577 die in Saudi heat as hajj hit by tragedy

those sands are covering the kinds of things that grew when the earth was cooler.

that is wild. is there documentation of the time (probably continuing) when the israelis were slant drilling into the west bank aquifer

all disclaimers aside. it is time long overdue for adults to stomp feet and give all these people a time out.

put gen honore or any non "christian natuionalist" officer in command of a un peace force and stop the stupid for a generation or 2.
no more slant drilling aquifers----stealing rain clouds is more productive--
it's like vapor in the bank
Mind your Ps' & Qs' up in England. Let the Saudis' deal with Saudi. Same for America. None of your business.//
Has Portugal had any earthquakes lately?



"rich red soil" LMAO red soil is CLAY----does not work at all for
agriculture----- a writing typical of IslamoEpiscoNazi PROPAGANDA.
Even Idiots can read and cut and paste
It looks like the prroblem is their visa system. If it was free then everyone would have access/.
Maybe they could forego a golf tournament and use the money fo provide water and shade.
were I in charge----I would suspend the HAJJ activities depending on the
ambient temperature. Where do I apply for the position of JEWISH MEDICAL OFFICER in charge of the HAJJ ? Remember---Saladin's personal physician
was a Jew. Smart muzzie, that Saladin. He was a Kurd----Itamar ben Gvir's
mother was a kurd. The Jewish-Kurdish connection should be encouraged
for humanitarian purposes

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