Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

These disgruntled idiots lead useless lives, have no accomplishments to instill in them a sense of pride, and have low self-esteem because they have no sense of self worth. They recognize themselves as failures.

As a response to this, they identify with the worst refuse of society while accusing anybody not as pitiful as them as harboring one sort of ism or another

It's their way of claiming they are somehow superior to assuage all those feelings of inadequacy that remind them that they aren't.
Rush is right. The goal of the left is to SPREAD MISERY EQUALLY
If that shit would've happened in ANY town even 30-40 years ago, that shit wouldn't have been tolerated.

Even back when Trump was president.


Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it's cool, well, act a fool if ya like
Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you're tough
Well, try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they're gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck
Try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town

Full of good ol' boys, raised up right
If you're looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town

See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won't take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don't
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small town
Nothing racist about it. Sounds like most right wing posters on this board.

Sounds more like people who love America to me.

This ^^^ is the only truthful thing I've ever seen you post.

Exactly what I was just thinking.

More like a statement that it's OK to violently react out of fear.

The song didn't have a single statement like that.

Been a rough summer for the left.

Damn shame.

No, actually I'm loving every minute of it. :D

It does when their race is the biggest crime rate.

White people: This song is racist towards black people!!! 😡

Black people:

...almost a hundred years ago...

Sorry my dude...not an issue in 2023.

Your white virtue signalling faux outrage is duly noted.

Normal people aren't buying it.

The right's idea of standing up for law and order is trading away their rights for a false sense of security.

Are you fucking retarded or something? That statement made no sense at all. How is standing up for law and order "trading away" any rights for a "false sense of security"?

I carry a loaded Glock 19 and have carried that for 12 years. What rights did I "trade away" to carry a pistol? Do you have a conceal carry permit or live in a constitutional carry state? Do you carry a weapon because your local, state, and federal government gives you the right to? Are you trained, armed, and motivated to shoot a motherfucker in the face if it means saving your own miserable life, or the lives of your loved ones?

If you don't, then it's pretty obvious that you "traded away" your right to protect yourself and your family, just because you mistakenly believe the police will magically show up to protect you. Of course I stand up for law and order. But living in the real world like I do, I know the police can't be everywhere at the same time. Therefore I take the personal responsibility of not letting myself end up like you: A potential murder victim. It's the sensible thing to do.
I'm not sorry for triggering you.

And you're bragging about that moral defect. Interesting. Good luck with that. You'll find America has far fewer psychopaths than you think it does.

You didn't "trigger" me. I just told you to fuck off, like I would any other asshole.

And to add to that, I will say "Suck my dick, ya little faggot bitch."
Are you fucking retarded or something? That statement made no sense at all. How is standing up for law and order "trading away" any rights for a "false sense of security"?

I carry a loaded Glock 19 and have carried that for 12 years. What rights did I "trade away" to carry a pistol? Do you have a conceal carry permit or live in a constitutional carry state? Do you carry a weapon because your local, state, and federal government gives you the right to? Are you trained, armed, and motivated to shoot a motherfucker in the face if it means saving your own miserable life, or the lives of your loved ones?

If you don't, then it's pretty obvious that you "traded away" your right to protect yourself and your family, just because you mistakenly believe the police will magically show up to protect you. Of course I stand up for law and order. But living in the real world like I do, I know the police can't be everywhere at the same time. Therefore I take the personal responsibility of not letting myself end up like you: A potential murder victim. It's the sensible thing to do.
It went like this for twenty years in my county. People would get scared of the drugs so they would vote for the law and order sheriff and then vote him out after he jails their kids. You really don't want the kind of aggressive law and order you think you want for yourselves. The fascist shit is for those other people.
That had about as much energy as a Trump rally! One thing nobody can ever say about we patriots, is that we're not passionate. You never see that kind of enthusiasm among the left, unless they're burning down cities and looting stores.

It's the reason why you don't see very many liberal country music fans either because country music lovers basically stand for God, country, and the second amendment.

All three things of what the true America used to stand for and what it will stand for again when we win back our freedom as soon as Trump wins back the white house. 😁
It went like this for twenty years in my county. People would get scared of the drugs so they would vote for the law and order sheriff and then vote him out after he jails their kids. You really don't want the kind of aggressive law and order you think you want for yourselves. The fascist shit is for those other people.

Why not? I have no problem with law-enforcement. My own dad use to terrorize me when I was a kid: He'd drive up to a police station and tell me "They're going to put you in jail." I grew up being afraid of the police, and it caused me to do a lot of stupid shit in my lifetime. I've personally paid for more than my share of new tires for those police cruiser, even broke out of jail once. That cost me four years in the Army.

But as I got older, I began to realize what a shit job those officers had, having to deal with assholes like myself. And I began to respect them for having the courage to put their lives on the line every day. I sure as hell wouldn't want to do that for a living. Now some people see a police car behind them, and they get all nervous and shit. I don't feel that way. I find it reassuring that there are still people who maintain that thin blue line between order and chaos.
Typical Youtube snowflakery. I saw nothing in that video that video that should have required me to log into Youtube and be patronized with a "trigger warning".

I could have sworn that I saw her blurred buttcheeks.
Why not? I have no problem with law-enforcement. My own dad use to terrorize me when I was a kid: He'd drive up to a police station and tell me "They're going to put you in jail." I grew up being afraid of the police, and it caused me to do a lot of stupid shit in my lifetime. I've personally paid for more than my share of new tires for those police cruiser, even broke out of jail once. That cost me four years in the Army.

But as I got older, I began to realize what a shit job those officers had, having to deal with assholes like myself. And I began to respect them for having the courage to put their lives on the line every day. I sure as hell wouldn't want to do that for a living. Now some people see a police car behind them, and they get all nervous and shit. I don't feel that way. I find it reassuring that there are still people who maintain that thin blue line between order and chaos.
These days I barely pay attention to the cops in traffic. I'm an old fuck now with a big gray beard in an old truck. They don't look at me twice. I haven't forgotten how rough it was looking like an outlaw biker. I never was but it didn't stop the cops from hassling me first in any situation.

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