Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

Ah, the Trumpletons are all aflutter. Candace sells them all the stupid, racist "plantation" stuff they so loved for decades to hear. That way they find their projection of their racism confirmed - after all, they want nothing more than to free them N****** from the "Democrat Plantation". And that's when they decide that Candace is all factual and intelligent.

Trumpletons. Deplorable, pathetic, and too weak to handle the truth about themselves. That's why they love - LOVE - Candace, for she relieves them of that part of growing up.

What's funny is you are the classic example of the bury your head in the sand political operative. No wonder you call yourself olde europe, you wish to return the world back to the way you liked it.....serfs, and lords. I hate to break it to ya silly boy, but those days are over.


1.spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
2.devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
3.excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
4.the desire for national advancement or political independence.
5..the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations. idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.

the definition of nationalism
Yeah, white racists.

Poor billo, no real argument, only lies. Sad dude, really sad.
Ah, the Trumpletons are all aflutter. Candace sells them all the stupid, racist "plantation" stuff they so loved for decades to hear. That way they find their projection of their racism confirmed - after all, they want nothing more than to free them N****** from the "Democrat Plantation". And that's when they decide that Candace is all factual and intelligent.

Trumpletons. Deplorable, pathetic, and too weak to handle the truth about themselves. That's why they love - LOVE - Candace, for she relieves them of that part of growing up.

What's funny is you are the classic example of the bury your head in the sand political operative. No wonder you call yourself olde europe, you wish to return the world back to the way you liked it.....serfs, and lords. I hate to break it to ya silly boy, but those days are over.

Non-pertinent, non-responsive, not the first clue as to what my nick references ("Old Europe" - Rumsfeld), but oh-so cock-sure about its meaning, followed by a personal insult to seal the deal.

Ah, the Trumpletons are all aflutter. Candace sells them all the stupid, racist "plantation" stuff they so loved for decades to hear. That way they find their projection of their racism confirmed - after all, they want nothing more than to free them N****** from the "Democrat Plantation". And that's when they decide that Candace is all factual and intelligent.

Trumpletons. Deplorable, pathetic, and too weak to handle the truth about themselves. That's why they love - LOVE - Candace, for she relieves them of that part of growing up.

What's funny is you are the classic example of the bury your head in the sand political operative. No wonder you call yourself olde europe, you wish to return the world back to the way you liked it.....serfs, and lords. I hate to break it to ya silly boy, but those days are over.

Non-pertinent, non-responsive, not the first clue as to what my nick references ("Old Europe" - Rumsfeld), but oh-so cock-sure about its meaning, followed by a personal insult to seal the deal.


Pretty much every post you make is an insult to the intellect, so enjoy the comebacks. They are all you deserve.
The fbi does not say that
Oh really?

Far-right violence now a bigger threat to the US than Daesh and Al Qaeda
According to recent FBI data, white supremacists in the US have committed far more killings than members of groups like Al Qaeda and Daesh.

Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat. The numbers don’t lie.
The fact is right-wing extremists collectively have been responsible for more than 70 percent of the 427 extremist-related killings over the past 10 years, far outnumbering those committed by left-wing extremists or domestic Islamist extremists — even with the sharp rise of Islamist-extremist killings in the past five years.
The fbi does not say that
Oh really?

Far-right violence now a bigger threat to the US than Daesh and Al Qaeda
According to recent FBI data, white supremacists in the US have committed far more killings than members of groups like Al Qaeda and Daesh.

Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat. The numbers don’t lie.
The fact is right-wing extremists collectively have been responsible for more than 70 percent of the 427 extremist-related killings over the past 10 years, far outnumbering those committed by left-wing extremists or domestic Islamist extremists — even with the sharp rise of Islamist-extremist killings in the past five years.

FBI director says homegrown extremists are 'primary terrorist threat' to U.S.
The fbi does not say that
Oh really?

Far-right violence now a bigger threat to the US than Daesh and Al Qaeda
According to recent FBI data, white supremacists in the US have committed far more killings than members of groups like Al Qaeda and Daesh.

Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat. The numbers don’t lie.
The fact is right-wing extremists collectively have been responsible for more than 70 percent of the 427 extremist-related killings over the past 10 years, far outnumbering those committed by left-wing extremists or domestic Islamist extremists — even with the sharp rise of Islamist-extremist killings in the past five years.
Far right does not equal alt right and no where did you provide evidence that the fbi says alt right extremists are the greatest threat to the nation.

You are a fool and fail massively boy.
No you haven't liar.

You have spouted ignorant opinions with no evidence at all
Just because you don't like my evidence, doesn't mean I haven't provided any.
True the fact is you have not provided any.

It is not what I say it is fact and reality

You stated something which none of your links support.

And one more time the alt right is not the extreme right

Get your shit straight dumbass
Poor billo, no real argument, only lies. Sad dude, really sad.
I've provided enough evidence to prove my point. If you're too pussy to read it, that's not my problem.

No, you haven't. All you have been able to come up with are opinions rendered by people who are either ignorant, political operatives, or outright fraudsters who's work has long since been shown to be false.

So, that leaves a question about you....are you a political operative, or just a moron?
No, you haven't. All you have been able to come up with are opinions rendered by people who are either ignorant, political operatives, or outright fraudsters who's work has long since been shown to be false.

So, that leaves a question about you....are you a political operative, or just a moron?
Prove it, asshole, prove it! Prove they are ignorant. Prove they are political operatives. Prove they are outright fraudsters. Prove their work has shown to be false. Go ahead, I'll wait....

...need more time? You got it!
True the fact is you have not provided any.

It is not what I say it is fact and reality

You stated something which none of your links support.

And one more time the alt right is not the extreme right

Get your shit straight dumbass
You're a fucked up little troll who brings nothing to the conversation.
Let me make my position more clear, in case there is any confusion. From Muslim bans to immigrants at the border to your fanatical support for this white supremacist in the White House, you people are fucked up racists and you should do what they did in the movie Inglorious Bastards, which is carve a fucking Swastika on your forehead so people can see at a glance your real intentions.
The fbi does not say that
Oh really?

Far-right violence now a bigger threat to the US than Daesh and Al Qaeda
According to recent FBI data, white supremacists in the US have committed far more killings than members of groups like Al Qaeda and Daesh.

Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat. The numbers don’t lie.
The fact is right-wing extremists collectively have been responsible for more than 70 percent of the 427 extremist-related killings over the past 10 years, far outnumbering those committed by left-wing extremists or domestic Islamist extremists — even with the sharp rise of Islamist-extremist killings in the past five years.


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