Canadian feminists say Men's Rights Groups are hate groups


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
As long as sex-based affirmative action exists, women have no right to complain and men have plenty.


Men?s rights groups are ?hateful? and ?justify assault?: Student union | Full Comment | National Post

13/05/31 2:57 PM ET

There is, apparently, an ominous threat to female autonomy growing on Canadian campuses, and it masquerades under the guise of “men’s rights awareness.” These deceptive collectives purport to offer support and resources to men in the community, but, according to the Canadian Federation of Students, they actually promote “misogynist, hateful views,” and “justify sexual assault.” Well, then.

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), the union body representing over 500,000 students across the country, will consider this and other matters over the next week as part of its 63rd semi-annual nation general meeting. On the agenda roster is a motion to amend the “Sexual Assault and Violence Against Women on Campus” policy to account for the “increase in the presence” of men’s groups on Canadian campuses.

According to the motion:

“The groups provide environments for sexism, patriarchy, and misogyny to manifest and be perpetuated on campus” and “promote misogynist, hateful views toward women and ideologies that promote gender equity, challenges women’s bodily autonomy, justifies sexual assault, and decries feminism as violent.”

“Messages from these groups claim to be of equality, but are in fact messages that are misogynist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic responses to the challenge of cis-male privilege in society.”
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“Messages from these groups claim to be of equality, but are in fact messages that are misogynist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic responses to the challenge of cis-male privilege in society.”

What the hell do words like cissexist and cis-male mean???
never understood or like, women feminists..... sorry.... I just don't.

in fact I dislike them a lot.
“Messages from these groups claim to be of equality, but are in fact messages that are misogynist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, and homophobic responses to the challenge of cis-male privilege in society.”

What the hell do words like cissexist and cis-male mean???

Beats me. It's your thread LOL.
I'm just a while male conservative. What the fuck do I know?
burning bras and all that rubbish.

they need to go to Victoria Secret me thinks.
Militant feminist groups would know all about promoting "hate". Sounds more like the pot calling the kettle black to me. :eusa_hand:
Go to the hairdresser, have a facial..... buy a nice dress !!!!! Lord why be a feminist? why hate men?

I just don't get it.
I was involved with a "feminist" once. I gave her a set of screwdrivers when I got tired of her bantering about women's rights and she never spoke to me again....:eusa_whistle:
I was involved with a "feminist" once. I gave her a set of screwdrivers when I got tired of her bantering about women's rights and she never spoke to me again....:eusa_whistle:

That's how it works. Feminists talk about equality until the car breaks down or they hear a noise in the basement. Then they run to the men.
Go to the hairdresser, have a facial..... buy a nice dress !!!!! Lord why be a feminist? why hate men?

I just don't get it.

You don't get it because your ideas of what a feminist is are completely out to lunch. You've completely bought into the conservative "femi-nazi" description of feminists. These lies are perpetrated to keep young women from embracing feminists ideals. Feminists don't hate men, don't burn bras, and many of us love nice dresses, makeup and looking good.

Feminism is about equal rights for women - the right to equal opportunities, equal pay, the right to health care, education, and safety, access to loans and mortgages. Before the feminist movement, a woman couldn't buy her own home without of co-signer.

Young women have grown up taking the rights that the feminist movement achieved for them for granted, the opportunities now open to them that were closed to my generation growing up.
Go to the hairdresser, have a facial..... buy a nice dress !!!!! Lord why be a feminist? why hate men?

I just don't get it.

You don't get it because your ideas of what a feminist is are completely out to lunch. You've completely bought into the conservative "femi-nazi" description of feminists. These lies are perpetrated to keep young women from embracing feminists ideals. Feminists don't hate men, don't burn bras, and many of us love nice dresses, makeup and looking good.

Feminism is about equal rights for women - the right to equal opportunities, equal pay, the right to health care, education, and safety, access to loans and mortgages. Before the feminist movement, a woman couldn't buy her own home without of co-signer.

Young women have grown up taking the rights that the feminist movement achieved for them for granted, the opportunities now open to them that were closed to my generation growing up.

you sound just like the woman I have been looking for all my life.

I want to be a kept man. :eusa_pray:
feminists are 100% about rights, not responsibilities. Ever notice when they cry and scream and moan about women in the workforce they only seek equality at the top, like at the CEO position, but never for the dangerous and shitty jobs? It's okay that men dominate mining, because you can get killed, but women need to be at least 50% of the board of directors of the mining company.
feminists are 100% about rights, not responsibilities. Ever notice when they cry and scream and moan about women in the workforce they only seek equality at the top, like at the CEO position, but never for the dangerous and shitty jobs? It's okay that men dominate mining, because you can get killed, but women need to be at least 50% of the board of directors of the mining company.

Bullshit. Women have been fighting for the tough dirty jobs too and taking responsibility the whole time. There are women on the police forces, fire departments, working in construction. I'm young enough to have personally known the first woman elected as a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada, and the first woman to hold office in that organization.

I was one of the first female bank managers in Canada. Today it's common, but it was pretty scary for me when I got the job. I was afraid if I screwed up, it would be that much harder for whoever came after me. I just made myself a promise not to screw up.

Women want to be judged on their abilities, not their sex. My daughter's friend wants to be a welder. She trained for the job and graduated top of her class. She's spent 3 years trying to get a job in the industry. She's strong, fit, and willing to work hard. And she's working as a waitress, not a welder.
Of course Mens' Rights groups are hate groups!! Duh.

I posted in one for months once: it was the most hatefilled group I ever saw anywhere on the Internet in 25 years. These guys SERIOUSLY hated women.

I expect one and all had had their clock well and truly cleaned by some woman who was smarter and better than them. [:)

I was perfectly sure at least two of them were posting from prison! Doubtless on rape or gross domestic violence charges.

All these "men's rights" guys could talk about was domestic violence. They really liked to think about that. Oh, and how MEAN to them women had been, pity-me, pity-me. They were always, always reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllll vague about exactly WHY women had thrown them out of the house, however, I noticed.

The moderators had a hard time because a lot of the threats and remarks these criminals made were illegal, so there was a lot of censorship.
feminists are 100% about rights, not responsibilities. Ever notice when they cry and scream and moan about women in the workforce they only seek equality at the top, like at the CEO position, but never for the dangerous and shitty jobs? It's okay that men dominate mining, because you can get killed, but women need to be at least 50% of the board of directors of the mining company.

Actually feminists are not about rights either. They are about affirmative action. Take from men and give to us. All groups that say they want equal rights, want just the opposite - they want special treatment. Women, negros, hispos, disabled - none of them want equal rights.

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