Canada Trucker Convoy for Freedom

A week of peaceful protests but now the ottawa police must come in and start shooting and arresting these dangerous people.


Truckies are disgracing themselves and their profession in Canada atm.
Carrying on like pork chops.
Should take of their heads and put on pumpkins, because that's what they look like.
I'd be impounding their trucks, see how they'd be liking that..."national security".
No more honking as the army drives their trucks away.
Army in armoured vehicles, in full combat gear...tear gas, rubber bullets, and live bullet squads to take care of would-be takeover militias.
Time to take the country back from the honking terror.
Not only truckies, anti-govt etc protesters seem to have joined
the riot.
Looks like the "keep on marching"
tripe that was allowed in America.

What next, looting and fires?

Time for Trudeau to actually DO something about this anarchy, NOW, before he loses his country.
He should close his borders now lest the American "keep on marching" lot get any bright ideas.

"Oh my Hart, what a mess"!
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Truckies are disgracing themselves and their profession in Canada atm.
Carrying on like pork chops.
Should take of their heads and putt on pumpkins, because that's what they look like.
I'd be impounding their trucks, see how they'd be liking that..."national security".
No more honking as the army drives their trucks away.
Army in armoured vehicles, in full combat gear...tear gas, rubber bullets, and live bullet squads to take care of would-be takeover militias.
Time to take the country back from the honking terror.
Not only truckies, anti-govt etc protesters seem to have joined
the riot.
Looks like the "keep on marching"
tripe that was allowed in America.

What next, looting and fires?

Time for Trudeau to actually DO something about this anarchy, NOW, before he loses his country.
He should close his borders now lest the American "keep on marching" lot get any bright ideas.

"Oh my Hart, what a mess"!
Deal with it, pearl clutching bootlicker....


Truckies are disgracing themselves and their profession in Canada atm.
Carrying on like pork chops.
Should take of their heads and putt on pumpkins, because that's what they look like.
I'd be impounding their trucks, see how they'd be liking that..."national security".
No more honking as the army drives their trucks away.
Army in armoured vehicles, in full combat gear...tear gas, rubber bullets, and live bullet squads to take care of would-be takeover militias.
Time to take the country back from the honking terror.
Not only truckies, anti-govt etc protesters seem to have joined
the riot.
Looks like the "keep on marching"
tripe that was allowed in America.

What next, looting and fires?

Time for Trudeau to actually DO something about this anarchy, NOW, before he loses his country.
He should close his borders now lest the American "keep on marching" lot get any bright ideas.

"Oh my Hart, what a mess"!

Trudeau is a tyrant and must be removed. BLM are the rioters that you refer to. They did kill, rape, pillage, destroy private and public property, looted, etc.
The nature of the protest has dug in, it appears. . . smaller, but more tenacious.

Ottawa: Protest battle lines harden on both sides amid concerns chance for peaceful end has passed​

Corporal Bulford Resigns from his Position of Personal Security of Trudeau with Scathing Speech Citing the Canadian Bill of Rights and his Sworn Oath​

The mask is off.

Canada is a Totalitarian government, just like Australia. . . and soon, the disease will be here.

I wonder what we are going to do?
. . . at this point, the left has become useless, they really don't give a shit about liberty anymore.

Oh please.

Laws are made by elected officials, democracy.
Don't like the laws, lobby to have them changed, legally and peacefully.
Don't like the elected officials, boot them out at the next election.
Oh please.

Laws are made by elected officials, democracy.
Don't like the laws, lobby to have them changed, legally and peacefully.
Don't like the elected officials, boot them out at the next election.
Ruling with an iron fist under "emergency" isn't rule of law or representation, it's totalitarianism....Learn the difference.
Trudeau is a tyrant and must be removed. BLM are the rioters that you refer to. They did kill, rape, pillage, destroy private and public property, looted, etc.
The People of Canada elected him.
Politicians are doing what they think best in the pandemic to keep their People from dying etc.
I believe the Canadian govt is working in good faith to achieve that.
There's no's "make it up as you go along" stuff. "React to every changing day, every changing Covid variant".
It's no easy task.

Time to remove him is at the next election...not by anarchy and rioting in the streets.
What next, "the French Revolution"?
The People of Canada elected him.
Politicians are doing what they think best in the pandemic to keep their People from dying etc.
I believe the Canadian govt is working in good faith to achieve that.
There's no's "make it up as you go along" stuff. "React to every changing day, every changing Covid variant".
It's no easy task.

Time to remove him is at the next election...not by anarchy and rioting in the streets.
What next, "the French Revolution"?
They didn't elect a dictator.

"It's no easy task" isn't an argument to dispense with representative governance for a dictator...Especially one who runs and hides like a pussy child when confronted.
Oh please.

Laws are made by elected officials, democracy.
Don't like the laws, lobby to have them changed, legally and peacefully.
Don't like the elected officials, boot them out at the next election.
Ruling with an iron fist under "emergency" isn't rule of law or representation, it's totalitarianism....Learn the difference.
Freedom is way overrated.
You can't have everyone in a country just doing as they please anywhere and everywhere anytime the like.
They didn't elect a dictator.

"It's no easy task" isn't an argument to dispense with representative governance for a dictator...Especially one who runs and hides like a pussy child when confronted.
He's only one man, there's a ruling party and a parliament.

Many Americans hated Trump, and booted him out at the election...replaced him with leftist Biden/Democrats.
Now many Americans hate that.
It's not white men who are hated, it's the toxic male culture which sees white men as superior to every other person on earth which is hated, and deservedly so. Your sense of entitlement and superiority is your undoing.
And dumb white liberals like you don’t see yourselves as superior and having a sense of entitlement over everyone else?

“Toxic male culture” is what built Western Civilization, which is the most dominant culture on Earth, which every other culture emulates and tries to be like.

You sit here and reap the rewards and benefits of that culture, yet claim you are superior to those that actually built it. I doubt a dumb c**t like you has ever built anything or contributed to society….and even if you did, wouldn’t that make you just as culpable as the so-called “patriarchy” you hate so much?
Freedom is way overrated.
You can't have everyone in a country just doing as they please anywhere and everywhere anytime the like.
There is Freedom and Liberty?

. . . and then there is being lied to, murdered, forced into suicide, robbed, bankrupted, and enslaved. :rolleyes:

Scientists admit: Use of fear to control behavior during the COVID crisis was totalitarian​

Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists​

Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods

Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists​

Then move the fuck to China, you supplicant tool.
Before the pandemic there were rules and restrictions in Canada for many things...parking at City Hall in Ottawa for example.
You couldn't just park where you liked, well you could, but maybe you'd have your car towed and have to pay to get it back.

Freedom...freedom to obey the rules of society.

Parking | City of Ottawa

Regulations and restrictions

Parking permits​

parking permit for visitor, guest, musician and artist loading permit...

The Municipal Parking Management Strategy sets the mandate for the Municipal Parking Management Program. Its objectives include providing affordable, secure, accessible, convenient and appealing public parking in Ottawa. It also encourages alternative modes of transportation. The strategy sets the funding model and provides guidelines for parking rates.


Yes, society functioning in a planned, orderly, and regulated manner.

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