Can't have enough 'Mikes' right ?

15? Wow, and I thought it was expensive to feed and visit the vet with three. :tongue:
Money isn't an issue. Being unable to sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time can be stressful at times....this situation would have been impossible
when I used to have to get up at the kracken of dawn every day.
I could fill up a 5 gallon bucket if I had a penny for every time I heard "Hey Mikey ! "

The worst part is Life Cereal sucks. Why couldn't we get a Cocoa Krispies or Raisin Bran commercial ?
Raisin bran with a banana cut up on top sounds good. All I had for breakfast today was 2 vitamin suplements and a glass of water. BBL...:scared1:
Money isn't an issue. Being unable to sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time can be stressful at times....this situation would have been impossible
when I used to have to get up at the kracken of dawn every day.
Wow- A tough call indeed MikeyG -sleep or dogs …less sleep or lots of dogs- I prefer both and couldn’t choose! Glad to hear it’s working out for you-that’s really short bits of sleep but maybe your body is accustomed to that by now. When you throw your body’s clock off, it does tend to wear on you. I remember how hard it was to reset my body clock after working third shift for a while and going to a day job. I was a little bit of a walking zombie but that was temporary…… pretty much lol
Wow- A tough call indeed MikeyG -sleep or dogs …less sleep or lots of dogs- I prefer both and couldn’t choose! Glad to hear it’s working out for you-that’s really short bits of sleep but maybe your body is accustomed to that by now. When you throw your body’s clock off, it does tend to wear on you. I remember how hard it was to reset my body clock after working third shift for a while and going to a day job. I was a little bit of a walking zombie but that was temporary…… pretty much lol
For me, as I get older it seems like I'm needing less sleep, (or maybe I'm just finding a way to rationalize having too many dogs ?) especially since quitting alcohol a few years ago. (alcohol in 2017.. tobacco in 2009)

Let alone the health benefits, waking up without a hangover every day makes a world of difference. Getting off sugar and caffeine is something I haven't attempted yet, but those may be next.
For me, as I get older it seems like I'm needing less sleep, (or maybe I'm just finding a way to rationalize having too many dogs ?) especially since quitting alcohol a few years ago. (alcohol in 2017.. tobacco in 2009)

Let alone the health benefits, waking up without a hangover every day makes a world of difference. Getting off sugar and caffeine is something I haven't attempted yet, but those may be next.
Um ... what if yer new namesake Liked Liquor and smokes.
Ever done tink about that.
I remember an old timer { in his mid-80's } who *worked at the Trucking
company I started with after flunking out of college.I took 4 years for me
to finally flunk out of college.A Catholic University.
This Old Timer smoked non-filter Pall Malls.He explained to me that
he told his doctor that if the first 50 years of smoking dint kill him,
why bother over his 2nd 50 years.

* As the night watchman.
For me, as I get older it seems like I'm needing less sleep, (or maybe I'm just finding a way to rationalize having too many dogs ?) especially since quitting alcohol a few years ago. (alcohol in 2017.. tobacco in 2009)

Let alone the health benefits, waking up without a hangover every day makes a world of difference. Getting off sugar and caffeine is something I haven't attempted yet, but those may be next.
That is awesome on so many levels- keep living your life fully, you’re doing it right, that is if that amount of sleep is enough. A good friend of mine needs about 4 hours of sleep per night or less, she doesn’t even set an alarm going to bed .usually at 2 and up by 6 - so deep sleep is key for many. Aka- sleep sound and stay healthy:)
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miketx 1.jpg
means froo froo in any language.


That is awesome on so many levels- keep living your life fully, you’re doing it right, that is if that amount of sleep is enough. A good friend of mine needs about 4 hours of sleep per night or less, she doesn’t even set an alarm going to bed .usually at 2 and up by 6 - so deep sleep is key for many. Aka- sleep sound and stay healthy:)
The other drawback is not being able to go anywhere for more than 2 days. My sister-in-law and one of my son's are basically the only two people who can come over and take care of them, and it's really a lot to ask.

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