Candace Owens understands discrimination against white men

You're the one doing that.

Average Income For Asian Americans​

According to the Census Bureau, Asian median household income leads the way at roughly $80,000, or 30% higher than White median household income at $64,000.

Hispanic American income is roughly $45,000, while African American income is lowest at roughly $38,000. A 100% spread between Asian American income and African American income begs the question: why such a massive difference?

Before answering the household income difference question, it’s important to realize “Asian American” consists of dozens of different types of Asian people. Let’s take a look at Pew Research’s study on Asian income by Asian type below. It helps us ascertain the true average income for Asian Americans.

Their overall annual household income corresponds with the Census Burea, but within the matrix, you can see a wide variation with Indian income at $100,000, or 3X higher than Burmese income and 35% higher than the overall Asian American income.

Do Relevance and Correlation mean anything to you??
You've been spared the problems the rest of the country has faced. The bad people were chased out of your neck of the woods on Easter weekend 1906. Read up on the evil deeds of Horace Duncan, Fred Coker, and Will Allen.
More loads of fecal matter that is made to look like it's not.
Candace Owens needs to stop freebasing. White men are 36 percent of the population and overrepresented in every occupation.
You still don't get it do you? Stats and math must be hard for you to comprehend.

Reduce the population to 1000 humans. 700 white and 300 black, about what we have today. If an employer has 100 positions, and consider all things equal from the top down, given the percentage and ratio, it would be normal for 70 to be white and 30 to be black. What don't you understand about that? Granted, there could be a variance is that number due to standard deviations and other factors that could move the percentage up and down.

The problem, you think everything should be equal? But what you don't understand is that if it was equal, eventually there would be jobs that were more or all white because the black population is over represented in other areas of workforce. And if that were to happen, you would bitch about that not understanding your own hypocrisy.

The black population want fairness and equity, and I am right there with them. But at some point, if you want to remove racism and segregation, you have to stop looking at the color of a human's skin. Everyone is hired on their merit, experience, education and performance. Not because of the color of their skin.
Yeah white males have it real hard. They make the most money, control business, finance, education, law enforcement/criminal justice, finance, entertainment, sports and government.
And the opportunity is there for every black male to go out there and make it themselves.

Here is a mixed list of Black Billionaires:

Support that if you want to succeed, the USA is the place to be, regardless of color.

Spin this however you want, but if you want succeed, this country is still the best live in the world, bar none.
White males are not selected over similar qualified blacks in our institutions. White males are always depicted as idiots in the advertising world. White males are a minority in football or basketball. Just to name a few.
racist thinking. joe montana and don moreno were great white foot ball player. black footballs in news all they do woman and the drugs they do. So they are not better.
Never said differently but comparing any discrimination that white men have had to face to what Blacks have had to endure is just plain stupid.
its true. way more whiter were in slaved by blacks in africa for a longer time then they were in american . they do own history on slavery or poverty. 80.5 percent of blacks live above the poverty line. Those bellow do to their own making.
And the opportunity is there for every black male to go out there and make it themselves.

Here is a mixed list of Black Billionaires:

Support that if you want to succeed, the USA is the place to be, regardless of color.

Spin this however you want, but if you want succeed, this country is still the best live in the world, bar none.
80.5 percent of blacks live above the poverty line. those that dont are their own fault mnostly.
racist thinking. joe montana and don moreno were great white foot ball player. black footballs in news all they do woman and the drugs they do. So they are not better.
We’re not talking about talent, we’re talking about skin color quotas. Regardless of talent skin color quotas must be met and if that means lowering standards, the racists are good with that.
We’re not talking about talent, we’re talking about skin color quotas. Regardless of talent skin color quotas must be met and if that means lowering standards, the racists are good with that.
your talking racism towards whites and since when is black ever quarter back>? blacks are mostly used for tackling.
We’re not talking about talent, we’re talking about skin color quotas. Regardless of talent skin color quotas must be met and if that means lowering standards, the racists are good with that.

When I was passed over for a position that was given to a radically underqualified POC, for a hospital job that involved direct patient care contact, I typed a small flyer explaining what had happened, asking readers to think honestly about whether they wanted qualified care providers or pigmented care providers. I made the flyer about credit card size and distributed about a thousand of them surreptitiously all over the hospital over a few weeks time, in magazines in waiting areas, tucked between sofa and chair cushions, tucked beneath a stone in a raised planting bed, dropped on the floor in the cafeteria, and other places where they were easy to find.

I always wished I knew what the people who read them thought.

I still cannot believe that someone, given the choice of the most qualified care giver and the one with the darker skin, especially in a position that involved life and death actions, would choose color.

Anyone who would choose melanin over competence deserves what they get.


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