Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

Damn, she was GREAT! I have a new favorite!

Without a doubt. This woman has a big future in front of her no matter what path she chooses

Anne Coulter can and probably has given her tips on how to milk more money out of the rightwing echo chamber. She’ll make plenty of money, no doubt about that.

You're just pissed all the youth in your party wear black masks and carry clubs instead of actually being politically proactive and genuine to their cause.

Her entire rant is based on the belief that all those Jim Crow era Democrat voters packed up their bags and became the current Democratic party in the north. Which is wrong and stupid. All those deep south racists became republicans after Lyndon Johnson signed on Civil Rights and are still down there celebrating the confederacy and preaching hate and fear of brown people. That speech could have been lifted straight out of any Ann Coulter or Pam Gellar book.

You are such a Dupe.....

The democrats have always been the Real Racist....

You thrive by pitting one group against another....

You Tards are all vile vulgar organisms.....
Candice Owens speaking truth to power

She's just another sellout. Blacks can sellout too not just whites.

"I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists."

Diversity of thought must be nipped in the bud. People of color cannot be allowed to think for themselves. Thus speaketh the liberal overlords.
Candice Owens speaking truth to power

She's just another sellout. Blacks can sellout too not just whites.

"I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists."

A sellout? Who is she selling out?
Same group Condi Rice, Omarosa and Ben Carson sold out to. Colon Powell too.

in other words they educated themselves.
They sold out. I have money and I’m white and I still could never vote gop.

But you're perfectly willing, as a democrat, to tell people of color how they have to think and speak. I guess that DOES make you unfit to be a Republican.
They are willing to sellout for money. No shame in that we all sellout everyday when we go to work for the man.

Every man for himself.

If you can’t beat them join them

For "the man". Oh, brother. If it upsets you, why don't you BE "the man".

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

First off God is real...……...….

Candace Owens is a Wonderful decent person....

She is extremely intelligent and beautiful to boot...

People like her are the democrats worst nightmare.

Her grandfather is a Saint.

To live through the times he did and suffer the things he did

and yet have no hate in his heart for the White man......

This man will go straight to Heaven.

He sets an example few could follow......
I Haven't said a single thing attacking Crazy Candace's personal character. i am confident in the ideas of the Democrats that they can win out and win black votes as they have before & always will!

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.

Yeah, the media get a couple pics of skinheads and Nazis, then shows them on CNN and MSNBC every 30 minutes all day long and you think there's an epidemic of Nazis. You're believing your own propaganda. Sad.
those on the left seek to censor conservative ideas because they cannot refute conservative ideas!

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.



1.spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
2.devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
3.excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
4.the desire for national advancement or political independence.
5..the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations. idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.

the definition of nationalism

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.

People who are nationalists do NOT wear Nazi memorabilia. Only short sighted morons think that. Now, people who try to co-opt the name do, perhaps, but they limit their "nationalism" to a specific race, which does not apply to any nation, therefore they are not really nationalists, they are racists.
She's just another sellout. Blacks can sellout too not just whites.

"I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists."

A sellout? Who is she selling out?
Same group Condi Rice, Omarosa and Ben Carson sold out to. Colon Powell too.

in other words they educated themselves.
They sold out. I have money and I’m white and I still could never vote gop.

But you're perfectly willing, as a democrat, to tell people of color how they have to think and speak. I guess that DOES make you unfit to be a Republican.
Stop using the term “people of color”.

It is a leftist academia term in the same vein as “Islamophobia”.

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.

you never been outside your town...

Go down south and tell us where they are at?
A sellout? Who is she selling out?
Same group Condi Rice, Omarosa and Ben Carson sold out to. Colon Powell too.

in other words they educated themselves.
They sold out. I have money and I’m white and I still could never vote gop.

But you're perfectly willing, as a democrat, to tell people of color how they have to think and speak. I guess that DOES make you unfit to be a Republican.
Stop using the term “people of color”.

It is a leftist academia term in the same vein as “Islamophobia”.
Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims,

She completely and utterly wrecked their biggest election platform.

If God were real I would thank him deeply for this womans rise to prominence.

She made a fool of herself. She's the one who brought up Hitler. If she doesn't think nationalists are Nazis, then why do so many of them wear Nazi memorabilia? Why do many of them have swastika tattoos? And she is full of shit about nationalists not killing their own, if she define's "own" as fellow Americans. There are many examples of this all over the country. Charlettesville, Portland, Mississippi, etc.

LOL, she made them (and you) look stupid. She and Ben Shapiro are better than anyone you have.
Yeah, the media get a couple pics of skinheads and Nazis, then shows them on CNN and MSNBC every 30 minutes all day long and you think there's an epidemic of Nazis. You're believing your own propaganda. Sad.
It's not propaganda. You got groups like the Proud Boy's going around acting like Brownshirts. White nationalists don't like anyone who isn't white. Nazis didn't like anyone who wasn't an Aryan German. White nationalists don't like American Muslim's. Nazis didn't like German Jews. And it's more than just a couple skinheads.

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