Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

What would you have done different than Trump? None of you clowns have ever answered that question.

Actually, we've answered this a bunch of times.

Here's what I would have done.

I wouldn't have shut down the pandemic task force or discarded the Pandemic response plan.
I would have had a nationwide shutdown until safety measures could have been put into place.
I wouldn't have mocked mask mandates.
I wouldn't have held super spreader events like Trump did.
I wouldn't have put Trump's moron son-in-law in charge of Pandemic response.
I wouldn't have lied to the American people about how this would be gone by summer.
Instead of having a racist travel ban against Asians, I would have had everyone, including Americans, shelter in place until testing and quarentining of returning people could be put into action.
Do you know why China locks up less people than the USA? Because they execute the vast majority of them. Idiot.

Actually, no. The Chinese only execute a few thousand a year, which is bad. Capital Punishment is never acceptable. But they lock up less people than we do. We lock up 2 million while they lock up 1.6 million. And while that doesn't sound like a big gap, keep in mind they have 1.4 BILLION people while we only have 330 million.
You seriously believe that by spouting so many obvious lies and so much utter bullshit, that you are able to humiliate anyone else by so doing?
Yes, Bob, I live in your head rent free....

The thing is, @Incel Joe, that you know you're lying, and everyone else who reads your bullshit knows that you're lying. The only one to be humiliated by this would be yourself, but to be humiliated would require a sense of right and wrong, of truth and falsehood, that all normal people have, and which you very clearly do not.

You might have a point here... a decent person would realize that saying shit like, "it's okay to shoot poor people over damaged property" is completely crazy and evil... but since you belonged to a deranged cult, there is really no point in trying to explain to you how fucked up that is.

All that you ever accomplish by this behavior is to reinforce what everyone here already knows about you, that you're a cowardly, sociopathic, lying buffoon, with a massively-exaggerated sense of your own importance.
Uh, guy, if I wasn't living in your head, you could just put me on ignore.

The real reason I make you angry, I've probably put a seed of doubt in your head by pointing out you've been lied to your whole life.
Actually, no. The Chinese only execute a few thousand a year, which is bad. Capital Punishment is never acceptable. But they lock up less people than we do. We lock up 2 million while they lock up 1.6 million. And while that doesn't sound like a big gap, keep in mind they have 1.4 BILLION people while we only have 330 million.
Let's see your source on that information. I say you're a liar.
Let's see your source on that information. I say you're a liar.

Let's see your source on that information. I say you're a liar.

Okay, first on executions.

China only executes 1000 people a year. Sorry.

Here's a helpful chart on prisons. We lock up more people than China does.

Actually, we've answered this a bunch of times.

Here's what I would have done.

I wouldn't have shut down the pandemic task force or discarded the Pandemic response plan.
I would have had a nationwide shutdown until safety measures could have been put into place.
I wouldn't have mocked mask mandates.
I wouldn't have held super spreader events like Trump did.
I wouldn't have put Trump's moron son-in-law in charge of Pandemic response.
I wouldn't have lied to the American people about how this would be gone by summer.
Instead of having a racist travel ban against Asians, I would have had everyone, including Americans, shelter in place until testing and quarentining of returning people could be put into action.
I wouldn't have shut down the pandemic task force or discarded the Pandemic response plan. A lie.
I would have had a nationwide shutdown until safety measures could have been put into place. Shutdowns have proven to not work.
I wouldn't have mocked mask mandates. Masks don't work.
I wouldn't have held super spreader events like Trump did. Link? Oh, and none of you clowns had any problem with the riots and looting spree "super spreader events".
I wouldn't have put Trump's moron son-in-law in charge of Pandemic response. Fauci was in charge, Dumbass.
I wouldn't have lied to the American people about how this would be gone by summer. Nobody knew how it was going to play out.
Instead of having a racist travel ban against Asians, I would have had everyone, including Americans, shelter in place until testing and quarentining of returning people could be put into action. Ah, the bullshit race card. Had to happen. When did you call out Biden's racist travel ban of blacks? Why hasn't Biden locked us all up in place and quarantined returning people?

Even with 100% hindsight, nothing you posted would have any impact on the spread of the Fauci Flu.
Even with 100% hindsight, nothing you posted would have any impact on the spread of the Fauci Flu.

You asked for a list.

The thing is, OTHER COUNTRIES did do these things. They haven't had our levels of death and transmission.

Japan did a lot of the things I said... So far, Japan has had 18K Covid deaths to our 800K.


Gee imagine that.

Now, why did Japan have a lower infection rate. Well, they wore masks. Mask wearing was already popular in Japanese cities.. They limited physical contact. Again, easy for them to do, as the Japanese don't hug, shake hands or kiss when they greet each other, they do the whole bowing thing. They cancelled the Olympics. They quarentined people returning from China, even their own citizens.
You asked for a list.

The thing is, OTHER COUNTRIES did do these things. They haven't had our levels of death and transmission.

Japan did a lot of the things I said... So far, Japan has had 18K Covid deaths to our 800K.

View attachment 574468
Gee imagine that.

Now, why did Japan have a lower infection rate. Well, they wore masks. Mask wearing was already popular in Japanese cities.. They limited physical contact. Again, easy for them to do, as the Japanese don't hug, shake hands or kiss when they greet each other, they do the whole bowing thing. They cancelled the Olympics. They quarentined people returning from China, even their own citizens.
You didn't put "outlawing shaking hands, hugging and kissing, and mandating bowing" on your list.
You asked for a list.

The thing is, OTHER COUNTRIES did do these things. They haven't had our levels of death and transmission.

Japan did a lot of the things I said... So far, Japan has had 18K Covid deaths to our 800K.

View attachment 574468
Gee imagine that.

Now, why did Japan have a lower infection rate. Well, they wore masks. Mask wearing was already popular in Japanese cities.. They limited physical contact. Again, easy for them to do, as the Japanese don't hug, shake hands or kiss when they greet each other, they do the whole bowing thing. They cancelled the Olympics. They quarentined people returning from China, even their own citizens.
Actually, no. The Chinese only execute a few thousand a year, which is bad. Capital Punishment is never acceptable. But they lock up less people than we do. We lock up 2 million while they lock up 1.6 million. And while that doesn't sound like a big gap, keep in mind they have 1.4 BILLION people while we only have 330 million.
I'm sure that we can take China's word for those numbers. :rolleyes-41:
Even with 100% hindsight, nothing you posted would have any impact on the spread of the Fauci Flu.

Incel Joe's statements of what he would have done rather solidly prove that his intent, like that of those who actually had a role in pushing and exploiting the #CoronaHoax2020, has nothing to do with protecting anyone from any disease, but only with supporting the seizure and abuse of illegitimate power on the part of criminals and tyrants who infest government.

Note that lockdowns and mask mandates are very high on his list. And on his list, as well, is unconstitutional restrictions on [only conservative] public gatherings, and forcing people to “shelter in place.

Nothing at all about anything to actually control or mitigate any disease; only about destroying freedoms and the economy.

That is what Incel Joe stands for. That is what Incel Joe has always stood for, regardless of what excuses might or might not exist to support such an agenda.

The COVID-1984 virus is a huge boon to tyrannical filth such as Incel Joe, who care about nothing more than how to empower corrupt government to the great harm and detriment of the people whom the government is supposed to serve.
You didn't put "outlawing shaking hands, hugging and kissing, and mandating bowing" on your list.

I think that Incel Joe is bitter because nobody wants to touch him in any of those ways.

Humans need contact to be emotionally and psychological healthy. I have strong tendencies to be a grumpy, reclusive old hermit, and even I get this.

Covering people's faces, which muffles speech and hides facial expressions, and cutting one another off from social interactions that involve contact, is bad for us socially, emotionally, and psychologically.

I think Incel Joe wants everyone to be damaged in these ways, as he has always been.
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