Zone1 Cancelling Church On Christmas?

This made absolutely no sense to me and I'm not a huge church goer myself. However I still know that without Christ there is no Christmas as it's His birth that we're celebrating.

No biggie. My wife is the "Church Lady" of the house and just told me there are three Methodist and one independent churches in town who aren't having services on the Sunday after Christmas Eve.

There may be more, but those were the only four she knew of.
"Then comes Greear, whose 11 multisite churches will be shuttered."
Sounds like he realized he could save a LOT of cash by doing remote services. It also sounds like his parishioners might want to consider other options.
No biggie. My wife is the "Church Lady" of the house and just told me there are three Methodist and one independent churches in town who aren't having services on the Sunday after Christmas Eve.

There may be more, but those were the only four she knew of.

Again, where's the sense in that?
This made absolutely no sense to me and I'm not a huge church goer myself. However I still know that without Christ there is no Christmas as it's His birth that we're celebrating.

Amazing. Canceling Christmas services (Christmas being the reason churches exist) marks these men of the cloth as modern day Pharisees, (separate and/or detached) from actual Christian religion or in keeping with the reason they exist and hold the positions they do. Sad.:(
Amazing. Canceling Christmas services (Christmas being the reason churches exist) marks these men of the cloth as modern day Pharisees, (separate and/or detached) from actual Christian religion or in keeping with the reason they exist and hold the positions they do. Sad.:(

That's because Jesus isn't the king of Christmas anymore,.. it's Santa now. I don't have any issues with the Santa Claus legend itself, but I do have issues with people who act like he's the whole entire reason that Christmas ever existed in the first place.
Again, where's the sense in that?

Because most churches are holding services on Christmas eve. Two of the churches are in between pastors, so they'd have to have a lay person give the sermon on Sunday. The preacher at the church my wife goes to is also visiting relatives out of the country, so same thing.

And it's been down in the lower teens with snow everywhere, which makes it hard for the older folks to get out and about.
We Catholics can go to Mass the night before - Sunday or holy days, so about half of all Catholics will not actually go to Church on Christmas day. Apparently some Prods have the same custom, and if so, not having services on Christmas Day is understandable, but wrong-headed. Of course, I guess it's relevant that our priests do not have wives or kids, which would make it quite a sacrifice for a minister to do a Christmas Eve plus a Christmas service.

Parenthetically, I would advise clergy-people to focus on the Nativity, to the exclusion of the customary "Christmas" stuff...the tree, gifts, red and green lights, Santa Clause, and all that.
We Catholics can go to Mass the night before - Sunday or holy days, so about half of all Catholics will not actually go to Church on Christmas day. Apparently some Prods have the same custom, and if so, not having services on Christmas Day is understandable, but wrong-headed. Of course, I guess it's relevant that our priests do not have wives or kids, which would make it quite a sacrifice for a minister to do a Christmas Eve plus a Christmas service.

Parenthetically, I would advise clergy-people to focus on the Nativity, to the exclusion of the customary "Christmas" stuff...the tree, gifts, red and green lights, Santa Clause, and all that.

Oh they do focus on the Nativity. In fact, just about every Christmas service I can remember going to starts with the same story: "And it came to pass in that day that the Roman Emperor what'shisname decreed that a census should be taken..."

I was just kidding my wife about that earlier today, and she gave me that "you're going to hell" look. :laughing0301:
Oh they do focus on the Nativity. In fact, just about every Christmas service I can remember going to starts with the same story: "And it came to pass in that day that the Roman Emperor what'shisname decreed that a census should be taken..."

Lol without looking it up,.. wasn't his name Cesar?
Yeah, that guy. But then every Roman Emperor was named Caesar somethingorother.

Or Somethingorother Caesar.

You know if I were to sum up the Nativity Story in my own words it would be a train wreck because my memory isn't so good with remembering all of the little details,.. but now I should write it up for giggles. :badgrin:
You know if I were to sum up the Nativity Story in my own words it would be a train wreck because my memory isn't so good with remembering all of the little details,.. but now I should write it up for giggles. :badgrin:

Just start with the Caeser's census part first, and it'll all fall into place.

BTW, did I tell you? It wasn't the Jews who killed Christ, it was the Italians.
I'm not religious, but when I was little...........if Cmas was on a Saturday or a Sunday, churches were SO PACKED, there were people standing in the isles and even out the front door!!! Most churches would make their utility and rent money from this for the next three to six months.........just off of Cmas being on a Sunday!!

I would expect that a church would be exstatically and hysterically happy that Cmas is on a Sunday. A "double whammy" as we would call it when I was younger.

As I've said all my life.............religion is a multi-faceted business. And just like the government and it's politicians...........religious organizations and their "leaders" only care about people when they need the money to be rolling in. They roll in the dough, while their "flocks" fight to pay rent or buy food.....and that alone tells me everything I need to know about religion.
Here it is for those of you who haven't seen it or read it already,.. my retelling of the Nativity story.


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