Can't believe people believed Trump would build a wall ..

My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
Totally. It would be far simpler and more direct if we just enforced present immigration laws. Stop hiring illegals, no muss, no fuss and no wall necessary. Why is that concept so offensive?

Not offensive at all, but how much good it would do is another question.

In another immigration topic, one member on USMB said that landlords should also be held responsible for renting to illegals. Now I'm a landlord, and if such a law were passed, I wouldn't even know where to begin to verify legal status.

We don't have a hell of a lot of immigrants here, but the point I'm making is that some employers would not know how to proceed in checking for legal status no more than I would. Let's face it, fake ID's are out there, and there would be no way for me to know the difference between a fake ID and real one. Besides, it's not my business to do that anyway.
I am not feeling your pain, I would advise you to get a lawyer to read your contracts and for all others, stop excusing hiring illegals. If in doubt, um then don't bother.
I guess it was a case of "great expectations" by the left. God knows the right had no real expectation that Barry Hussein would fulfill campaign promises and they weren't disappointed. "Wean America off fossil fuel" was a hilarious moment come to think of it.
Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.

Apparently you have no concept of reality. You live in some fantasy world where you think that's even possible.

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

You can't threaten to put 11 million people into 1 million.jail cells, and be serious. On top of that, if each one requested a jury trial, it would take half the adult US population to serve as jurors.
Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.

Apparently you have no concept of reality. You live in some fantasy world where you think that's even possible.

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

You can't threaten to put 11 million people into 1 million.jail cells, and be serious. On top of that, if each one requested a jury trial, it would take half the adult US population to serve as jurors.
What excuse is it that we haven't enforced immigration laws from day 1? A few people might be desperate enough, but 20 million +illegals, we have to end this egregious abuse of immigration laws. End it. I know plenty of Mexicans that just walk in and out of here. I see how they are abusing the system. They get away with it all the time. We really need to end this.
What excuse is it that we haven't enforced immigration laws from day 1? A few people might be desperate enough, but 20 million +illegals, we have to end this egregious abuse of immigration laws. End it. I know plenty of Mexicans that just walk in and out of here. I see how they are abusing the system. They get away with it all the time. We really need to end this.

20 million? Then let me revise the figures. It means if they all gave themselves up, it would take the entire US adult population to serve as jurors. And under federal law you have 90 days to bring somebody to trial, or let them go free.
Speedy Trial Act - Wikipedia

The Act establishes time limits for completing the various stages of a federal criminal prosecution. The information or indictment must be filed within 30 days from the date of arrest or service of the summons.[2] Trial must commence within 70 days from the date the information or indictment was filed, or from the date the defendant appears before an officer of the court in which the charge is pending, whichever is later.[3]

Moreover, in order to ensure that defendants are not rushed to trial without an adequate opportunity to prepare, Congress amended the Act in 1979 to provide a minimum time period during which trial may not commence.[4] Thus, the Act provides that trial may not begin less than 30 days from the date the defendant first appears in court
What excuse is it that we haven't enforced immigration laws from day 1? A few people might be desperate enough, but 20 million +illegals, we have to end this egregious abuse of immigration laws. End it. I know plenty of Mexicans that just walk in and out of here. I see how they are abusing the system. They get away with it all the time. We really need to end this.

20 million? Then let me revise the figures. It means if they all gave themselves up, it would take the entire US adult population to serve as jurors. And under federal law you have 90 days to bring somebody to trial, or let them go free.
Accept immigration scofflaws aren't violating statutory laws, I am not sure exactly what laws illegal immigrants are violating. I have been told illegals are class X felons because they are violating federal laws. I would LOVE and invite disambiguation here. Any qualified immigration layers' remarks are more than welcome here.
Yes. Reminds Me of the dupes who thought the previous guy was going to close Guantanamo Bay.
Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.

Apparently you have no concept of reality. You live in some fantasy world where you think that's even possible.

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013

You can't threaten to put 11 million people into 1 million.jail cells, and be serious. On top of that, if each one requested a jury trial, it would take half the adult US population to serve as jurors.

Then they sit in jail until their trial date comes up.

You wouldn't need many cells in the first place because most of them would leave and very few if any would enter illegally. The reason they stay now is because most likely nothing will happen to them. They find a way to work, get drivers licenses, get on some social program, use our ER for medical care and never have to worry about getting a bill.

A tough enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
Totally. It would be far simpler and more direct if we just enforced present immigration laws. Stop hiring illegals, no muss, no fuss and no wall necessary. Why is that concept so offensive?

Not offensive at all, but how much good it would do is another question.

In another immigration topic, one member on USMB said that landlords should also be held responsible for renting to illegals. Now I'm a landlord, and if such a law were passed, I wouldn't even know where to begin to verify legal status.

We don't have a hell of a lot of immigrants here, but the point I'm making is that some employers would not know how to proceed in checking for legal status no more than I would. Let's face it, fake ID's are out there, and there would be no way for me to know the difference between a fake ID and real one. Besides, it's not my business to do that anyway.
I am not feeling your pain, I would advise you to get a lawyer to read your contracts and for all others, stop excusing hiring illegals. If in doubt, um then don't bother.

I wish I understood what any of your comment meant.
My mantra is: If YOU LIKE ILLEGALS then you should live among them , if not, don't hire them .Observe that simple dictum and we don't really need a wall.I can tell you right now rich white elitists of any political stripe wouldn't put up with the SHIT illegals do. Not in a New York minute. They SAY they like diversity, but they pay big bucks to get as far away as possible from poor mexicans as they can, which is a wall in and of itself.

Actually it would be as simple as to make a law anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum of five years in prison, and most of those illegals will go back where they came from, and no new ones trying to get in.
Totally. It would be far simpler and more direct if we just enforced present immigration laws. Stop hiring illegals, no muss, no fuss and no wall necessary. Why is that concept so offensive?

Not offensive at all, but how much good it would do is another question.

In another immigration topic, one member on USMB said that landlords should also be held responsible for renting to illegals. Now I'm a landlord, and if such a law were passed, I wouldn't even know where to begin to verify legal status.

We don't have a hell of a lot of immigrants here, but the point I'm making is that some employers would not know how to proceed in checking for legal status no more than I would. Let's face it, fake ID's are out there, and there would be no way for me to know the difference between a fake ID and real one. Besides, it's not my business to do that anyway.
I am not feeling your pain, I would advise you to get a lawyer to read your contracts and for all others, stop excusing hiring illegals. If in doubt, um then don't bother.

I wish I understood what any of your comment meant.
Go to post #47 and let's see what happens.
Accept immigration scofflaws aren't violating statutory laws, I am not sure exactly what laws illegal immigrants are violating. I have been told illegals are class X felons because they are violating federal laws. I would LOVE and invite disambiguation here. Any qualified immigration layers's remarks are more than welcome here.

Most illegals haven't violated any law. They a visa violators, which is an administrative violation, not a crime. So calling them "illegal" is a misnomer. Which is why they're legally referred to as "undocumented aliens"

But it's good that you recognize most illegal aliens aren't actually illegal. Baby steps.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.

Does this make you mad?

An Israeli company has been chosen to make a prototype for Trump's Mexico border wall

The Israeli manufacturer will be given between $300,000 to $500,000 in grant money to develop its prototype, The Jerusalem Post reported. The final project is estimated to cost as much as $25 billion.

Accept immigration scofflaws aren't violating statutory laws, I am not sure exactly what laws illegal immigrants are violating. I have been told illegals are class X felons because they are violating federal laws. I would LOVE and invite disambiguation here. Any qualified immigration layers's remarks are more than welcome here.

Most illegals haven't violated any law. They a visa violators, which is an administrative violation, not a crime. So calling them "illegal" is a misnomer. Which is why they're legally referred to as "undocumented aliens"

But it's good that you recognize most illegal aliens aren't actually illegal. Baby steps.

More lefty linguistic gymnastics, once again illegal aliens are criminals and can be kicked out at anytime no hearing required .

Accept immigration scofflaws aren't violating statutory laws, I am not sure exactly what laws illegal immigrants are violating. I have been told illegals are class X felons because they are violating federal laws. I would LOVE and invite disambiguation here. Any qualified immigration layers's remarks are more than welcome here.

Most illegals haven't violated any law. They a visa violators, which is an administrative violation, not a crime. So calling them "illegal" is a misnomer. Which is why they're legally referred to as "undocumented aliens"

But it's good that you recognize most illegal aliens aren't actually illegal. Baby steps.

That's like saying a heroin dealer is an undocumented pharmacist. If you are not in this country legally, then WTF are you?
The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.
Open door Obama deported more than any president in modern history. But hey don't let facts get in your way!
Forgive me, I will wait and see what an actual flesh and blood immigration layer has to say. It's funny they aren't here. Lawyers want money, pro bono opinions on net the isn't something any lawyer attests to , I get it. Still...

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