Canada Thwarts a Major Terrorist Attack

Of course they haven't announced yet it an MUSLIM terrorist plot, but we all know it is! Why are the Muslims targetting Canada? I thought the US is the Big Satan?

See what the leftist fools don't want to recognize is this is a clash of civilizations. Islam is hell-bent on conquering the West, India, China and Russia. They want to do it by immigration, rapid breeding, hammering the welfare state, intimidation via terrorist attacks and the last stage will be armed conflict to control the government from within.

Best example is Lebanon. The country that used to be 70% Christian is now 25% Christian at best. There have been civil wars once the Muslims approached 50%. The Christians have been ethnically cleansed and still constantly under attack. More and more Lebanese Christians flee the country each year. Within a decade they will make up less than <10% of the population!

Canada thwarts 'major terrorist attack' with arrests: CBC | Top News | Reuters
Canadian police and intelligence agencies will announce multiple arrests on Monday after an operation to thwart a "major terrorist attack," the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported, citing unidentified "highly placed" sources.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement that they would provide details about a "national security criminal investigation" at a news conference at 3:30 p.m. ET

The statement, which gave no details of arrests, said security forces had conducted joint operations in Toronto and in Montreal, Canada's two biggest cities.

U.S. officials said the alleged plot was not linked with last week's Boston Marathon bombings. CBC said the operations was conducted with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

Your joking right? Canada is also fighting in Afghanistan.

So what are the Algerian's 'guilty' of? See the article in this thread about the attack on the Algerian gas plant.
They were planning to blow up a bridge with a train on it. The train between Toronto and NYC.
Authorities were watching them for months ... no danger to anyone.
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Of course they haven't announced yet it an MUSLIM terrorist plot, but we all know it is! Why are the Muslims targetting Canada? I thought the US is the Big Satan?

See what the leftist fools don't want to recognize is this is a clash of civilizations. Islam is hell-bent on conquering the West, India, China and Russia. They want to do it by immigration, rapid breeding, hammering the welfare state, intimidation via terrorist attacks and the last stage will be armed conflict to control the government from within.

Best example is Lebanon. The country that used to be 70% Christian is now 25% Christian at best. There have been civil wars once the Muslims approached 50%. The Christians have been ethnically cleansed and still constantly under attack. More and more Lebanese Christians flee the country each year. Within a decade they will make up less than <10% of the population!

Canada thwarts 'major terrorist attack' with arrests: CBC | Top News | Reuters
Canadian police and intelligence agencies will announce multiple arrests on Monday after an operation to thwart a "major terrorist attack," the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported, citing unidentified "highly placed" sources.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement that they would provide details about a "national security criminal investigation" at a news conference at 3:30 p.m. ET

The statement, which gave no details of arrests, said security forces had conducted joint operations in Toronto and in Montreal, Canada's two biggest cities.

U.S. officials said the alleged plot was not linked with last week's Boston Marathon bombings. CBC said the operations was conducted with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

Now I can address your OP. Right from the get go up here it was stated that this was an AQ backed terror plot. I don't know what you were getting down there.

We're sort of the mini Satan. :eusa_angel: Okay we gave the world Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.

Alrighty....ok I give on Carly Rae. Sorries.

It's still no reason to blow up a Via passenger train.
Oh cripes looks like they were going to attack a VIA rail train. That's a big deal. I've got two radios going on this. One in French one in English.

This is freaking wild.
How many Tim Horton doughnuts have you eaten to calm your nerves?

On the bright side I am an hours away from a Timmy's. :lol: Or those eclairs would be going down fast

I swear they have the best eclairs...

And then there are tim bits....

What's not to love about Canucks?
good thing or you would be calling for killing of a fifth of the planets inhabitants

Poor TM. Completely incapable of being happy over scumbag Muslims terrorists being caught, you only know how to attack your political opponents.
Of course they haven't announced yet it an MUSLIM terrorist plot, but we all know it is! Why are the Muslims targetting Canada? I thought the US is the Big Satan?

See what the leftist fools don't want to recognize is this is a clash of civilizations. Islam is hell-bent on conquering the West, India, China and Russia. They want to do it by immigration, rapid breeding, hammering the welfare state, intimidation via terrorist attacks and the last stage will be armed conflict to control the government from within.

Best example is Lebanon. The country that used to be 70% Christian is now 25% Christian at best. There have been civil wars once the Muslims approached 50%. The Christians have been ethnically cleansed and still constantly under attack. More and more Lebanese Christians flee the country each year. Within a decade they will make up less than <10% of the population!

Canada thwarts 'major terrorist attack' with arrests: CBC | Top News | Reuters
Canadian police and intelligence agencies will announce multiple arrests on Monday after an operation to thwart a "major terrorist attack," the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported, citing unidentified "highly placed" sources.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement that they would provide details about a "national security criminal investigation" at a news conference at 3:30 p.m. ET

The statement, which gave no details of arrests, said security forces had conducted joint operations in Toronto and in Montreal, Canada's two biggest cities.

U.S. officials said the alleged plot was not linked with last week's Boston Marathon bombings. CBC said the operations was conducted with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

I'll help drive your thread. I started a thread on this as well (lets' let it fall of the page) I'm literally tuned in and waiting for the RCMP news conference.

They will bring it live.

2 suspects one from Toronto and one from Montreal. I'm hearing this in real time so hang in there with me.

so will i

didnt the admin just say

all not so long ago that

alqaeda is on the run
Oh cripes looks like they were going to attack a VIA rail train. That's a big deal. I've got two radios going on this. One in French one in English.

This is freaking wild.
How many Tim Horton doughnuts have you eaten to calm your nerves?

Why is it that people who visit Tim Horton's think that driving rules, traffic Laws, and common driver courtesy no longer applies to them?
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Of course they haven't announced yet it an MUSLIM terrorist plot, but we all know it is! Why are the Muslims targetting Canada? I thought the US is the Big Satan?

See what the leftist fools don't want to recognize is this is a clash of civilizations. Islam is hell-bent on conquering the West, India, China and Russia. They want to do it by immigration, rapid breeding, hammering the welfare state, intimidation via terrorist attacks and the last stage will be armed conflict to control the government from within.

Best example is Lebanon. The country that used to be 70% Christian is now 25% Christian at best. There have been civil wars once the Muslims approached 50%. The Christians have been ethnically cleansed and still constantly under attack. More and more Lebanese Christians flee the country each year. Within a decade they will make up less than <10% of the population!

Canada thwarts 'major terrorist attack' with arrests: CBC | Top News | Reuters
Canadian police and intelligence agencies will announce multiple arrests on Monday after an operation to thwart a "major terrorist attack," the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported, citing unidentified "highly placed" sources.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement that they would provide details about a "national security criminal investigation" at a news conference at 3:30 p.m. ET

The statement, which gave no details of arrests, said security forces had conducted joint operations in Toronto and in Montreal, Canada's two biggest cities.

U.S. officials said the alleged plot was not linked with last week's Boston Marathon bombings. CBC said the operations was conducted with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

Your joking right? Canada is also fighting in Afghanistan.

Even if they weren't they would be targets. Spain pulled out of Afghanistan and they are still targetted!
Of course they haven't announced yet it an MUSLIM terrorist plot, but we all know...

Last I checked: The suspects are not Canadians and their names have been released. No one sounds like a Mooslim

the names I heard on the news tonight were all arab names----maybe they were Christian arabs. :confused:

Canada's authorities say they have arrested and charged two people with conspiring to carry out an "al-Qaeda inspired" attack on a passenger train.

At a news conference, the authorities said the suspects Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, were arrested in Montreal and Toronto on Monday.

BBC News - Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspired' terror attack on train
The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said.

Canadian police foil al Qaeda-backed plot to derail train - Telegraph

Direction and guidance? Lone Wolves? Not big bad tewwowists? Oh how Daffy

yes, yes you are daffy. from the link:

Canadian police have foiled an al Qaeda-backed plot to derail a passenger train in the Toronto area in a "a major terrorist attack", officials said last night.
Gee, Canada thwarts a major attack...after having reduced their government spending as a % of GDP via austerity programs.

I think there's some causality here. Focus on fewer, proper priorities get the job done.
The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said.

Canadian police foil al Qaeda-backed plot to derail train - Telegraph

Direction and guidance? Lone Wolves? Not big bad tewwowists? Oh how Daffy

yes, yes you are daffy. from the link:

Canadian police have foiled an al Qaeda-backed plot to derail a passenger train in the Toronto area in a "a major terrorist attack", officials said last night.

"The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said."

poor right wingers, always trying to spin things into being worse than they are. As if reality can't be bad enough. Poor fools, decades of training in lies and deception and they trip all over themselves trying to make sense out of the world.

I do pity right wingers

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