Candace Owen's completely DESTROYS the Democrat party at today's hearing.

You're just pissed all the youth in your party wear black masks and carry clubs instead of actually being politically proactive and genuine to their cause.
Her entire rant is based on the belief that all those Jim Crow era Democrat voters packed up their bags and became the current Democratic party in the north. Which is wrong and stupid. All those deep south racists became republicans after Lyndon Johnson signed on Civil Rights and are still down there celebrating the confederacy and preaching hate and fear of brown people. That speech could have been lifted straight out of any Ann Coulter or Pam Gellar book.
Democrats never changed they just changed the laws. Building codes keep blacks in one area, dems destroyed education, keeping blacks uneducated, welfare destroyed fathers at home.
All cries of racial oppression are still coming from towns run by democrats. Facts

Remember it was the Democrat party who promoted single-parent families. Single-parent families are directly related to crime and poverty. That's just where the Democrats want to keep them, but the blacks think the Democrats are doing them a favor. Candace is one of the few that figured that out.
I used to feel bad for black people but I’m
Coming to the conclusion that they might be more racist and corrupt then the white democrats.
They hate their kind even more. Look at hank Johnson face when Candace owens was speaking .. the hate in that mans face wow

She's a black woman who sounds just as ignorant and racist as you do

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter.[7][35][36][37] She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation".[26][35] She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism.[35][38] Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans.[11][26][34] She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK.[34] In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left."[34] An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"

Same exact talking points.

I hope she goes and debates the black liberal community but like Ben Carson she will just talk to the white people who love to hear her minstrel show.
She’s talking about issue that are affecting the black community. I know this bothers you.
You're just pissed all the youth in your party wear black masks and carry clubs instead of actually being politically proactive and genuine to their cause.
Her entire rant is based on the belief that all those Jim Crow era Democrat voters packed up their bags and became the current Democratic party in the north. Which is wrong and stupid. All those deep south racists became republicans after Lyndon Johnson signed on Civil Rights and are still down there celebrating the confederacy and preaching hate and fear of brown people. That speech could have been lifted straight out of any Ann Coulter or Pam Gellar book.
Democrats never changed they just changed the laws. Building codes keep blacks in one area, dems destroyed education, keeping blacks uneducated, welfare destroyed fathers at home.
All cries of racial oppression are still coming from towns run by democrats. Facts

Remember it was the Democrat party who promoted single-parent families. Single-parent families are directly related to crime and poverty. That's just where the Democrats want to keep them, but the blacks think the Democrats are doing them a favor. Candace is one of the few that figured that out.
I used to feel bad for black people but I’m
Coming to the conclusion that they might be more racist and corrupt then the white democrats.
They hate their kind even more. Look at hank Johnson face when Candace owens was speaking .. the hate in that mans face wow

She's a black woman who sounds just as ignorant and racist as you do

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter.[7][35][36][37] She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation".[26][35] She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism.[35][38] Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans.[11][26][34] She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK.[34] In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left."[34] An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"

Same exact talking points.

I hope she goes and debates the black liberal community but like Ben Carson she will just talk to the white people who love to hear her minstrel show.
Wha you spout is a reason the Black community is what it is. If you think that the endless adulation of people like Snoop Dog and others with vicious mouths is going to end well then you are the fool. Snoop is a rich man. But he uses the technology that comes from Asia to do it. And provides for not much for others in doing so. And that is where the real money is. You are going to be real pizzed if ever a massive decrease in government outlays ever occurs. That Uncle Tom stuff is so old. Its time to move on and really make America great again together
NO one knows who will win the next election. we wont know if there is a democrat that presents a winning platform, or if Trump will. PS never heard of Owens, she has a right to her views like I to mine. if she supports Hitler's views that's a non starter for me.
Apparently there isn't an honest person among the dems and liberals, because she clearly showed no support for HITLER.

The proposition is/was inherently STUPID.

Of course she did not show any support for HITLER.

Not by any stretch of the imaginiation.

These people are competing in a sad contest of dishonesty vs. stupidity.

Democrats are born liars.

Trump said he was a nationalist which is somebody who is dedicated to his country, and the MSM turned that into Trump saying he was a white nationalist.

Trump said Mexico is sending us their murderers and rapists, the left said Trump called all Mexican people murderers and rapists.

Trump said there were some good people protesting the tearing down of a statue, and the lying left said Trump called white supremacists good people.

They can't help themselves. It's almost like a disease. They are simply born liars.

I loved in an interview with a Leftist Media hack , Trump was responding to this idea that he called al Mexicans rapists.

" Somebody is doing the raping." :iyfyus.jpg:

" They are NOT sending their best".

By the way? Even sending the best is not acceptable. It is NOT How you enter a nation and show respect and it is grossly unfair to those in the queue seeking legal and proper entry.
Why is it that only a black woman gets to speak for any conservatives?

Why can’t white nationalists speak for themselves?
Because libturd morons will shout them down, scream them down, and talk over them. That's if the libturd morons don't sucker punch them from behind before they have a chance to speak out. Seriously, are you that stupid and blind you have not seen this shit going on?
Why is it that only a black woman gets to speak for any conservatives?

Why can’t white nationalists speak for themselves?
White nationalists? Goodness do you stool samples ever stop parroting the media?

Here you go, from the liberal wikipedia.

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Candice Owens speaking truth to power

She's just another sellout. Blacks can sellout too not just whites.

"I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists."

A sellout? Who is she selling out?
Same group Condi Rice, Omarosa and Ben Carson sold out to. Colon Powell too.

Why? Because they chose to be successful and not the ignorant "victims' the rest of the progressives want blacks to be?

You are a clown.
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack


One;y a political hack could see that and see the hacks in Nadler and Lieu and that ugly woman who was agreeing with the smear tactic.

#Blexit has you all trembling and arguing for open borders.

She is far from a hack. As you shall learn in coming months , once you digest Trump's 100% vindication from Mueller.
Prager University

Blatant RW propaganda
^^^^Blantant commie bastard and American hater!^^^^^
Very impressive testimony

She blew it when she claimed in her opening statement to be nonpartisan and immediately went into the conservative misinformation of the “Democrat KKK” and the “Democrat Jim Crow Laws”
She couldn’t even differentiate between the “Democrat” Party and “Democratic” Party

Political hack


One;y a political hack could see that and see the hacks in Nadler and Lieu and that ugly woman who was agreeing with the smear tactic.

#Blexit has you all trembling and arguing for open borders.

She is far from a hack. As you shall learn in coming months , once you digest Trump's 100% vindication from Mueller.
Prager University

Blatant RW propaganda
Prager is a very intelligent Patriot. Not surprised you can't don't like the truth.
Hé is a patriot?

Did he ever fight for his country?
Did Blow Job Clinton.....
Ted Cruz is right.

DemRats are the lowest of the low.

Ted Cruz‏Verified account @tedcruz

Sad. House Dems gavel down a Black woman, trying to silence her from defending herself after they call her “despicable.” Brings back particularly ugly chapters in the history of the Democratic Party.

6:11 AM - 10 Apr 2019
The Hill ^ | 4/10/19

A clip of a confrontation between conservative activist Candace Owens and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) has become the most-viewed C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing ever, according to C-SPAN.

“In less than 24 hours, this video is the most watched C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing (4.47 million views),” Jeremy Art, C-SPAN’s social media senior specialist, said on Twitter.

During the exchange, Lieu questioned the appropriateness of Owens’s presence at the hearing, playing a clip of her from December discussing the difference between "nationalism" and "globalism" using Adolf Hitler as an example.

"If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine," she said, and suggested that the Nazi leader erred in trying to expand beyond Germany.

Owens responded by accusing Lieu of believing "that black people are stupid” and accusing him of not playing the “full clip,” prompting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) to cut her off and warning her not to “refer disparagingly” to a member of the committee.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And Nadler LIED...she called no one on the committee stupid, OR DISPARAGINGLY. ..although she should have!!!

Sounds like Lieu is working for mainland China as a spy and provocateur for the PLA [People's Liberation Army].
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The Hill ^ | 4/10/19

A clip of a confrontation between conservative activist Candace Owens and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) has become the most-viewed C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing ever, according to C-SPAN.

“In less than 24 hours, this video is the most watched C-SPAN Twitter video from a House hearing (4.47 million views),” Jeremy Art, C-SPAN’s social media senior specialist, said on Twitter.

During the exchange, Lieu questioned the appropriateness of Owens’s presence at the hearing, playing a clip of her from December discussing the difference between "nationalism" and "globalism" using Adolf Hitler as an example.

"If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine," she said, and suggested that the Nazi leader erred in trying to expand beyond Germany.

Owens responded by accusing Lieu of believing "that black people are stupid” and accusing him of not playing the “full clip,” prompting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) to cut her off and warning her not to “refer disparagingly” to a member of the committee.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And Nadler LIED...she called no one on the committee stupid, OR DISPARAGINGLY. ..although she should have!!!

Sounds like Lieu is working for mainland China as a spy and provocateur for the PLA [People's Liberation Army].

Of course nadler lied, he's a despicable piece of shit.
NO one knows who will win the next election. we wont know if there is a democrat that presents a winning platform, or if Trump will. PS never heard of Owens, she has a right to her views like I to mine. if she supports Hitler's views that's a non starter for me.
she doesn't but democrats have no problem cutting videos to pretend other wise
Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP.

"Being dumb is a requirement for being a Republican. Smart and highly educated people are leaving the GOP."

Do you have a link? Oh hold on, I forgot you ARE the link, the missing one.

"According to the American National Election Survey, white men without college degrees have consistently supported the GOP over the past two decades, while those with degrees — roughly one-fifth of the 2018 electorate — have increasingly moved toward Democrats. In 1996, when President Bill Clinton overwhelmingly won re-election, he only received 36% of the votes of white male college graduates, according to ANES. Hillary Clinton lost her race in 2016 but won 43% of them."

2018 exit polls
Are you a college graduate?
Democrat 59%
Republicans 39%

Whites by education and gender
16% Women college women Democrat 59% Republican 39%
15% White college men Republican 51% Democrat 47%

2018 midterms: EXIT POLLING | CNN

And besides the deplorables, you on the left bash people without a college degree, as if they have any less aptitude for politics than those with a degree. Here's a question for ya, why do you think the Democrats are losing the blue-collar vote?

Almost two-thirds of people in the labor force do not have a college degree

it's amazing how these people don't realize that not spending money on worthless pieces of paper doesn't make a person uneducated or stupid.

Having a college degree doesn't make someone intelligent not having one doesn't make someone stupid

I work with college graduates. Sometimes you wonder how they found their way to work in the morning yet alone get a degree.

The one thing that can never be taught in college is common sense. Logic is a gift you’re born with or not. It’s something that can’t be learned no matter how many years a person attends school.

Sent from my iPad using

Not sure I agree. I took logic courses in colleges And learned quite a lot

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