Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Your posts are evidence.

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”.

You and others here do this all day, every day.
So the calm ,intelligent response to almost EVERYTHING is to loot ,burn ,tear things down ,and punch out old ladies?
So you're saying the black hive mind is a GOOD thing.
No, but what you're saying is that you want the black hive mind. Because that is what Owens represents.
So the calm ,intelligent response to almost EVERYTHING is to loot ,burn ,tear things down ,and punch out old ladies?
Ask the whites who were doing it if that's the answer.
Instead, you're repeating exactly what white liberals want you to say.
No, I am repeating the truth and backing my statements with legal, policy and historical fact. White liberals don't have a motherfucking thing to do with it.
No, I am repeating the truth and backing my statements with legal, policy and historical fact. White liberals don't have a motherfucking thing to do with it.
Yes ,they do. They EXCUSE murderous behavior.
I don't see any 'Whites" doing these smash and grabs.
Yes you do. But you want to lie to yourself. The people doing the smash and grabs are wearing facial covering and you can see that whites are participating.
Wrong. I am black, that means I know full well about the good and bad in the black community. But I also know what causes it. And that's why people like you need a Candace Owens because she allows you to ignore the truth.
Yeah, like Rachel Dolezal.

Yes you do. But you want to lie to yourself. The people doing the smash and grabs are wearing facial covering and you can see that whites are participating.
Bullshit. This has been going on since LBJ's Great Society.
Yes ,they do. They EXCUSE murderous behavior.
You right wingers have cheered and made excuses trying to justify every murder of someone black by police or whites acting as police. So spare me the hypocrisy.
You right wingers have cheered and made excuses trying to justify every murder of someone black by police or whites acting as police. So spare me the hypocrisy.
322 COPS have been murdered in the last year? All because a filthy worthless Junkie got snuffed. The Blacks couldn't wait for Justice. They HAD to loot and burn. Guess what? Chauvin got LIFE. I didn't see the WHITES riot when that filthy MURDERER OJ Simpson got off.
Your posts are evidence.

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”.

You and others here do this all day, every day.
No, I don't. You're a liar.
No, but what you're saying is that you want the black hive mind. Because that is what Owens represents.
Right. You and all the other blacks who agree with you -- who you say are the majority -- are all independent thinkers who just happened to coincidentally arrive at the same views white Democrats insist you should have.
No, I am repeating the truth and backing my statements with legal, policy and historical fact. White liberals don't have a motherfucking thing to do with it.
As it turns out, that's horseshit.
Right. You and all the other blacks who agree with you -- who you say are the majority -- are all independent thinkers who just happened to coincidentally arrive at the same views white Democrats insist you should have.
Kinda like "The Media".
It started with the Boston Tea Party.
As you know, and fear, blacks are becoming more and more aware of which party benefits them the most and which demands that they remain as slaves.

Hey white guy, keep in mind that these quotes that follow are from "The Vox", a far-left media source.

"One of the surprises in the election is that President Donald Trump actually improved his standing with Black voters over four years ago."

"According to AP VoteCast, Trump won 8 percent of the Black vote, about a 2 percentage-point gain on his 2016 numbers (using the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study, or CCES, a national survey of more than 50,000 confirmed voters, as a point of comparison)."

"And he may have done even better than 2 percentage points. If you compare the CCES numbers to the results of 2020 exit polls by Edison Research, Trump actually improved by 4 percentage points."

You'll never change, regardless of the facts with which you have to deal. Regardless of how hard you and your fellow racists try, intelligent blacks are learning the truth. Do you believe that law abiding hard working blacks admire BLM and their actions? Do you believe that they don't want more and better law enforcement and know that the defund police movement hurts them more than anyone?

Does your wife know you behave like this online?
Bullshit. This has been going on since LBJ's Great Society.
You're right, of course. We've spent in excess of $20 TRILLION on the "War on Poverty" and we have the same rate of poverty today as we had back then. As with any Liberal policy, they want us to believe that the policy would work great, if we ONLY GAVE IT A BIT MORE MONEY!

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