Candace Owens is suing Facebook and USA Today.

Rightwingers would rather cry about being victimized than actually do anything about it.

Do you really want us to start DOING something about these issues? You do realize that for those of us on the Right that doesn’t mean marching or protesting... it means killing people and burning this Society/Government to the ground, right?
Rightwingers would rather cry about being victimized than actually do anything about it.

Do you really want us to start DOING something about these issues? You do realize that for those of us on the Right that doesn’t mean marching or protesting... it means killing people and burning this Society/Government to the ground, right?

So doing nothing is your solution ?

As we see, that has worked wonders for advancing your cause so far

You're about to be served a dictator.....gun confiscation dead ahead........

Any time now

Venezuelan Immigrant Describes How America Is On Course To Get A Dictator
Good for her.

Let the process play out I suppose.

I dont think she has a case but that is why we have courts.

Not really. Interestingly the one article that's actually accessible (Fox Noise) never mentions on what basis she's suing but it'll be tossed before it gets TO court.

The First Amendment prevents the government from censoring speech; it says nothing about what rules of engagement private entities like Nosebook, Twatter or this site, may set. Presumably that's why the articles don't mention on what basis the suit would be brought, or if there's an actual suit at all. Because there's no case.

Again, we could "sue" USMB for a deleted post and have the same chances.
I read about it on WBAP's website. You're 100% correct. I was just saying that if you feel that strongly about should bring suit. You seldom see any of the marquee names doing this...they stay in their safe spheres and lob bombs but never tread anywhere near the "put up or shut up" environment of the courtroom. And for good reason. We are seeing how cordially even blob-judges are treating the blob's argument. Its where grown-ups play. And, in my view, to her credit she is serious about challenging. I don't see where she has a hope in hell but it's her right.

She's suing Facebook factcheckers. Interestingly she said in the page I read that she was "happily using Facebook's platform to raise money to fight them" or something like that.

Setting the suit aside...It cheapens her already fleeting credibility when she can be quoted saying something so juvenile. Working for FOX casts a pretty long shadow on one's morality and their integrity to start with....but giving that quote probably means we'll be seeing her in syndication at some Oprah and Phil. It's sad that someone who has her platform is self-marginalizing.
Good for her.

Let the process play out I suppose.

I dont think she has a case but that is why we have courts.

Not really. Interestingly the one article that's actually accessible (Fox Noise) never mentions on what basis she's suing but it'll be tossed before it gets TO court.

The First Amendment prevents the government from censoring speech; it says nothing about what rules of engagement private entities like Nosebook, Twatter or this site, may set. Presumably that's why the articles don't mention on what basis the suit would be brought, or if there's an actual suit at all. Because there's no case.

Again, we could "sue" USMB for a deleted post and have the same chances.
I read about it on WBAP's website. You're 100% correct. I was just saying that if you feel that strongly about should bring suit. You seldom see any of the marquee names doing this...they stay in their safe spheres and lob bombs but never tread anywhere near the "put up or shut up" environment of the courtroom. And for good reason. We are seeing how cordially even blob-judges are treating the blob's argument. Its where grown-ups play. And, in my view, to her credit she is serious about challenging. I don't see where she has a hope in hell but it's her right.

She's suing Facebook factcheckers. Interestingly she said in the page I read that she was "happily using Facebook's platform to raise money to fight them" or something like that.

That's what it's all about. Raising money from the suckers. can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?

I'm gonna sue the OP for a silly thread.
Also for ass-uming I know who the fuck "Candace Owens" is.

I guess that's two lawsuits. I'd better hire Rooty Jewel Yanni. I'll call the porn shop right now.
When's your next abortion?

When's your next lobotomy?
I'm not the one screaming for "Women's Reproductive Justice", to be paid for by other people.

Nor am I. Are you blind as well as dumb?

Is your name Tommy by chance?
In NYS, the taxpayers pay for Women's Reproductive Justice.

Have any idea how far I am from NYS?

Aside from that what NYS taxpayers fund has nothing to do with "screaming".
You're as far away from NYS as you are from reality.
You're from Californication.

I've actually been to California. A few times. 'Bout maybe 10-12 years ago. Met Barry White on an elevator.
AGAIN that's got Zippo to do with "screaming", "abortions" or "NYS taxes".
Sure as hell does; all Liberals want to do is have everything permitted and have the taxpayers pay for the consequences.
You think the 90% of the slum residents that voted for Biden want to have viable jobs and careers?
She is actually suing two defendants, USA Today and Lead Stories Fact Checker, both of which are partners with Facebook.

On the website, she states, “Our freedoms are being stripped away. The overlords of Big Tech are determining what Americans can and cannot say, share, like, and post. Support our legal efforts today as we fight back against Facebook’s fact-checkers, confronting those who are suppressing free speech, thought, and expression across our great country.”

According to Fox News, Owens had also said, “I decided I was not going to give up and sit down. The fact-checkers. .. they are activists for the left that shut down your speech if they don’t like it.”

And she will lose and you will then proclaim the courts have failed America and Rome is burning...
]So doing nothing is your solution ?

As we see, that has worked wonders for advancing your cause so far

You're about to be served a dictator.....gun confiscation dead ahead........

Im more than ready for the physical fight. I have been for 20 years. I’m ready to go at a moment’s notice and more than willing to kill or die for the cause.

I’m just not sure it’s the best strategy right now. I actually think that “Doing Nothing” might be our best bet to shake up and wake up the US populace...

Doing Nothing consists of every Republican lawmaker walking out of the US Congress together and leaving DC when the legislature reconvenes after 1/21/2021. Leave the Democrats to have their way. Let the American Voters see what they really voted for. See how long it takes for them to regret their decision when their Rights are trampled and their taxes skyrocket.

THEN, we march with their disillusioned voters and lead the bloody Revolution this country truly needs to right the ship. Let their own chosen politicians turn them to our side for us, then use them as the shock troops and cannon fodder in the coming War.
]So doing nothing is your solution ?

As we see, that has worked wonders for advancing your cause so far

You're about to be served a dictator.....gun confiscation dead ahead........

Im more than ready for the physical fight. I have been for 20 years. I’m ready to go at a moment’s notice and more than willing to kill or die for the cause.

I’m just not sure it’s the best strategy right now. I actually think that “Doing Nothing” might be our best bet to shake up and wake up the US populace...

Doing Nothing consists of every Republican lawmaker walking out of the US Congress together and leaving DC when the legislature reconvenes after 1/21/2021. Leave the Democrats to have their way. Let the American Voters see what they really voted for. See how long it takes for them to regret their decision when their Rights are trampled and their taxes skyrocket.

THEN, we march with their disillusioned voters and lead the bloody Revolution this country truly needs to right the ship. Let their own chosen politicians turn them to our side for us, then use them as the shock troops and cannon fodder in the coming War.

I agree with a lot of what you said.

But I don't necessarily agree that Leftists ever learn from their mistakes.

Look at Venezuela. Most leftists there are starving but would vote for Chavez and maduro again.....yes, they are THAT low IQ stupid.

If we turn our backs, the left is free to fully secure all Law Enforcement and all military and use that against us so I'm not sure the "walk away" approach is a good one.

We KNOW for a fact Biden plans to disarm Americans. If we do nothing it will make that all the easier.
What kind of revolution can we have with butter knives and bats against a government military? can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?
If you join a service that garantees [sic] your service will consist of this or that, and then that service denies you this or that (especially for reasons not related to the service or platform provided), otherwise where the service begins to sensor [sic] speech based upon it's [sic] personal biases not related to the service or platform being provided, then yes that service can be sued for involving itself into the affairs of it's [sic] customers for reasons not related to the service rules being violated, but instead intervening on matters not related to the services offered, but related to the bias of those who wish to restrict services based upon personal or political biases by said management of the service being provided.

Sheesh. that's ONE sentence.

"Sensor" this: neither Fecesbook, nor this site, nor any other internet platform says its (not "it is") service will consist of "this or that" meaning "write anything you want". Go ahead, read the TOS. Quick demo --- post something about bestiality on this thread. Post something about family members. Post a link to another site's forum. Then when you get deleted, sue USMB. Rotsa ruck.
So did these conservatives do any of what you said here ? Did they violate the rules or guidelines created when the platforms were opened for business ? Are new rules being created for political reason's, because the Management's are trying to pick and choose, therefore violating people's rights to free speech under the first amendment ?? Tell me what Candice Owens did to violate Facebook's terms of agreement or it's rules. can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?
If you join a service that garantees [sic] your service will consist of this or that, and then that service denies you this or that (especially for reasons not related to the service or platform provided), otherwise where the service begins to sensor [sic] speech based upon it's [sic] personal biases not related to the service or platform being provided, then yes that service can be sued for involving itself into the affairs of it's [sic] customers for reasons not related to the service rules being violated, but instead intervening on matters not related to the services offered, but related to the bias of those who wish to restrict services based upon personal or political biases by said management of the service being provided.

Sheesh. that's ONE sentence.

"Sensor" this: neither Fecesbook, nor this site, nor any other internet platform says its (not "it is") service will consist of "this or that" meaning "write anything you want". Go ahead, read the TOS. Quick demo --- post something about bestiality on this thread. Post something about family members. Post a link to another site's forum. Then when you get deleted, sue USMB. Rotsa ruck.
So did these conservatives do any of what you said here ? Did they violate the rules or guidelines created when the platforms were opened for business ? Are new rules being created for political reason's, because the Management's are trying to pick and choose, therefore violating people's rights to free speech under the first amendment ?? Tell me what Candice Owens did to violate Facebook's terms of agreement or it's rules.

You need to take a class on the 1st Amendment.
I agree with a lot of what you said.

But I don't necessarily agree that Leftists ever learn from their mistakes.

Look at Venezuela. Most leftists there are starving but would vote for Chavez and maduro again.....yes, they are THAT low IQ stupid.

If we turn our backs, the left is free to fully secure all Law Enforcement and all military and use that against us so I'm not sure the "walk away" approach is a good one.

We KNOW for a fact Biden plans to disarm Americans. If we do nothing it will make that all the easier.
What kind of revolution can we have with butter knives and bats against a government military?

You’re right... the Leftists will never be swayed. I wouldn’t even bother trying. The Moderates/Centrists however, can and will be swayed; allowing us to use them as cannon fodder against the hard-core Leftists.

The LEOs and Military will largely side with us, or simply stay out of it. Look at how many are already abandoning their Democrat overlords in places like Minneapolis.

Biden is too scared to try real gun confiscation. We will resist, and so will the Centrists, if he does. In fact that might be the catalyst for the change.

Unfortunately the only other option I see is trying to convert the RINOs and Centrists in the Republican Party to truly embrace Conservatism. I think overthrowing the Government will be easier.
You want to spend your money better? Start your own Facebook type where YOU have the say what can and can't be posted. Facebook is a privately owned company.


Rightwingers would rather cry about being victimized than actually do anything about it.
Haven't you seen the pattern yet?

Wait'll they take their guns. Talk about MASSIVE tears flowing and endless whining...(but yes, they will comply regardless of the internet tuff talk) !!!

The Rant about them coming for my guns goes all the way back to the Reagan Era. Well, it's been 40 years now and they haven't come after my guns. Oh, they've had plenty of chances but just haven't done it. That battle cry is just empty bitching.
They haven't come after them because of the forces at work in which keeps them in check, otherwise if thinking about coming after your guns. Duh !!

They haven't come after mine because I am a sane gun owner like most gun owners are. They have bigger fish to fry. Like looking out for Insane Gun Owners.
Oh really now.. Ok, well we shall see won't we ? Wait till the idiots do another mass shooting that leaves the Democrat's thoughtless because they don't want to go after the true problem in society, so they'll pick on the soft targets (the law abiders), in order to make a statement to those they truly fear in this country... You know (the new secret army the black lady politician spoke of in concerning the testimony of the black lady witness in the election hearings when she told the camera "you know what to do"). Can we say intimidation of witnesses ?? Better hide those gun's bud. can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?
If you join a service that garantees [sic] your service will consist of this or that, and then that service denies you this or that (especially for reasons not related to the service or platform provided), otherwise where the service begins to sensor [sic] speech based upon it's [sic] personal biases not related to the service or platform being provided, then yes that service can be sued for involving itself into the affairs of it's [sic] customers for reasons not related to the service rules being violated, but instead intervening on matters not related to the services offered, but related to the bias of those who wish to restrict services based upon personal or political biases by said management of the service being provided.

Sheesh. that's ONE sentence.

"Sensor" this: neither Fecesbook, nor this site, nor any other internet platform says its (not "it is") service will consist of "this or that" meaning "write anything you want". Go ahead, read the TOS. Quick demo --- post something about bestiality on this thread. Post something about family members. Post a link to another site's forum. Then when you get deleted, sue USMB. Rotsa ruck.
So did these conservatives do any of what you said here ? Did they violate the rules or guidelines created when the platforms were opened for business ? Are new rules being created for political reason's, because the Management's are trying to pick and choose, therefore violating people's rights to free speech under the first amendment ?? Tell me what Candice Owens did to violate Facebook's terms of agreement or it's rules.

You need to take a class on the 1st Amendment.
Ok you tell me what Candice Owens said to get her speech in violation of any rules ?? can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?
If you join a service that garantees [sic] your service will consist of this or that, and then that service denies you this or that (especially for reasons not related to the service or platform provided), otherwise where the service begins to sensor [sic] speech based upon it's [sic] personal biases not related to the service or platform being provided, then yes that service can be sued for involving itself into the affairs of it's [sic] customers for reasons not related to the service rules being violated, but instead intervening on matters not related to the services offered, but related to the bias of those who wish to restrict services based upon personal or political biases by said management of the service being provided.

Sheesh. that's ONE sentence.

"Sensor" this: neither Fecesbook, nor this site, nor any other internet platform says its (not "it is") service will consist of "this or that" meaning "write anything you want". Go ahead, read the TOS. Quick demo --- post something about bestiality on this thread. Post something about family members. Post a link to another site's forum. Then when you get deleted, sue USMB. Rotsa ruck.
So did these conservatives do any of what you said here ? Did they violate the rules or guidelines created when the platforms were opened for business ? Are new rules being created for political reason's, because the Management's are trying to pick and choose, therefore violating people's rights to free speech under the first amendment ?? Tell me what Candice Owens did to violate Facebook's terms of agreement or it's rules.

You need to take a class on the 1st Amendment.
Ok you tell me what Candice Owens said to get her speech in violation of any rules ??

No idea. Whatever it was, was not a violation of her 1st Amendment rights. Take a class.
Good for her.

Let the process play out I suppose.

I dont think she has a case but that is why we have courts.

Not really. Interestingly the one article that's actually accessible (Fox Noise) never mentions on what basis she's suing but it'll be tossed before it gets TO court.

The First Amendment prevents the government from censoring speech; it says nothing about what rules of engagement private entities like Nosebook, Twatter or this site, may set. Presumably that's why the articles don't mention on what basis the suit would be brought, or if there's an actual suit at all. Because there's no case.

Again, we could "sue" USMB for a deleted post and have the same chances.
Bullcrap..... If you said that my apples are red, and I said no they are reddish, and you were banned for not being politically correct, then you would be jumping to the ceiling in an attempt to ridicule the site for doing you that way, and if you remain banned you might seek litigation against them if you were paying them for the service. Otherwise we have a minimal expectation to be treated decently by these platforms, but if the service isn't being paid for, then one probably couldn't pursue litigation for monetary gains of course, but not sure about any other reason for suing if not paying for the service.

One might just change platforms if another one exist in order to suit ones ideology and thought processes, and if one doesn't exist, then the government might explore or consider monopoly laws if enough complaints come in against a platform that is abusing people through unwarranted censorship taking place. Right ?? can't sue Facebook for censorship. They can choose to allow or disallow whatever they want.

Can I sue CBS because they won't play my Youtube video's?

I'm gonna sue the OP for a silly thread.
Also for ass-uming I know who the fuck "Candace Owens" is.

I guess that's two lawsuits. I'd better hire Rooty Jewel Yanni. I'll call the porn shop right now.
When's your next abortion?

When's your next lobotomy?
I'm not the one screaming for "Women's Reproductive Justice", to be paid for by other people.

Nor am I. Are you blind as well as dumb?

Is your name Tommy by chance?
In NYS, the taxpayers pay for Women's Reproductive Justice.

Have any idea how far I am from NYS?

Aside from that what NYS taxpayers fund has nothing to do with "screaming".
You're as far away from NYS as you are from reality.
You're from Californication.

I've actually been to California. A few times. 'Bout maybe 10-12 years ago. Met Barry White on an elevator.
AGAIN that's got Zippo to do with "screaming", "abortions" or "NYS taxes".
Sure as hell does; all Liberals want to do is have everything permitted and have the taxpayers pay for the consequences.
You think the 90% of the slum residents that voted for Biden want to have viable jobs and careers?
Biden don't want them to have viable job's and career's, because then he can't use them to race bait if they are black and dependent/poor or he can't use American's who are multi-colored in order to stereotype conservatives as rich selfish throw grandma over the Cliff types when using that game. The Democrat's aren't losing their tools in the attack tool box for no amount of consciousness concerning the plight of the poor, their well being or their being educated to become a productive working citizen in society. No they aren't going there. The only thing they monitor is if they can make it to the voting booth on time, and to make sure that the working class taxpayers are paying enough to sustain them so they can make it when needed. Oh and make it there with a hatred for the conservatives to boot. That way it will seal the vote once again for the cratzi's.
Candace Owens is suing Facebook for outrageous fact-checking which is really censorship.
Fact checking is censorship?
Want the right to post lies unchallenged.
You fuckers on the left lie all the fucking time, unchallenged by your PRAVDA machine....Then those morons wonder why no one but stupid prog slaves watch them, but dont have a larger viewership....
I never lie.
You want to spend your money better? Start your own Facebook type where YOU have the say what can and can't be posted. Facebook is a privately owned company.


Rightwingers would rather cry about being victimized than actually do anything about it.
Haven't you seen the pattern yet?

Wait'll they take their guns. Talk about MASSIVE tears flowing and endless whining...(but yes, they will comply regardless of the internet tuff talk) !!!

The Rant about them coming for my guns goes all the way back to the Reagan Era. Well, it's been 40 years now and they haven't come after my guns. Oh, they've had plenty of chances but just haven't done it. That battle cry is just empty bitching.
They haven't come after them because of the forces at work in which keeps them in check, otherwise if thinking about coming after your guns. Duh !!

They haven't come after mine because I am a sane gun owner like most gun owners are. They have bigger fish to fry. Like looking out for Insane Gun Owners.
Oh really now.. Ok, well we shall see won't we ? Wait till the idiots do another mass shooting that leaves the Democrat's thoughtless because they don't want to go after the true problem in society, so they'll pick on the soft targets (the law abiders), in order to make a statement to those they truly fear in this country... You know (the new secret army the black lady politician spoke of in concerning the testimony of the black lady witness in the election hearings when she told the camera "you know what to do"). Can we say intimidation of witnesses ?? Better hide those gun's bud.

You guys may have gotten a wee bit off topic.

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