577 die in Saudi heat as hajj hit by tragedy

It isnt usually this bad but it happens every year. Saudi is a rich modern country and should take the necessary measures to protect pilgrims.

People who go to church have a right to go home afterwards.

The temperature was 123 degrees which isn't so unusual in Arabia. A lot of the pilgrims were illegal so they didn't have Hajj visas or access to air-conditioned facilities. It's well over a million people every year. The SAG keeps improving and streamlining the infrastructure and transportation.. as well as access to water and healthcare, but it's a huge event... and growing.
The temperature was 123 degrees which isn't so unusual in Arabia. A lot of the pilgrims were illegal so they didn't have Hajj visas or access to air-conditioned facilities. It's well over a million people every year. The SAG keeps improving and streamlining the infrastructure and transportation.. as well as access to water and healthcare, but it's a huge event... and growing.
kind of an islamic burning man.

in early islam it must have been a major once in a lifetime event to travel from al andalus or even istanbul across the trackless desert and such.

mythically and spiritually equal to christ's 40 days in the desert, or the prophet's exile etc.

good morning surada.
Shame on you.
uh-oh ---- DA jooooos did the heat wave in mecca !!!!!! as if the
snakes trained to bite arabs, the stealing of lebanon top soil,
the theft of iranian rain clouds WAS NOT ENOUGH !!!!!!!!
uh-oh ---- DA jooooos did the heat wave in mecca !!!!!! as if the
snakes trained to bite arabs, the stealing of lebanon top soil,
the theft of iranian rain clouds WAS NOT ENOUGH !!!!!!!!

Moishe Dayan writes about stealing topsoil in Lebanon.
What could possibly go wrong when hundreds of thousands of people press together outdoors in the open sun in the desert during summer?
It gets hot in the desert in the summer.

Who would have thunk it?
Reports so far so that most of the Dead are Egyptians----not sure, but
I think that the last mass hajj death was 2015---mostly Iranians (don't
quote me---could be faulty memory) The Iranians took it PERSONALLY
Prior to 1850, Saudi Arabia was never hot, er, or something, Check IPCC, it’s all there

Science = Settled

“Consensus we have,” said Master Yoda
those sands are covering the kinds of things that grew when the earth was cooler.
Moishe Dayan writes about stealing topsoil in Lebanon.
that is wild. is there documentation of the time (probably continuing) when the israelis were slant drilling into the west bank aquifer

all disclaimers aside. it is time long overdue for adults to stomp feet and give all these people a time out.

put gen honore or any non "christian natuionalist" officer in command of a un peace force and stop the stupid for a generation or 2.

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