Capitalism Formula: Game Theory of Hell [Archangel Comics]


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Sep 22, 2013
In mathematics, Game Theory (the study of profit-gain systems in competitive games revealing ledgers/margins between competitors) tells us about the evaluation metrics of competitive behaviors. Game Theory has been used to analyze everything from survivalism-evolution adaptations strategies to capitalism-economics. It was the math-field explored in the math-history novel adapted film A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe.

Game Theory offers us interesting perspectives on hypothetical completely-closed competition-circuits involving a game in which there is absolutely no incentive to lose or even declare a stalemate. Such a 'game' would surely reflect our modern era capitalism-criticisms regarding the wolfish/sharkish behaviors on Wall Street and instincts towards profiteerism and piracy.

What can Game Theory therefore offer us for presentations about TrumpUSA (our current society of 'commercial paranoia') folklore?



"American super-celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise decided to invest in a series of immigration-themed comics-stylized 'fables' for their new comics-enterprise Archangel Comics, which they co-managed with comics writer/artist William Gibson. These immigration-paranoia fables would involve known and new comics-characters such as Captain America, Kingpin, Scarlet Witch, and the Gambler. Archangel Comics immigration-storyboards would hopefully be adapted into TrumpUSA-relevant films directed possibly by Steven Spielberg."


"Americans cared much about immigration and the risks and rewards associated with the proverbial 'American Dream.' After the fall of the Communist Soviet Union, numerous women in Asia and Europe registered themselves as Internet mail-order-brides, seeking to emigrate to America to marry American men and find residence in America and pursue the American Dream. Therefore, even the Internet was promoting immigration, so population dynamics and the flow of capital was 'directing' social perspectives on the American Dream."


"A time-traveling scientist named Dr. Whotter and his daughter Estelle decided to use their newly-designed phone-booth time-travel machine to travel from 1800s London to 2018 Los Angeles, since English urbanization and Jack the Ripper folklore gave way to American consumerism and post-9/11 Wall Street fervor. Dr. Whotter and Estelle immediately recognized that 'TrumpUSA' was a system of great commercial vibrancy and media controversies. Everyone loved popcorn and brain-candy."


"Dr. Whotter and Estelle encountered a strange circus/carnival in Los Angeles called Night-Circus. To greet them at the entrance, a magician with roses named Mandrake warned them that the Night-Circus was a theater of pure piracy and darkness, so only those 'interested' in the unusual should consider themselves guests/patrons. Dr. Whotter and Estelle noted that Mandrake was very pensive about the intellectual contours of risk and piracy in modern civilization but decided to enter the Night-Circus."


"The Night-Circus was filled with eerie lights and fantastic rides and ominous ride-hosts and creepy clowns and strange-love shows and outlandish halls-of-horror tours designed to make guests/patrons more 'sensitive' about the 'courage' necessary to celebrate the 'dangers and pitfalls' of modern civilization --- namely, capitalism-consciousness. The Roulette-tent at the Night-Circus was particularly eccentric. Dr. Whotter and Estelle noted that all the rides/features of Night-Circus promoted the 'dark-side' of gambling."


"When Dr. Whotter and Estelle entered the Roulette-tent, the eerie hosts and table-managers demanded that they first drink two glasses of their special Napoleon Brandy before trying their hand at Roulette. The good doctor and his daughter decided to drink the sharp brandy and play some Roulette. The table-managers at the Roulette-table explained that the games at Night-Circus were 'special' since they were meant to symbolize the 'universal reality' that no sentient mind was above the temptation to gamble."


"Dr. Whotter and Estelle then entered a special museum-tent which featured a robotic moving gold-colored dragon-creature named Ozmandius. The tent-manager explained that the 'Gold Dragon' represented a capitalism-imagination of the labyrinths of profiteerism and the 'tangible consequences' of unchecked gambling on Wall Street. Ozmandius was a 'leviathan' of pure mischief and blinding euphoria. Dr. Whotter understood that Night-Circus rides/features were meant to convey the message that the system of capitalism promoted gambling and piracy among all 'players' and therefore comprised a 'bottomless pit'."


"After Dr. Whotter and Estelle left Night-Circus, they decided to 'cleanse' and edify their minds by watching the economics-consciousness mathematician-biopic A Beautiful Mind, about the Nobel-winning American mathematician John Nash who used Game Theory to reinvent the cyclical processes of competitive behaviors, deriving a hypothetical 'equilibrium point' in which there were no winners and losers in a 'special game.' Dr. Whotter and Estelle really enjoyed the American film and decided there were two 'aspects' to capitalism-consciousness under modern 'TrumpUSA' --- risk-omens and equilibrium-calculation."


"Dr. Whotter and Estelle stayed at a Marriott hotel room and purchased a nice vase with gold-paint colored miniature tree-branches. When a room-service attendant brought them breakfast one morning and asked them what the gold tree-branch 'sculpture' signified, Dr. Whotter explained that the sculpture symbolized the 'variegation splendor' of capitalism in TrumpUSA and that the gold-branches represented the profit-sharing potential of risk-systems in Wall Street. Dr. Whotter really cherished that gold-branched vased sculpture."


"Dr. Whotter and Estelle decided to attend a NFL game between the Miami Dolphins and the Minnesota Vikings. At the game, they ran into the Hollywood (USA) celebrities Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise who told the good doctor and his daughter about their new Archangel Comics project about 'immigration-sociology' and histrionics-fables which would hopefully be adapted into capitalism-reflective American films. Dr. Whotter and Estelle asked Hanks and Cruise what they thought of the NFL game, and the two movie-stars explained that competitive sports signified a 'TrumpUSA' fascination with the social 'glories' of teamwork and pride."


"When Dr. Whotter and Estelle returned to 1800s London by re-entering their phone-booth time-travel machine, they began writing journal entries about their account of 21st Century America (the 'New World') and capitalism-consciousness and imagination under 'TrumpUSA.' They wrote about John Nash, the eerie Night-Circus, and Archangel Comics and why/how intellectual analysis of capitalism prompted all kinds of metaphysics-dialogue. Dr. Whotter wished he and Estelle stayed in that future-world long enough to watch those Archangel Comics capitalism-folklore movies being produced by Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise(!)."




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