Canada Thwarts a Major Terrorist Attack

The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said.

Canadian police foil al Qaeda-backed plot to derail train - Telegraph

Direction and guidance? Lone Wolves? Not big bad tewwowists? Oh how Daffy

yes, yes you are daffy. from the link:

Canadian police have foiled an al Qaeda-backed plot to derail a passenger train in the Toronto area in a "a major terrorist attack", officials said last night.

"The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said."

poor right wingers, always trying to spin things into being worse than they are. As if reality can't be bad enough. Poor fools, decades of training in lies and deception and they trip all over themselves trying to make sense out of the world.

I do pity right wingers

I'm pretty certain the Boston bombing brothers were not concerned with the political leanings of their victims and your need to minimize their crime says something very strange about you.
The only diff between the Canadian terror-rats and the Boston Boys is the Canadians were snagged before they could put their plan to action.
A major terrorist attack!


The sky is falling!


I'm sure Canadians, and the people of Boston feel exactly like you do. :ahole-1:

I'm from Boston. :lol:
and not all people are hysterical alarmists. too bad you are.

I've noticed no hysterical alarmists here or in real time but rather real peeps considering what action we can take to protect America from these terror-rats.
I find your shrill and desperate efforts to minimize these attacks to be strange.
Very strange.
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yes, yes you are daffy. from the link:

Canadian police have foiled an al Qaeda-backed plot to derail a passenger train in the Toronto area in a "a major terrorist attack", officials said last night.

"The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said."

poor right wingers, always trying to spin things into being worse than they are. As if reality can't be bad enough. Poor fools, decades of training in lies and deception and they trip all over themselves trying to make sense out of the world.

I do pity right wingers

I'm pretty certain the Boston bombing brothers were not concerned with the political leanings of their victims and your need to minimize their crime says something very strange about you.
The only diff between the Canadian terror-rats and the Boston Boys is the Canadians were snagged before they could put their plan to action.

It says something about you that you would make two young men seem larger than life enemies of America. They were two fuck ups plain and simple/

The difference is the two Boston bombers were as American as any other immigrant. They spent formative years in the USA
I've noticed no hysterical alarmists here on in real time but rather real peeps considering what action we can take to protect America from these terror-rats.
I find your shrill and desperate efforts to minimize these attacks to be strange.
Very strange.

The alarmist and shrill rantings are yours. You can't hear yourself whining and screaming because you are too busy whining and screaming
This isn't about me giving up any rights, Princess, but if you happen to be a Muslim non-citizen it may well affect yours. Clearly you are a supporter of these terror-rats. What a surprise!

Princess? :lol: Wow! I'm crushed. :lol:

btw, no one I know supports the assholes. But other assholes like you are free to slander and libel most everyone who disagrees with why they should live in fear like you and....did you bring your kids into this thread?

I brought all kids into this. In case you missed it, most of the victims were somebody's kids and given the event, that was likely the intent. The question is obvious: do we shrug our shoulders and wait for the next attack or are we proactive in removing your comrades from US soil?
Whose kids will be next?

get a life
Whether the RCMP and FBI were following these Canadian terrorists for awhile or not is not the issue. They have to be on their game 100% of the time (which obviously didn't happen with Boston) - so let them do their thing and knock down these Al Qaeda extremist terrorists. Because if they don't, some plot is going to slip through the cracks again.

They were planning to blow up a bridge with a train on it. The train between Toronto and NYC.
Authorities were watching them for months ... no danger to anyone.

The Boston Bombers wouldn't have been a danger if they were STOPPED!!! These guys weren't a danger SOLELY because they were stopped!
Gee, Canada thwarts a major attack...after having reduced their government spending as a % of GDP via austerity programs.

I think there's some causality here. Focus on fewer, proper priorities get the job done.

we need to get the government back focusing on what they should be focusing on and less focused on our personal lives and choices
"The suspects allegedly received direction and guidance from al Qaeda militants based in Iran, but there was no evidence of a link to the Iranian government, investigators said."

poor right wingers, always trying to spin things into being worse than they are. As if reality can't be bad enough. Poor fools, decades of training in lies and deception and they trip all over themselves trying to make sense out of the world.

I do pity right wingers

I'm pretty certain the Boston bombing brothers were not concerned with the political leanings of their victims and your need to minimize their crime says something very strange about you.
The only diff between the Canadian terror-rats and the Boston Boys is the Canadians were snagged before they could put their plan to action.

It says something about you that you would make two young men seem larger than life enemies of America. They were two fuck ups plain and simple/

You are being willfully ignorant. This isn't about the Boston bombers and I have not over emphsized their significance. They have done their deed and are no longer on my radar. I am concerned, as I have stated, about the next attack which most likely is being planned as we speak. You would have us ignore that, shrug our collective shoulders and resign ourselves to its inevitablity. I am wondering why any "patriot" would do so. I am wondering why anyone in their right mind would do so.
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I think we are witnessing the birth of American Mujaheedeen.

What a moron. A few young men and you are already to give up American freedoms and liberties?

Look who will be in charge: Obama!!!

I'm certainly not suggesting I will surrender any of my "American freedoms and liberties."
I am suggesting that those who aspire to be the next Boston bombers lose theirs.
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