Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

Your post is a prime example of why Owens is popular among white people. She's a black face that will reinforce your prejudices. The problem is, she has no interest in discussing the systemic issues underlying the myriad of problems facing black Americans. You go straight to George Floyd. To reinforce your prejudices.

Let me boil it down for you. You like her because she basically reinforces the same thought that pops into your head when you see a protest, hear about a murder in the black community, watch a real spokesperson for the black community on think, "Why can't black people just behave like white people". That's it in a nutshell. Owens plays to that. That's why you can listen to her and feel good. If she were Joy Reid or Maxine Waters, you wouldn't give her the time of day.

Her tiny mind doesn't have the capacity to understand the issues much less discuss them intelligently.

Owens is nothing more than the latest GOP house ******.

Look at that, they censored the word.
But it does bring a point.
If someone says "N-word" don't they really mean "******?"
So why should one word be acceptable and the other not?
Just asking for a friend.
Her whole career has been dropping out of college because she couldn't pay tuition.... then becoming a pathetic sellout when she realized there was a market for "telling white racists what they want to hear."

Hunter Biden is a lawyer, he had extensive experience working in banking, non-profits and government before he was tapped to help Bursima improve their corporate governance before they could do business outside the Ukraine.

wow, it's fun to see when you give them a fake name to hide behind, they don't even bother hiding their racism.

Owens is successful because she's willing to get on her knees in front of Tucker Carlson and his ilk.
I can grudgingly respect libs who know why they are doing what they are doing. They are having a lot of success. That success is only possible with a bevy of useful idiots like this clown.
which is what 99% of these people do from either side....

Perhaps... but most of them don't sell out for money.

I do spend a lot of time here criticizing various groups and institutions, but I take my argument directly to those groups.

If I went to black churches and talked about how much white people sucked, and did it for money, I would be a total sellout.

Instead, for what little good it does, I take my arguments directly to my fellow white people. Yes, we are privileged. Most of us haven't known real hardship. There are flaws in our culture we really need to fix.

We should seek to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. That is how we become better.

Ms. Owens isn't trying to convince black people to be better. She's telling white people what they want to hear, so they can feel better about themselves.
Perhaps... but most of them don't sell out for money.

I do spend a lot of time here criticizing various groups and institutions, but I take my argument directly to those groups.

If I went to black churches and talked about how much white people sucked, and did it for money, I would be a total sellout.

Instead, for what little good it does, I take my arguments directly to my fellow white people. Yes, we are privileged. Most of us haven't known real hardship. There are flaws in our culture we really need to fix.

We should seek to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. That is how we become better.

Ms. Owens isn't trying to convince black people to be better. She's telling white people what they want to hear, so they can feel better about themselves.
so then sharpton and jackson are also sellouts.....
so then sharpton and jackson are also sellouts.....

I think they are both opportunists... and kind of awful people..

But at least they work within their own communities to bring change. I think they've also grown over the years. It's been a long time since Jackson waived a bloody shirt or Sharpton spread bullshit about Tawana Brawley.

Today they are considered elder statesmen.... and maybe they haven't really earned that.

How is she NOT qualified? What would you accept as qualifications for Ms. Owens to articulately express her opinion, supported by verifiable facts from reliable sources? Please be specific and leave your name-calling and spin behind. My guess is that you can't do it! Like all the other race-baiters, you can't dispute the facts being presented, so you childishly attack messenger.

As you know, Hunter Biden was given a seat on the board of directors of an oil and gas company in Ukraine. He's being paid millions a year. What are his qualifications?

Specifically, in your opinion what "qualifications" do I need to post these facts?

To be qualified, IM2 thinks Owens and you should say, "Yassuh, boss, whatever you say, boss!" when white Democrats speak.
Sorry but when whites started killing there weren't more of them here and no matter how many are here you do get to kill more people because there are more of you. I know what Owens said, and she is repeating white nonsense when you do the math with the numbers the percentages represent. The DOJ provides those number just as well.
Facts aren't hate and repeating the racist drivel you believe is neither a show of common sense or education. What I have said has far more merit because it is true. Owens has no qualifications other than being black with an anti black opinion. And for those like you, that's all the qualification she needs.

You have presented no facts, just a hate filled opinion.

And please point to what's racist about what I believe. I'll wait...........
And if he hadn't been armed, he would have been murdered.

But you'd have been okay with that.

What do you base that on?

There were hundreds of people involved in that demonstration that night. The only people who were murdered were killed by Rittenhouse.

Heck, Grosskurtz had a gun, he could have shot and killed Rittenhouse, but he didn't.
Wow.... I knew when you run out of NRA spooge, you really don't have much of an argument.

I saw the video... The decisions were kind of awful, a right wing judge and incompetent prosecutor couldn't get a conviction of a guy who was caught on video gunning people down in the street.

You miss the point. Limbaugh got on his show and railed all day about how drug users deserved horrible prison sentences. Until he got caught using illegal drugs himself.. Then he hid behind lawyers and got rehab.

Not really. Trump didn't really move the needle on the stupidity of the Prison-Industrial Complex. in fact, his changes only really effected the Federal System, when most prisoners are in state prisons.

Those rioters didn't kill anyone. The only person who killed anyone that night was Rittenhouse.

No....he never really talked about sentencing drug make that up to justify attacking idiot.

They burned and looted Kenosha, you dumb ass, risking the lives of the people in that city....and if they hadn't been violent felons and attacked Kyle, they would still be alive, burning and looting at the command of the democrat party today...
No....he never really talked about sentencing drug make that up to justify attacking idiot.


During his talk show on October 5, 1995, Limbaugh stated: “There’s nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.” Limbaugh argued that drug abuse was a choice, not a disease, and that it should be combatted with strict legal consequences.

"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use, too many whites are getting away with drug sales, too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."

"It's kind of like sentencing. A lot of people say that we have a heavy sentence for this crime and a light sentence for another crime, and what we ought to do is reduce the heavy sentence so it's more in line with the other. Wrong. In most cases we ought to increase the light sentence and make it compatible with the heavy sentence, and be serious about punishment because we are becoming too tolerant as a society, folks, especially of crime, in too many parts of the country."

They burned and looted Kenosha, you dumb ass, risking the lives of the people in that city....and if they hadn't been violent felons and attacked Kyle, they would still be alive, burning and looting at the command of the democrat party today...

Or they would have realize the point had been made by the demonstrations, we got rid of Trump and real progress is being made on police reform.

Point was, they didn't kill anyone.. Rittenhouse did. If his flop-sweaty ass had stayed in Antioch that day, no one would even remember the Kenosha riots.
If he had, you would have hailed him a hero.

Me? Naw, I think there are already too many idiots out there with guns.

But if he had shot Rittenhouse, the NRA would have praised him as a "Good Guy with a Gun". Rittenhouse just murdered two people, and if he had been shot, he'd have been branded an active shooter and that would have been the end of it.

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