cap and trade coming anyway


Jul 14, 2009
The EPA also announced Thursday that it was taking the unprecedented step of directly issuing air permits to industries in Texas, citing the state's unwillingness to comply with greenhouse gas regulations going into effect Jan. 2. EPA officials said they reluctantly were taking over Clean Air Act Permits for greenhouse gas emissions because "officials in Texas have made clear . they have no intention of implementing this portion of the federal air permitting program."

Two days after the midterm elections, Obama served notice that he would look for ways to control global warming pollution other than Congress placing a ceiling on it.

"Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way," he said. "I'm going to be looking for other means to address this problem."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: EPA moving unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases | Washington Examiner
The EPA also announced Thursday that it was taking the unprecedented step of directly issuing air permits to industries in Texas, citing the state's unwillingness to comply with greenhouse gas regulations going into effect Jan. 2. EPA officials said they reluctantly were taking over Clean Air Act Permits for greenhouse gas emissions because "officials in Texas have made clear . they have no intention of implementing this portion of the federal air permitting program."

Two days after the midterm elections, Obama served notice that he would look for ways to control global warming pollution other than Congress placing a ceiling on it.

"Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way," he said. "I'm going to be looking for other means to address this problem."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: EPA moving unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases | Washington Examiner

:doubt: Yeah, right.
The EPA also announced Thursday that it was taking the unprecedented step of directly issuing air permits to industries in Texas, citing the state's unwillingness to comply with greenhouse gas regulations going into effect Jan. 2. EPA officials said they reluctantly were taking over Clean Air Act Permits for greenhouse gas emissions because "officials in Texas have made clear . they have no intention of implementing this portion of the federal air permitting program."

Two days after the midterm elections, Obama served notice that he would look for ways to control global warming pollution other than Congress placing a ceiling on it.

"Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat; it was not the only way," he said. "I'm going to be looking for other means to address this problem."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: EPA moving unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases | Washington Examiner

:doubt: Yeah, right.
:clap2: This Administration have never reluctantly seized more power.

It's ironic that people who call themselves Democrats have such contempt for democracy.
EPA moving unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases | Washington Examiner[/url]


James Hansen — the world’s leading climate scientist fighting against global warming — told Amy Goodman this morning that cap and trade not only won’t reduce emissions, it may actually increase them:

“The problem is that the emissions just go someplace else. That’s what happened after Kyoto, and that’s what would happen again, if—as long as fossil fuels are the cheapest energy, they will be burned someplace. You know, the Europeans thought they actually reduced their emissions after Kyoto, but what happened was the products that had been made in their countries began to be made in other countries, which were burning the cheapest form of fossil fuel, so the total emissions actually increased…”

Environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace are also against cap and trade (and see this and this), as is the head of California’s cap and trade program for the EPA.

Shhh. Don’t tell Al Gore about this.

Obviously we must kill a lot of babies to save the planet. Seriously!! The only answer is to kill off a large portion of the human population. The "Science" is unassailable, Al Gore said so! Kill a baby for the planet. Do it for tomorrow's (dead) children. We can save Mother Earth!! Kill a baby today!!!

Oh, and one more thing please send a check to the GOREMONS!!!

Didn't Gore just buy a house in Malibu right next to the ocean? He has to be just laughing at all the people who bought into his crock.
Fuck it. Let's just give the IRS the ability to set tax rates too while we're at it. :rolleyes:
AB 32 in California, takes effect now, all the rest of you need do is expose our debt, our costs, our electric rates and maybe some good will come of the bad.
AB 32 in California, takes effect now, all the rest of you need do is expose our debt, our costs, our electric rates and maybe some good will come of the bad.

Is that the new climate change bill that will bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to CA?
AB 32 in California, takes effect now, all the rest of you need do is expose our debt, our costs, our electric rates and maybe some good will come of the bad.

Is that the new climate change bill that will bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to CA?

Yes it is, brought to us by CARB, a billion dollar bureaucratic swindle. California Air Resource Board. 100,000$ salaries, billions wasted, and its only just begun.

KILLCARB.ORG - California Cap & Trade May Encourage Clear-Cutting Forests

California is even more insane than I thought in my previous post. We now have one of those truth is stranger than fiction things going courtesy of the nutbags in Sacramento. It now seems that the California cap & trade law, AB32, may actually encourage logging companies to clear-cut the forests in the state.

So, we have companies running around charging people to plant trees to sequester CO2, right? Trees are good, right? The hippies have even lived in old growth redwoods to prevent them from being cut down. Everybody is bitching about deforestation in the Amazon Basin and elsewhere, right? The prevailing theory of the warmer crowd has been that trees are good and we need more trees planted and less trees/deforestation going on if we’re not going to cook the planet, right? All those animals that live in the forest also need them, right?

Well I guess everyplace but California who now, in yet another fit of CO2 Insanity, astoundingly want loggers to cut down trees! Why? Because they’ll earn carbon credits to plant new trees if you can believe that one!

From the California Watch website we get this information about it.

California timber firms could emerge as big winners in the state’s fight against global warming, earning millions of dollars through the sale of carbon credits if a new set of rules are approved by the Air Resources Board this week.

The state board has responsibility for implementing AB 32, California’s landmark effort to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

A significant portion of those credits, or offsets, are expected to come from the carbon-storing capacity of forests.

Yes you read right they want to cut down those Co2 sequestering trees! Must be good in California and not in the Amazon I guess.

One of the most controversial provisions would enable timber companies to obtain credits by replanting trees in clear-cut areas of the forest.
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AB 32 in California, takes effect now, all the rest of you need do is expose our debt, our costs, our electric rates and maybe some good will come of the bad.

Is that the new climate change bill that will bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to CA?

Yes it is, brought to us by CARB, a billion dollar bureaucratic swindle. California Air Resource Board. 100,000$ salaries, billions wasted, and its only just begun.

KILLCARB.ORG - California Cap & Trade May Encourage Clear-Cutting Forests

California Cap & Trade May Encourage Clear-Cutting Forests

California is even more insane than I thought in my previous post. We now have one of those truth is stranger than fiction things going courtesy of the nutbags in Sacramento. It now seems that the California cap & trade law, AB32, may actually encourage logging companies to clear-cut the forests in the state.

So, we have companies running around charging people to plant trees to sequester CO2, right? Trees are good, right? The hippies have even lived in old growth redwoods to prevent them from being cut down. Everybody is bitching about deforestation in the Amazon Basin and elsewhere, right? The prevailing theory of the warmer crowd has been that trees are good and we nee

Unbelievable. Trees take in CO2 for photosynthesis. We take in oxygen for cellular respiration and they're wanting to sequester CO2? It's absolutely mind blowing...what they've got going on in CA.
Is that the new climate change bill that will bring hundreds of thousands of jobs to CA?

Yes it is, brought to us by CARB, a billion dollar bureaucratic swindle. California Air Resource Board. 100,000$ salaries, billions wasted, and its only just begun.

KILLCARB.ORG - California Cap & Trade May Encourage Clear-Cutting Forests

California Cap & Trade May Encourage Clear-Cutting Forests

California is even more insane than I thought in my previous post. We now have one of those truth is stranger than fiction things going courtesy of the nutbags in Sacramento. It now seems that the California cap & trade law, AB32, may actually encourage logging companies to clear-cut the forests in the state.

So, we have companies running around charging people to plant trees to sequester CO2, right? Trees are good, right? The hippies have even lived in old growth redwoods to prevent them from being cut down. Everybody is bitching about deforestation in the Amazon Basin and elsewhere, right? The prevailing theory of the warmer crowd has been that trees are good and we nee

Unbelievable. Trees take in CO2 for photosynthesis. We take in oxygen for cellular respiration and they're wanting to sequester CO2? It's absolutely mind blowing...what they've got going on in CA.

It's well established, Californians are semi-retarded nitwits. See the results of the last election.
I just hope the rest of the nation has the patience to watch us implode as well as the common sense not to offer a Marxist-bailout.
I was hoping the climate people would defend the bureaucratic megaplex taking over for the congress .

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