Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

View attachment 656573
No wonder not one poor oppressed negro or lightly brown American has ever built a hand made boat to float 90 miles down to Cuba to escape the tyrannical capitalist government.

No wonder why so Cubans lost their lives escaping the wonderful communist government there by getting eaten alive by sharks on their hand-made boats floating 90 miles to Florida but didn't make it.

Wish I could kick the teeth out of every pathetic dirty No good spoiled white pile of ignorant commie crap.
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Only my personal experience cant speak for others But we CHOSE working for our self's, & yes some times employees made more than us. WE thrived on being our own boss competing with ours self's to increase revenue. learning always learning. Not EVERY ONE wants this, Many are willing to put in the hours required at their job. but when the day ends like the freedom to walk away go home & forget the job. One thing we did not do was demand employees do more or get less in the interest of constantly increasing our own bottom line.

I think you do speak for many as a few of my relatives have their own business. The one took a huge risk in the entertainment sector that could have easily went flop. In the end he was very successful and his business is renown in the Cleveland area. However he still works night and day. His wife quit her job to work with him just so they have some time together. He leaves the house at 7:00 am and doesn't return home until 10:00 pm most nights.

He lives a nice lifestyle when he has time to enjoy it, but why shouldn't he? He deserves it. I would have never taken such a huge financial risk over a dream or vision. He did and God love him for it. He created jobs and made millions of people happy with this dream of his.
No wonder not one poor oppressed negro or lightly brown American has ever built a hand made boat to float 90 miles down to Cuba to escape the tyrannical capitalist government.

No wonder why so Cubans lost their lives escaping the wonderful communist government there by getting eaten alive by sharks on their hand-made boats floating 90 miles to Florida but didn't make it.

Wish I could kick the teeth out of every pathetic dirty No good spoiled white pile of ignorant commie crap.

We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

View attachment 656573
No it doesn’t, capitalism is not perfect and neither is anything else. History is our best teacher, capitalism has proven to be the best system to date.
If you are in the top 1% as you claim, what do you do with your wealth to help society? You can spell it out here, how much do you donate annually to charity, non profits, volunteering, etc????
I recently (last weekend) spent several days with a Ukrainian software engineer who happens to be related to my cousin through marriage, he is here via refugee asylum. He is very happy and passionate to be in a country that fully supports capitalism, he is also the second generation of Ukrainians post the Soviet Union’s collapse. Why do I mention the 2nd generation, because his grandmother wanted to go back to the old Soviet Union because she was comfortable depending on the state. What you are unable to fathom, is capitalism offers an environment like no other, freedom is the heartbeat of humanities creativity, always will be. You want control, life doesn’t work this way for the majority.
As many have already pointed out, you are free to leave anytime you want, I will be happy to purchase you a ticket to Mexico….
No wonder not one poor oppressed negro or lightly brown American has ever built a hand made boat to float 90 miles down to Cuba to escape the tyrannical capitalist government.

No wonder why so Cubans lost their lives escaping the wonderful communist government there by getting eaten alive by sharks on their hand-made boats floating 90 miles to Florida but didn't make it.

Wish I could kick the teeth out of every pathetic dirty No good spoiled white pile of ignorant commie crap.
Doubtless poor and oppressed in his pouty little mind as well, perhaps even "negro or lightly brown,"
But with a little luck and ingenuity, it can be done, say security experts.

Last year, Jacob Alexander, the former CEO of Comverse Technology, ran to Namibia after being charged with backdating stock options. He has reportedly been pouring money into the country to forestall extradition efforts. In 2004, after being charged with tax fraud, Herbert Axelrod, a publisher of pet care books, made for Cuba and then

Switzerland before being arrested. In fact, Douglas McNabb, a criminal defence and extradition lawyer, says he gets “blitzed with emails or calls” from people who are thinking of running. (He can’t and won’t offer them advice, though.)
Based on the huge number of "help wanted" signs around the country I'd say the system is working just fine. Now if all those unemployed people would just learn how to read those signs...
What unemployed people?
No it doesn’t, capitalism is not perfect and neither is anything else. History is our best teacher, capitalism has proven to be the best system to date.
If you are in the top 1% as you claim, what do you do with your wealth to help society? You can spell it out here, how much do you donate annually to charity, non profits, volunteering, etc????
I recently (last weekend) spent several days with a Ukrainian software engineer who happens to be related to my cousin through marriage, he is here via refugee asylum. He is very happy and passionate to be in a country that fully supports capitalism, he is also the second generation of Ukrainians post the Soviet Union’s collapse. Why do I mention the 2nd generation, because his grandmother wanted to go back to the old Soviet Union because she was comfortable depending on the state. What you are unable to fathom, is capitalism offers an environment like no other, freedom is the heartbeat of humanities creativity, always will be. You want control, life doesn’t work this way for the majority.
As many have already pointed out, you are free to leave anytime you want, I will be happy to purchase you a ticket to Mexico….
Charity and volunteering shouldn’t be the solution for an unbalanced social structure. It should be in place even when we have a balanced social structure. No one is advocating socialism and splitting things evenly.. the issue is ALL the benefit is going to the top. Structurally our economy should produce winning at all levels. Not just the 1%. You guys are so dense that you think any attempt to smooth things out is wrong because you have been conditioned by the elite. We thank you for being on our side but seriously have some pride and advocate for more equality not fall to fear mongering about socialism.
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We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

View attachment 656573

When did you totally embrace Marxism??

If not today, then I demand a date and time when you did.
Charity and volunteering shouldn’t be the solution for an unbalanced social structure. It should be in place even when we have a balanced social structure. No one is advocating socialism and splitting things evenly.. the issue is ALL the benefit is going to the top. Structurally our economy should produce winning at all levels. Not just the 1%. You guys are so dense that you think any attempt to smooth things out is wrong because you have been conditioned by the elite. We thank you for being on our side but seriously have some pride and advocate for more equality not fall to fear mongering about socialism.
people benefit from working hard and making good choices
Obviously you don't know.
Hire me to educate you, and I want a half down payment, up front.
Deflection. You have no idea what you are talking about. I knew before I asked.
Charity and volunteering shouldn’t be the solution for an unbalanced social structure. It should be in place even when we have a balanced social structure. No one is advocating socialism and splitting things evenly.. the issue is ALL the benefit is going to the top. Structurally our economy should produce winning at all levels. Not just the 1%. You guys are so dense that you think any attempt to smooth things out is wrong because you have been conditioned by the elite. We thank you for being on our side but seriously have some pride and advocate for more equality not fall to fear mongering about socialism.

More equality, huh? Why don't you tell us how that can be done without taking from one and giving to another, which we have been doing for generations now.

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