl under their beds, sucking their thumbs.

But so goes the course of history. Just as it always has...
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You are mistaking me for someone else, you vulgar twit.

I always get your user name mixed up with the one that's very similar.

If it weren't for your little nymph in your sig line, I wouldn't notice and would likely scroll right passed the post.

The other, similar user name, I just scroll passed. It's usually just a bunch of smut from that one anyway, a very low-value poster, historically speaking.
We love them in spite of their misguided nonsense and we hope the police don't whack any of them permanently. Just a little time behind bars in the corner to think about it. Time out.
Which will prove just how fucked up Canada's civil liberties really are.
What do you expect Trudeau's administration to DO? What actions would you support if the protest continues for weeks or longer? I'm specifically speaking of the current behavior continuing. No violence, no looting or property destruction, just civil disobedience. What actions should be justified against that, in your opinion?
Meet the protestors' demands, or put up with the protest.
We love them in spite of their misguided nonsense and we hope the police don't whack any of them permanently. Just a little time behind bars in the corner to think about it. Time out.
America has 2A just in case government gets that Fascist
Small business truck owners sitting in jail moaning about losing their trucks, can be replaced by Unionized Teamsters.
Canada can still afford them.
On whose dime can Canada afford them ??? Remember government has no money of it's own. Everything comes from taxpayer's right ?? So Canada uses taxpayer money against tax payers interest or against the taxpayer's themselves ??

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