Canada is worried about a possible, huge surge in Black and Brown people applying for asylum


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Canada frets over possible huge surge in asylum-seekers: sources

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada fears a huge surge in asylum seekers crossing the border from the United States, putting political pressure on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ahead of a 2019 election, sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

The number of migrants illegally entering Canada more than tripled in July and August, hitting nearly 7,000. Haitians, who face looming deportation from the United States when their temporary protected status expires in January 2018, accounted for much of the inflow.

Two sources familiar with Canadian government thinking said citizens from El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras, who are slated to lose their U.S. protected status in early 2018, may also head north.

"There is concern we'll see a huge increase, mostly from Central America," said one source.

"The question is, which group is next, and how are we going to deal with it, and what is the impact on Canadians?" added the source, who requested anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation.

Most new arrivals are going to the predominantly French-speaking province of Quebec, sparking protests from opposition politicians and anti-immigrant groups.

Trudeau's Liberals need to gain support in Quebec to offset expected losses elsewhere ahead of an October 2019 election.

Asked whether the Liberals were worried about losing popularity in Quebec, the source said: "Absolutely. That's a concern."

But if Trudeau clamps down too far, he risks tarnishing a long-cultivated reputation for openness and tolerance. He pointedly tweeted Canada's welcome of refugees after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled a travel ban in January.

"The government is in a real quandary over this," said a third source familiar with official thinking.

Ottawa has hardened its tone in recent days, warning people not to cross the border since they could well be deported.

Trudeau said Canada was enforcing immigration rules.

"We are an open and welcoming country because citizens have confidence in our immigration and refugee system and we have been able to continue to defend and protect the integrity of that system," he told reporters in Montreal on Wednesday.

He also said Ottawa might accelerate the process of issuing work permits for asylum seekers rather than make them wait for refugee claims to be processed, which now takes several months.

Leger Marketing pollster Christian Bourque said there were no immediate signs that support in Quebec for Trudeau was weakening.

"I think that changes if people do not perceive the government is taking a strong stand," he said.

A Reuters poll in March found nearly half of Canadians want to deport people who are illegally crossing from the United States.

A Haitian-Canadian Liberal legislator is due to visit Miami on Thursday, home to a large expatriate community, in a bid to persuade people to stay put. Officials complain false stories are circulating about how easy it is to be granted permission to stay in Canada...

Let's see how liberal Canada is when they have 13 million or so, mostly unskilled, illegal immigrants who don't speak English or French.
Canada welcomes ALL refugees regardless of their origin.
My advice to any asylum seekers all around the world, head to Canada, they are waiting to greet you with open arms and fill all of your needs.
Who are they seeking asylum from? The only people blacks should fear are other blacks. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be great if blacks all moved to Canada. Let them turn Ottawa into one huge ghetto, we'll clean up their mess here in America once they're gone.
Who are they seeking asylum from? The only people blacks should fear are other blacks. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be great if blacks all moved to Canada. Let them turn Ottawa into one huge ghetto, we'll clean up their mess here in America once they're gone.

Apparently, Black lives don't matter in Canada:

Canada rejects African-American's asylum claim
If Mexico was on Canada's southern border, they would be singing a different tune.
If Mexico was on Canada's southern border, they would be singing a different tune.

Pretty much. Canadian liberals can get on their soap box about open borders, because they already have a giant wall called the United States of America.

And that applies to foreign and defense policy as well. Canada's refusal to participate in our ABM system was shameful, reaping the benefits while refusing to get their hands dirty.
Canada ramps up deportations amid growing migrant influx

TORONTO (Reuters) - As an influx of asylum seekers crossing from the United States strains Canada's immigration system, the country is ramping up its deportation of migrants, government data shows.

Deportations of Mexicans, who have flocked to Canada in growing numbers after a visa requirement was lifted in December, was already 66 percent higher in the first eight months of 2017 than the total from the previous year.

Deportations of Haitians, thousands of whom have crossed into Canada illegally in the hopes of avoiding deportation from the United States, have also soared. Canada has deported 474 so far this year, compared to 100 for all of 2016 when the government lifted its own ban on deportations to Haiti, in place since a devastating 2010 earthquake.

Overall, 5,529 people have been deported as of Tuesday, compared to 7,357 for all of 2016, the data shows.

Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board has called a rise in asylum-seekers through the U.S. border "unsustainable," and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government, fretting about another big surge in asylum claims, has been trying to warn people away...

So much for open borders, eh?
I almost feel sorry for Canadians, I am sure most are just normal people that don't want to see their own culture and society destroyed.

Unfortunately they've elected the greatest Canadian Cuck boy, Justin Turdeau. He's unleashed the globalist Agenda on Canada, and I am sure they are starting to see the effects already. Islamic appeasement, queer-enabling, and socialism.
He was never going to grant them asylum. Canada has strict rules on immigration and they have no problem breaking families apart. Trudeau was just making a snotty jab at Trump. It may have backfired.
It's Canada's turn to babysit the porch monkeys for a while. After they've had 'em for 100 years or so they can pass 'em off to some other country.
We have never had "open borders" nor have we ever claimed our borders were open. It is, in fact, quite difficult to get into Canada.

But we don't discriminate on the basis of race or religion. We don't deny sanctuary to legitimate refugees.
I almost feel sorry for Canadians, I am sure most are just normal people that don't want to see their own culture and society destroyed.

Unfortunately they've elected the greatest Canadian Cuck boy, Justin Turdeau. He's unleashed the globalist Agenda on Canada, and I am sure they are starting to see the effects already. Islamic appeasement, queer-enabling, and socialism.

"Unleashed a globalist agenda"???? What utter bullshit.

As part of the British Empire, We've had a "globalist agenda" since my father fought in World War 1. Canada joined WW1 inn1914 and WWII in 1939. We never cut ties to Cuba or China.

Trudeau made no significant difference from the policies his father started in the 1970's.
I almost feel sorry for Canadians, I am sure most are just normal people that don't want to see their own culture and society destroyed.

Unfortunately they've elected the greatest Canadian Cuck boy, Justin Turdeau. He's unleashed the globalist Agenda on Canada, and I am sure they are starting to see the effects already. Islamic appeasement, queer-enabling, and socialism.

"Unleashed a globalist agenda"???? What utter bullshit.

As part of the British Empire, We've had a "globalist agenda" since my father fought in World War 1. Canada joined WW1 inn1914 and WWII in 1939. We never cut ties to Cuba or China.

Trudeau made no significant difference from the policies his father started in the 1970's.

Perhaps you're right, Canadians have been pushing multiculturalism bullshit for decades now. Canada's minority population has doubled since the mid 90's.
There was an anti-Islam rally in London, Ontario today. The anti-Islamists were out numbered 10-1 by counter protesters. Two members of the hate group were arrested.

London will be passing a by-law banning permits for hate groups.

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