Capitalism Graphic: Evangelism/Censorship


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should capitalism promote absurd storytelling?

What would ISIS think?



"As Europeans were copycatting American capitalism to make sure that Western civilization included Europe in the grand North American 'modern saga,' many European cops and authorities were wondering if America's brand of 'libertine dialogue' would translate to censorship requirements in the relatively more conservative Europe!"


"American satirists were busy making Wonder Woman (DC Comics) political-cartoons about the vanities of 'TrumpUSA,' perhaps taking for granted the fact that modern capitalism in America required a surprisingly high level of patriotism. Were Americans 'permitting' anti-Western terrorists to find fuel for their anti-capitalist fire?"


"Capitalism is about bargaining and negotiation, and sometimes warfare based on profits (e.g., Gulf War) can be rather mad. That's why many divinity-scholars postulate that the End of Days will come in the time of this modern 'American empire' (and that the AntiChrist just might be a media-idol or movie-superstar making symbolic films about capitalism-greed!). Such a 'drama' would suggest that we'd find unusual 'warlords' and pirates waging terrible games and even resorting to violence (e.g., drug-gang rivalry crimes/violence) to secure their 'dominions'."


"Americans love toys and consumerism, so various iconic commercial 'trinkets' and 'tokens' such as Disney wrist-watches remind everyday Americans of the general/basic 'charm' and 'magic' of capitalism. Do these toys, however, also inspire war?"


"The Bible says that at the End of Days, the mysterious harlot of Babylon will rise to social prominence and lead humanity away from civic virtue and temperance, perhaps by exploiting this new age hysteria regarding 'ambition schizophrenia'."


"ISIS (the dangerous Middle Eastern terrorist group) was busy planning a strike on Washington, D.C. on July 4, 2018. How would the Trump Administration respond?"


"An evangelist named Thomas Hewitt claimed that if this modern brand of 'capitalism madness' went unchecked, the Earth would be consumed by giant predatory tentacled demons that would turn souls into wandering skeletons of hell. Did Hewitt have reason to fear that Wall Street would create complete dementia?"


"Americans watched the vigilantism-daydream comics-adapted series Gotham (Fox TV) and noticed how the anti-social urban menace, the Red Hood Gang, schemed to diabolically rob the Gotham Bank during a time great social uneasiness. The Red Hood Gang represented everything Americans were anxious about regarding 'capitalism sarcasm'."


"A European journalist and former (secret) member of Interpol decided to write critically about America's odd fascination with computers --- e.g., IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Dell, Gateway. Americans love toys and treated computers like toys, and Steve Jobs' Apple iMacs even resembled toys! This European journalist suggested that the NSA might be developing a terrible super-computer for the military, capable of hacking into any computer network on foreign soil. Was this Orwellian magic?"


"An American woman, former secretary to a Wall Street tycoon, decided to become a vigilante, modelling herself after Black Cat (Marvel Comics). 'Black Cat' killed NYPD officers and sent anonymous notices to the NY Times which read thing like, 'I only kill corrupt cops.' Black Cat became a modern menace, but she couldn't be ignored by social leaders who truly were pensive about general social anarchy in this odd time of 'Wall Street hyperbole'."


TRUMP: Do you think Europe will engage in censorship?
CARTER: Europe's certainly more conservative than us!
TRUMP: Well, everyone's criticizing my immigration ban advice.
CARTER: You're trying to curb terrorism-paranoia, sir.
TRUMP: Yeah, but American media has not been kind to me.
CARTER: I suppose Europe would explore censorship before we did.
TRUMP: We did do McCarthyism, however, Carter.
CARTER: Yes, but America is more sophisticated than Europe.
TRUMP: I fear Europe will look at Wall Street and find profit in censorship.
CARTER: Europeans are more prone to socialism/fascism, sir.
TRUMP: That's true, Carter, but Europe is still Western civilization.
CARTER: You're worried that terrorists will 'link' Europe to America?
TRUMP: It might be a dangerous trend...
CARTER: I see what you mean!
TRUMP: We need to secure continental commerce and then the European Union.
CARTER: That seems wise.
TRUMP: We don't want a sea of 'democracy scapegoats.'
CARTER: Capitalism is so darn complicated(!).
TRUMP: We'll carry the day as 'Big Brother.'
CARTER: May God be on our side.
TRUMP: I wonder who's on the proverbial 'other side.'




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