Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

You're right, of course. We've spent in excess of $20 TRILLION on the "War on Poverty" and we have the same rate of poverty today as we had back then. As with any Liberal policy, they want us to believe that the policy would work great, if we ONLY GAVE IT A BIT MORE MONEY!
There is no exist strategy for the War on Poverty.

Thing is, it was never intended to eliminate or even reduce poverty. Its sole purpose was to keep people dependent on government -- and keeping them voting for the party that handed them crumbs.
He'd be banned because of similarly weak-minded people.
No he'd be banned because he has the weak mind. What you guys believe is false. And that's why you have to use tokens to try making your claims.
You're right, of course. We've spent in excess of $20 TRILLION on the "War on Poverty" and we have the same rate of poverty today as we had back then. As with any Liberal policy, they want us to believe that the policy would work great, if we ONLY GAVE IT A BIT MORE MONEY!
No he isn't right. You claim that we've spent 20 trillion on povertty. How much have we spent on corporate welfare and the military? You seem willing to believe the answer to the failed attempts to stop war would work great only if we give it a bit more money. You seem to think the failed trickle down economic hoax would work if you just give the rich more money. I mean you right wingers are a bunch of idiots.
There is no exist strategy for the War on Poverty.

Thing is, it was never intended to eliminate or even reduce poverty. Its sole purpose was to keep people dependent on government -- and keeping them voting for the party that handed them crumbs.

Whites like you really need to go back and study everything the government has given you. In 1959, black poverty was 55 percent. Whites poverty in the 20's. Today black poverty is less than half of what it was. However, it remains double that of whites and thats due to continuing white racism.

Whites like you really need to go back and study everything the government has given you. In 1959, black poverty was 55 percent. Whites poverty in the 20's. Today black poverty is less than half of what it was. However, it remains double that of whites and thats due to continuing white racism.
Yes, that's what you've been told to believe.
You are completly wrong and as long as you think Candace Owens speaks truth, you will continue to be wrong.
I didn't say anything about truths. I was pointing out the fact that any black person that doesn't follow the Democratic Party script for minorities will be attacked and every post by every lefty on this topic proved my point.
You're right, of course. We've spent in excess of $20 TRILLION on the "War on Poverty" and we have the same rate of poverty today as we had back then. As with any Liberal policy, they want us to believe that the policy would work great, if we ONLY GAVE IT A BIT MORE MONEY!
Ronald Reagan Quote. "LBJ declared War on Poverty. Poverty WON" .
I didn't say anything about truths. I was pointing out the fact that any black person that doesn't follow the Democratic Party script for minorities will be attacked and every post by every lefty on this topic proved my point.
There is no such script. Owens is being attacked because shes pushing a dangerous lie that will result in blacks being killed.
Yes, that's what you've been told to believe.
No, thats what data from the department of census shows. The only one repeating shit they are told is you. You have been told that white liberals are telling us what to think and you repeat it. But the reality is that we are just as pissed at democrats as we are at republicans. The difference is that at least democrats try to do something while you bitches double down on your racism.
No, thats what data from the department of census shows. The only one repeating shit they are told is you. You have been told that white liberals are telling us what to think and you repeat it. But the reality is that we are just as pissed at democrats as we are at republicans. The difference is that at least democrats try to do something while you bitches double down on your racism.
You may be pissed at Democrats, but you keep voting for them.

And Democrats know you will.

You're being played, chump.
Yep. Booker T. Washington was talking about blacks like Owens way back in the day. And Malcolm X had a little harsher evaluation of people like Owens.

"So you have two types of Negro. The old type and the new type. Most of you know the old type. When you read about him in history during slavery he was called "Uncle Tom." He was the house Negro. And during slavery you had two Negroes. You had the house Negro and the field Negro.

The house Negro usually lived close to his master. He dressed like his master. He wore his master's second-hand clothes. He ate food that his master left on the table. And he lived in his master's house--probably in the basement or the attic--but he still lived in the master's house.

So whenever that house Negro identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, "We have good food," the house Negro would say, "Yes, we have plenty of good food." "We" have plenty of good food. When the master said that "we have a fine home here," the house Negro said, "Yes, we have a fine home here." When the master would be sick, the house Negro identified himself so much with his master he'd say, "What's the matter boss, we sick?" His master's pain was his pain. And it hurt him more for his master to be sick than for him to be sick himself. When the house started burning down, that type of Negro would fight harder to put the master's house out than the master himself would.

Notice what Candace Owens does. She repeats what white conservatives say about blacks. Just like the house negro. The white conservatives tells Owens that blacks are violent, Owens says yes, we are violent. The white conservative tells Owens that George Floyd was a criminal, Owens says, yes we are criminals. The white conservative tells Owens that a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery will make blacks believe in their victimhood and Owens says., yes Juneteenth will make us believe we are victims. Owens is the modern house slave, yet these right wingers tell us she's great and that we should be like her.
hahaha she’s repeating data collected by the DOJ on homicide stats

The fact you are ignoring that, and using racist comments to attack the message is typical demaklan tactics
I've heard white people critiquing black people is waycis and a form of white say your betters in higher education....and every low iq stupid shitskin on this board

So in conclusion you're a nazi
You must not have paid any attention to the trial because you make it sound like Kyle was "shooting into a crowd" and just happened to hit some innocent bystanders who were just there to set some fires and beat some people up. I'll help you out. There were people actively attempting to assault an armed civilian, and that's not a smart thing to do.

Well, that narrative only works if you leave out the illegal gun and his crossing a state line to look for a fight and disobeying a curfew to get into a fight with those protestors....
Well, that narrative only works if you leave out the illegal gun and his crossing a state line to look for a fight and disobeying a curfew to get into a fight with those protestors....

Not an illegal gun.....he worked in Kenosha, and his father, grandmother and cousins lived there......and he didn't get into a fight, he was violently attacked by 4 felons...who were burning and looting black and minority of the attackers was a violent, child rapist who raped 5 young boys between the ages of 9-11...

Other than that your post is still dumb....
And no, homes without a father in the home are not the same you dumb ass...and the prisons are filled with biys and men raised by single

Wow, so your argument is that because our prison system is racist, and more blacks are unmarried, that is a correlation... Um. No.

here's the problem with the prison argument. Rush Limbaugh got rehab, the poor black kid on the street gets prison. White kids who get into trouble get probation, the cops don't hassle them for DWB's., etc.

So your argument for a racist system is another racist system... interesting.

How is you feeling that I never went to bed hungry,
and you imagine me polishing my guns,
and you fantasize about me fantasizing about shooting people,
and you feel the only reason I don't go around murdering people is I have too much to lose,
at all pertinent to "the discussion" of the criminality in the Black community you complain nobody on the right is willing to have?

I think you answered your own question and are too stupid to get that you answered your own question.

Make it simple for you.


ike all woke Libs, hates well spoken, educated, self sufficient dark people….He knows if all dark people were as legit as Candace is his party dies.

Not at all... Owens doesn't take her minstrel show to the black community to inspire them. She says it to white people who want to be reassured in their bigotries...

She probably went too far this time...
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