Candace Owens: "I love America. Thinking about running for President"

What a loon.
When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that "Antifa" was more prevalent than the KKK.[58] Owens has said that the media cover the KKK during Trump's presidency to hurt him.[64] In a 2019 hearing on hate crimes, Owens referred to the KKK as a "Democrat terrorist organization".[65] After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid".[2] She has also called it "just election rhetoric" and "based on the hierarchy of what's impacting minority Americans, if I had to make a list of 100 things, white nationalism would not make the list."[66] In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left."[58] On Facebook, Owens wrote "I proudly self-identify as an Uncle Tom".[67]

Owens in 2019
During her April 2019 testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the rise of hate crimes and white supremacists in the United States, Owens made the claim that the Southern strategy employed by the Republican Party to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans was a "myth" that "never happened"
Not so much a loon. She is a money maker. She doesn't believe most of what comes out of her own mouth. She is like Alex Jones. She knows what butters her bread. She knows her greatest monetary value is to be the token black female paid to soothe white people who are tired of apologizing for their racism. She is here to cash their checks, not pass a polygraph.
That still qualifies as a loon in my book. One day she'll look back at a wasted life, leveraging division and hatred for personal gain instead of using her gifts to help people.
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and speaking with Ms. Owens while photographing CPAC last February:

View attachment 454035

I would love to see her run for President. She's articulate, intelligent and well-spoken. She's the exact kind of candidate the democrats don't want to run against. She's a woman of color and, as the left has taught us, any criticism of someone of color is racism. So, they would be forced to not criticize her or be forced to expose themselves as the racists we know they truly are...
Dream on. The her fellow republicans would bury her with her past fraud before the first primary. The democrats will literally he able to just sit and laugh.

The democrats will literally he able to just sit and laugh.

Not if Harris is the candidate.
Pubs will likely retake Congress in 2022, and hold on to it in 2024.
Not the Senate. In fact, the changing demographics in a few States point to them probably losing a seat or two. That;s a long discussion for another time. But likely the House, and likely for quite a while. They are about to gerrymander the living fuck out of every red State.

She was bottom of the barrel in 2020
That was when she was running against other democrats, when the decision was based.on who could beat Trump. Biden didnt do great in the early primaries, either. Yet he and Harris got 81 million votes and flipped 4 swing States from 2016, when the choice was them or Trump and that gay hater. So surely you see how you are grasping at straws a little bit, there. And we both know that whatever the GOP throws up is going to have to pander to the Trump cult, which is alive and well. And we that turned out already.
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Pubs will likely retake Congress in 2022, and hold on to it in 2024.
Not the Senate. In fact, the changing demographics in a few States point to them probably losing a seat or two. Thats a longer discussion for another time. But likely the House, and likely for quite a while. They are about to gerrymander the living fuck out of every red State.

She was bottom of the barrel in 2020
That was when she was running against other democrats, when the decision was based.on who could beat Trump. Biden didnt do great in the early primaries, either. Yet he and Harris got 81 million votes. So surely you see how you are grasping at straws a little bit, there. And we both know that whatever the GOP throws up is going to have to pander to the Trump cult, which is alive and well. And we that turned out already.

Yet he and Harris got 81 million votes.

They won't be running against Trump in 2024
when Candace Owens testified before Congress, the cpsan video of her exchange with Rep Ted Lieu about Candace's Hitler remarks broke record viewership with 6 million views. this interview with Jesse Watters about the incident had 4.3Million views

as an aside, what's wrong with Jerry Nadler? talk about stupid!

An intelligent black woman who doesn't play the insidious game of identity politics.

What's not to like about that?
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. Harris and her veep nominee don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And that person won't be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Dream on. The her fellow republicans would bury her with her past fraud before the first primary. The democrats will literally he able to just sit and laugh.

Owens is a black woman, a demographic which has historically been far more liberal than conservative. People who would vote for a candidate based solely on skin color (and we know that happens) would suddenly have more than one choice if Harris were to run in 2024 (I think we can assume Biden will be put out to pasture by then).

Also, there was a time when Owens was very critical of Trump and, as a democrat, critical of Republicans as a whole. She's a perfect example of someone who came to their senses and stopped adhering to the teaching of the welfare party.

And I don't know what fraud you're referring to, but it apparently wasn't anything of any gravity...
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Be a bit more specific, Emoji Boy.
about Kamala: my only litmus test for liking a politician is that they are authentic, and they don't pretend to be something they're not. Kamala fails miserably, i bet she can't name a single 2Pac song!
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Be a bit more specific, Emoji Boy.

You're crazy, and I'm laughing my ass off at a moron.
Candace Owens is smart, Candace Owens is a black woman, Candace Owens is an inspiration to millions of black conservatives, Candace Owens is the next president of the United States
Candace Owens is smart, Candace Owens is a black woman, Candace Owens is an inspiration to millions of black conservatives, Candace Owens is the next president of the United States

She's got a dynamite ass, too.

Not that it comes into play for the Presidency, but jus' sayin'...
Owens is a black woman, a demographic which has historically been far more liberal than conservative.
* and is ESPECIALLY disliked by black women.

People who would vote for a candidate based solely on skin color (and we know that happens) would suddenly have more than one choice if Harris were to run in 2024 (I think we can assume Biden will be put out to pasture by then).
So which of the 155 million votes in 2020 for "the old white guy" will she be peeling off? Wha? People may vote based on skin color sometimes, but they aren't going to do that, if it is Harris vs. Trumpism. You guys keep trying to avoid talking about the elephant in the room.
Let's see if the all-inclusive movement who want to give blacks/women the world on a plate in this male, chauvinistic, white-privilege world would be happy to afford her the same rights they were falling over themselves to give Obama, Hilary, Kamala Harris etc.

Sounds good to me. They're all for it - aren't they?
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Be a bit more specific, Emoji Boy.

You're crazy, and I'm laughing my ass off at a moron.
Oops, i broke willie
Owens is a black woman, a demographic which has historically been far more liberal than conservative.
* and is ESPECIALLY disliked by black women.

People who would vote for a candidate based solely on skin color (and we know that happens) would suddenly have more than one choice if Harris were to run in 2024 (I think we can assume Biden will be put out to pasture by then).
So which of the 155 million votes in 2020 for "the old white guy" will she be peeling off? Wha? People may vote based on skin color sometimes, but they aren't going to do that, if it is Harris vs. Trumpism. You guys keep trying to avoid talking about the elephant in the room.

You guys keep trying to avoid talking about the elephant in the room.

you see an elephant.

sane people see a mouse
white-privilege world would be happy to afford her the same rights they were falling over themselves to give Obama, Hilary, Kamala Harris etc.
The right for office? Who is stopping her? What are you yammering about? Let her go to liberal venues and spew her nonsense. Nobody is stopping her.
They won't be running against Trump in 2024
But they likely will be running against Trumpism, to one degree or another. The Trump cult is alive and well. They don't have to vaporize their opponents. They only have to get more votes. And when half the base of the GOP is still the Trump cult, the nominee will likely be the person who wins their votes in the primaries. And they wont be able to "unring" that bell in the general campaign.
:cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Be a bit more specific, Emoji Boy.

You're crazy, and I'm laughing my ass off at a moron.
Oops, i broke willie

You're lucky to break wind.

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