Cantor's loss signals more infighting in Republican Party


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

For some Republicans looking at the next presidential campaign, however, Mr. Cantor’s defeat at the hands of an opponent who assailed him for being open to an immigration overhaul could have an even more damaging impact in the long run. Even as party officials debate how significant a factor immigration was in Virginia, the fear that addressing it could alienate the party base may prevent any action on immigration legislation in the next two years. That could leave Republican presidential contenders with a significant disadvantage as they face an increasingly diverse electorate in 2016.

WOW! Just when the GOP thought they had smashed the TP, oooops. The answer?

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to give the GOP credit, they aren't letting the Teabaggers win in contests that the Democrats have a reasonable shot at winning.

The Establishment was asleep at the wheel in VA-7. They assumed Cantor was a lot more competent than he was.
To think the GOP is a right wing party, is not to think. The R party is a moderately progressive a sense, D lite.

That is why the party establishment, headed by the Bushes and other progressives, are trying to destroy the TP movement. They are assisted in this effort by the Ds and the MSM...and by the many dupes who can't see the truth, but just go along with whatever the Statist establishment tells them.
to give the GOP credit, they aren't letting the Teabaggers win in contests that the Democrats have a reasonable shot at winning.

The Establishment was asleep at the wheel in VA-7. They assumed Cantor was a lot more competent than he was.

"teabaggers" :doubt:

Latency leaking.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Point out the vision of the future being proposed by the TeaTards?
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

No, they just want the party to return from the Democrat family

Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

gipper, your are dupish individual if you think a couple of good victories is going to wash away the dozens of TP defeats in the primaries this spring.

The TP contingent may be 1/3d of what it was this term and less than 1/5th of the 2010 winners.

Being aware of you dupes makes it easy to defeat you: as Cornyn and Graham prove.
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Point out the vision of the future being proposed by the TeaTards?

"tea tards" :doubt:

What else do you call someone who celebrates a shutdown of government?

First of all, no one celebrated the shutdown of 15% of the government

second, the teaparty did not do it, Obama did it, the teaparty minority in the house does not have the power to shut down anything.

third, Cantor was a dem in pub clothing

fourth, the teaparty principles are: follow the constitution, smaller less intrusive federal government, lower taxes, lower govt spending, individual freedom. Which of those do you disagree with?
Cantor was one of the GOP's insiders.

Some of you complaint that he was a D lite.


Still I doubt many of you who agree with above will have a clue what some of mean when we say

OBAMA is simply GOP-Lite. the difference between Canto and Obama is the difference between actors on a stage. They play roles to amuse those of you still too dense to see that there is but one party in power and it is neither LEFT NOR RIGHT, it is simply organized crime.​

One of these days you partisans (especially those of you who are angry at your own party) are going to realize that both these parties are gigantic lies foisted upon you.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Point out the vision of the future being proposed by the TeaTards?

go back to your american history 101, their vision of the future is the same as that of the founders of our nation (without slavery of course).

Freedom from govt oppression.
Cantor was one of the GOP's insiders.

Some of you complaint that he was a D lite.


Still I doubt many of you who agree with above will have a clue what some of mean when we say

OBAMA is simply GOP-Lite. the difference between Canto and Obama is the difference between actors on a stage. They play roles to amuse those of you still too dense to see that there is but one party in power and it is neither LEFT NOR RIGHT, it is simply organized crime.​

One of these days you partisans (especially those of you who are angry at your own party) are going to realize that both these parties are gigantic lies foisted upon you.

true to a point, and that is why we see a "kick them all out" movement in many places. Its also why there are a lot of people demanding term limits for congress.

being in congress should not be a "career", it should be a short term sacrifice for your country and then you return to being a normal citizen after a few years. Thats what the founders envisioned and we need to return to that.

For some Republicans looking at the next presidential campaign, however, Mr. Cantor’s defeat at the hands of an opponent who assailed him for being open to an immigration overhaul could have an even more damaging impact in the long run. Even as party officials debate how significant a factor immigration was in Virginia, the fear that addressing it could alienate the party base may prevent any action on immigration legislation in the next two years. That could leave Republican presidential contenders with a significant disadvantage as they face an increasingly diverse electorate in 2016.

WOW! Just when the GOP thought they had smashed the TP, oooops. The answer?


There is in fighting in the Republican Party. Good. It is needed. Tired of RINOs. They are weak. They should move to the Democrat side. Above all, not let Liberals or Democrats define what the Republican Party should be.

For some Republicans looking at the next presidential campaign, however, Mr. Cantor’s defeat at the hands of an opponent who assailed him for being open to an immigration overhaul could have an even more damaging impact in the long run. Even as party officials debate how significant a factor immigration was in Virginia, the fear that addressing it could alienate the party base may prevent any action on immigration legislation in the next two years. That could leave Republican presidential contenders with a significant disadvantage as they face an increasingly diverse electorate in 2016.

WOW! Just when the GOP thought they had smashed the TP, oooops. The answer?


There is in fighting in the Republican Party. Good. It is needed. Tired of RINOs. They are weak. They should move to the Democrat side. Above all, not let Liberals or Democrats define what the Republican Party should be.

Good point, the Cantor defeat should send a message to both parties that the people are fed up with DC corruption, incompetence, partisan bullshit, and inaction.
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HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Point out the vision of the future being proposed by the TeaTards?

Proofing once again, what a fool you are.

You dump on the TP, but readily admit you have no clue what they stand for.


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