Canada Trucker Convoy for Freedom


Yes the best reactions have been from the left. These idiots parked their vehicles on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, disrespecting our heroes, and they were towed as a result. But most of all, Canadians are pissed because they defaced the Terry Fox Statue.

Canadians, who are more than 80% vaxxed, think this entire protest is a total waste of time, and the nation is laughing at these fools.
Y'all won't be laughing when the shelves run empty
It's not those of us who are vaxxed that are dying. It's the Republican fools who believe the bullshit you're putting out. And yes, Russia, China and Iran are behind the anti-vax crowd's resistance to vaccines. They don't want the USA to get vaxxed and back on track.

Canadian is re-opening today. Because despite the more than 50,000 people per day getting omnicron, few people were hospitalized or died. Unlike the USA where your vaccine resistance is killing 2000 people per day.

Putin must be so pleased about the work you're doing on his behalf!!
The United States has nearly 10x more people. Of course we're going to have more deaths.

Looks like all that vaccine isn't stopping the spread. Eh?
No, I'm fully in favour of freedom. I don't think that the measures that saved our economy and the lives of thousands of Canadians are "bogus" at all. We have 1/3 of the disease and death you had. Our economy isn't crashed.

Our people are a whole lot better informed than Americans who continue to believe the right wing billionaire owned media. Rupert Murdoch and his billionaire buddies are making more money by keeping the pandemic running. Plus they want Trump back in the White House, for the tax cuts, and the low wages.

Canada is fully vaxxed, and ready to roll. We're not rebuilding infrastructure or reconnecting supply chains which were wrecked by the previous administration. We're in the endemic phase of the plague, with all of our global trade deals in place, and the world is beating a path to our door because of our highly educated work force, political stability, universal health care, and low crime rates.

Our next government isn't likely to sew political chaos or tear up our trade deals. Companies looking to locate branch offices in the North American free trade zone, are looking to Canada, not the USA, as their base of operations.
Having 1/3 as many deaths isn't good when we have about 8x more
All around the world..brave people are beginning to ACTIVELY speak out and joinig in protests......


In the Good Ole USA.....not a peep....not even a whimper....but TONS of crying over what's "being done to us" (POOR US) !!!!!!
You'll never see3 that kind of REAL bravery among Rightwingers in the good ole USA. Nope..

Here is a picture that truly represents ALL US Cunservatives.....
The picture below is how they'll look right after their toy guns are taken away from them by a US trans ATF agent.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

God Bless the real brave people of the world who actually shut their faces and Do SOMETHING.
Cowardly Cuntservatives can go F themselves because they deserve everything being done to them.
They won't even protect the children, God forbid the border of their nation or their religion. Not a chance in hell.
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So I was visiting some family today, and sat through an entire show of “ABC nightly news”. Top story was a blizzard in late January, Ukraine’s Russian “invasion” that isn’t happening, Tom Brady possibly retiring, and a few other joke pieces. Zero seconds dedicated to the huge Canadian Truck Convoy protesting against medical tyranny.

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The left is terrified, their WuFlu narrative is falling apart worldwide, the People are sick of their bullshit.
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Why were they so disrespectful at the Canadian Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?



They are shouting WE ARE DONE.........MANDATES ARE DONE...........MASKS ARE DONE,
Well, as predicted it's a nothing burger. The truckers' complaints turned out to be N.A because of the US already not allowing them in without the vaccine, and all of the ones crossing the border were already vaccinated anyway. Now they don't really know what they're doing there?

Also worth noting is that the police have taken over control and the trouble makers with another agenda that's kept hidden so far, are afraid to come out of the closets.

Biggest crimes committed so far are somehow desecrating a memorial and hanging a flag upside down on Terry Fox?

Some answers in the link in case anybody cares anymore?

Most except a few will be going home tonight! What a waste of twuckurs money and diesel fuel.
They're not even together with dislike of Trudeau.
Conservative leader O'Toole has been switching positions on supporting them as fast as the wind changes direction and Bernier only made a bigger ass of himself by supporting violence, as is his character.

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