Cancer in the water

Well the one you have is not it. You know those in control of congress and the Admin and T. Say goodbye to all public parks, and those faces on MT Rushmore, will be of Tump, Donald Jr , Ivanka, Jared, and Erick. Wont that be sick sight.
Does that load of shit you push get pretty heavy for you at times?

How is that a load of shit? the bombs that Bushwacker and Obomination were dropping on innocent civilains are still dropping,he has not yet got rid of the evil CIA,FBI,or the FED who are the REASON the world is in the mess it is today besides our country,till he gets rid of these evil institutions and prosecutes these criminals in washington who run the country,he is no different than those two evil bastards.

Unlike her,I am willing to give him a chance and see him do that by his first term but from many of the things he has done so far as of now,i dont see that happening.
Penelope is Trump paranoid and it is obvious the Trump haters are 'pushing around a heavy load of shit'.

Yeah i see what you are saying on her being paranoid on Trump

I myself am not a Trump hater or a Trump supporter but yeah I notice how she ignores facts that Trump never made fun of that one media guy who had a disability even though a thread was made about it proving he makes that same gesture ALL THE TIME in all his speechs with others but as I said,till he gets rid of the FBI,CIA and the FED,i see him no different than those murdering assholes Bush and Obama. Till he does that,he has proved nothing.
All of our federal agencies have their place, they simply need to keep in mind that the 'we the people' are who they are suppose to protect from enemies of liberty whether they be internal ones or external ones.
EPA is not one in the same as states environmental quality agencies. IT is up to the people to insure that their legislators are placing laws to protect them

We need to a strong EPA.
We need a Congress that will put strict limits in place and no exemptions given by EPA, FDA or any other bs agency that refuses to buck these creeps poisoning everyone.

Well the one you have is not it. You know those in control of congress and the Admin and T. Say goodbye to all public parks, and those faces on MT Rushmore, will be of Tump, Donald Jr , Ivanka, Jared, and Erick. Wont that be sick sight.

Yeah I hate to admit this but from what I have seen so far I have to agree. Till Trump at least TRIES to get rid of the CIA ,the FBI and the FED,he is no different than each president since Reagan who like i said got the ball rolling for the destruction of uncomfortable truth for the american sheep.

Every single president since Reagan has been an evil corrupt bastard willing to serve their puppet masters instead of the people which is why they were all rewarded with a second term. another sad truth the sheep dont want to hear. Bush the exception but in reality he was running the country by Reagans second term since he has alzheimers.:biggrin:

Yeah , but stop and remember Trump has loads and loads of things he is having to UNDO he can't do it all over night, or do it all in just a year.
Obama has done so , so much damage and has put roots so deeply they are very hard to quickly un do just look at the health care bs Trump can't undo.

That should be the first visual of how deeply embedded that pos has rooted everything into their favor and not ours so to speak.

I see what you are saying but you do know that he has ties to the Zionists right? every president we have had since LBJ has given aide to Israel which is WHY they have all stayed alive and our last REAL president we had who cut off aide to them,paid the price for it on nov 22nd knowing that,I dont have much hope for him being any different than Bush or Obama.

I wont say that his ties to them automatically makes him bad,i am just saying that does not bode well for us. I am hoping that he doesnt really like Israel that he is just playing them so he could get elected since without their support,he would not have got selected the seat of office.I am going to give him the benefit on the doubt that he is just playing them but I wont hold my breath on it though.

I dont trust him as I did Ron Paul who has always been a patriot and true american.Paul was demonized by the CIA media because HE came out and told the truth that we need to get rid of the CIA,FBI and Fed so I know HE was for the american people as kennedy was. I am not so sure that Trump is for us as Paul is. I would for sure have hope for the future if Paul had been elected since he as well is not a supporter of Israel but since Trump is all we had to go with as the alternative to the evil witch,thats who i am stuck with whether i like it or not.

btw,did you get my last PM?
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Well the one you have is not it. You know those in control of congress and the Admin and T. Say goodbye to all public parks, and those faces on MT Rushmore, will be of Tump, Donald Jr , Ivanka, Jared, and Erick. Wont that be sick sight.
Does that load of shit you push get pretty heavy for you at times?

How is that a load of shit? the bombs that Bushwacker and Obomination were dropping on innocent civilains are still dropping,he has not yet got rid of the evil CIA,FBI,or the FED who are the REASON the world is in the mess it is today besides our country,till he gets rid of these evil institutions and prosecutes these criminals in washington who run the country,he is no different than those two evil bastards.

Unlike her,I am willing to give him a chance and see him do that by his first term but from many of the things he has done so far as of now,i dont see that happening.
Penelope is Trump paranoid and it is obvious the Trump haters are 'pushing around a heavy load of shit'.

Yeah i see what you are saying on her being paranoid on Trump

I myself am not a Trump hater or a Trump supporter but yeah I notice how she ignores facts that Trump never made fun of that one media guy who had a disability even though a thread was made about it proving he makes that same gesture ALL THE TIME in all his speechs with others but as I said,till he gets rid of the FBI,CIA and the FED,i see him no different than those murdering assholes Bush and Obama. Till he does that,he has proved nothing.
All of our federal agencies have their place, they simply need to keep in mind that the 'we the people' are who they are suppose to protect from enemies of liberty whether they be internal ones or external ones.

we were doing excelllent and fine as a country before all these corrupt government unnessary evil institutions like the CIA,FBI,IRS and others came along and ever since the fed got created in 1913,:mad:we have NOT been a free country since 1913 despite what our corrupt schools and our corrupt government brainwashes the american sheep on.we have been a facist dictarship.the last president who stood up to the fed and tried to get rid of them paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963:mad:

I would feel confidant of our future had Ron Paul got elected because like i said he is a patriot and knows they are evil organizations that need to be abolished for us to be a free country again. Till Trump gets rid of them,I consider him no different that each president since LBJ.there to serve his masters instead of the people and follow the constitution.

whatever happens with Trump though and is he turns out to be no different than Bush or Obama,one thing i for sure wont say is that I wish hillery had got elected because I KNOW nothing would have changed with her so i wont have any regrets on him getting elected THIS round
EPA is not one in the same as states environmental quality agencies. IT is up to the people to insure that their legislators are placing laws to protect them

We need to a strong EPA.
We need a Congress that will put strict limits in place and no exemptions given by EPA, FDA or any other bs agency that refuses to buck these creeps poisoning everyone.

Well the one you have is not it. You know those in control of congress and the Admin and T. Say goodbye to all public parks, and those faces on MT Rushmore, will be of Tump, Donald Jr , Ivanka, Jared, and Erick. Wont that be sick sight.

Yeah I hate to admit this but from what I have seen so far I have to agree. Till Trump at least TRIES to get rid of the CIA ,the FBI and the FED,he is no different than each president since Reagan who like i said got the ball rolling for the destruction of uncomfortable truth for the american sheep.

Every single president since Reagan has been an evil corrupt bastard willing to serve their puppet masters instead of the people which is why they were all rewarded with a second term. another sad truth the sheep dont want to hear. Bush the exception but in reality he was running the country by Reagans second term since he has alzheimers.:biggrin:

Yeah , but stop and remember Trump has loads and loads of things he is having to UNDO he can't do it all over night, or do it all in just a year.
Obama has done so , so much damage and has put roots so deeply they are very hard to quickly un do just look at the health care bs Trump can't undo.

That should be the first visual of how deeply embedded that pos has rooted everything into their favor and not ours so to speak.

did you see this?

Trump to sign executive order putting two decades of national monuments in jeopardy

Not much reason to think he is any different than Bush or Obama.

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