CANCER FOR CASH: Explosive Photo Exposes Big Tobacco’s African Money Drops


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
EXCLUSIVE: The world’s largest tobacco peddler has been caught moving millions of dollars in cash across international borders. In this special New Matilda investigation, Michael Gillard speaks to an insider with detailed knowledge of the operation, and explosive photographic evidence.

BRITISH American Tobacco paid ex-SAS soldiers and gun-totting rebels to protect the secret movement of millions of dollars in cash to fund its operation in east Africa, a whistle-blower has told New Matilda.

Paul Hopkins, a former special forces soldier employed by BAT from 2001 to 2014, revealed how dressed as a priest with a weapon under his cassock he secretly crossed on foot from Uganda into the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to deliver US$2m in a ruck sack.

He said he also loaded up to five million dollars onto a light aircraft that was flown “under the radar” to a remote airstrip where Congolese rebels armed with AK-47s escorted the cash to BAT’s jungle base.

“These drops had to be illegal, that amount across an international border without any government being aware of it. It had been going on before I joined,” said Hopkins, who admits making up to five trips, including two on foot.

The undeclared movement of large amounts of cash across international borders is an offence in many countries and BAT may also have breached money-laundering laws.

The revelations come as the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) yesterday announced a formal corruption investigation into BAT’s African operation based on Hopkins’ other allegations of bribery to undermine anti-smoking laws.

Last week BAT completed a multi-billion dollar “transformational deal” to buy a rival cigarette manufacturer making it one of the world’s biggest tobacco companies.

The secret cash drops will now form part of the SFO probe into whether BAT was involved in systematic bribery and corruption in Africa.
CANCER FOR CASH: Explosive Photo Exposes Big Tobacco’s African Money Drops - New Matilda

This is going to be interesting to watch unfold.

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