Canned Heat

in 1974, Canned Heat played two shows in a small night club in Ventura, Calif called "The Dock." My wife and I were newly married and we bought tickets to the 1st show. At the end, they told people to leave so they could get the people with tickets into the 2nd show. But, for some reason, they let us stay for the 2nd show. They were really great and played their hearts out for us.
In 2973, at the 1st California Jam at the Riverside Speed way, Calif. there were bands from 8am to 10pm. It was rainy from 8am to 1pm when the sun came out. The moment the sun came out, Canned Heat started their 45 minutes and the people jumped up on their feet from their blankets and it was a party from then on. They got the crowd really going.

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