Capitalism Is Dead


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
An Occupy Movement organizer admitted on Sunday that the goal of the Occupy Movement and Progressive Labor is the destruction of Capitalism and the establishment of a Communist government in the United States. Matthew Boyle reported in The Daily Caller,

Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.

“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”

“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?”

This admission does not come as a surprise. President Obama openly supported the Occupy Movement. Nancy Pelosi blessed the Occupy Movement and openly supported its goals.

Obama laid the foundation for the Occupy Movement, which is nothing more than Marxists and Anarchists who have been inspired and energized by Obama’s efforts to create Class Envy and Class Hatred in America.

They participants of the Occupy Movement were often poorly educated and poorly informed. They had generally sacrificed little or nothing to educate and to prepare themselves for a life and a job.

They, like Obama, were raised to hate America and the Freedom that America protects. Many, if not most, were on welfare or have been supported by their indulgent parents. All want money and other support from our government, and all want someone else to pay for all of it.

The goal of the Occupy Movement protestors is to live in comfort without having to work for what they receive. They want equality with those who have sacrificed and worked hard, and they want government to achieve the equality by taking from the assets of the hard workers and giving money to them who are lazy, uneducated, and unappreciative. In addition, most of the protestors want the successful to not only be brought to poverty but also to be punished for their success.

Occupy Movement
An Occupy Movement organizer admitted on Sunday that the goal of the Occupy Movement and Progressive Labor is the destruction of Capitalism and the establishment of a Communist government in the United States. Matthew Boyle reported in The Daily Caller,

Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.

“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”

“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?”

This admission does not come as a surprise. President Obama openly supported the Occupy Movement. Nancy Pelosi blessed the Occupy Movement and openly supported its goals.

Obama laid the foundation for the Occupy Movement, which is nothing more than Marxists and Anarchists who have been inspired and energized by Obama’s efforts to create Class Envy and Class Hatred in America.

They participants of the Occupy Movement were often poorly educated and poorly informed. They had generally sacrificed little or nothing to educate and to prepare themselves for a life and a job.

They, like Obama, were raised to hate America and the Freedom that America protects. Many, if not most, were on welfare or have been supported by their indulgent parents. All want money and other support from our government, and all want someone else to pay for all of it.

The goal of the Occupy Movement protestors is to live in comfort without having to work for what they receive. They want equality with those who have sacrificed and worked hard, and they want government to achieve the equality by taking from the assets of the hard workers and giving money to them who are lazy, uneducated, and unappreciative. In addition, most of the protestors want the successful to not only be brought to poverty but also to be punished for their success.

Occupy Movement

Haaaa Texas Associated Press :lol: They even put the weather icon on their page to make it look like its news.
I would not say that capitalism is "dead" per se, but it needs some more guide rails. That's coming from a former supporter. :eusa_angel:

A good example is the industry that I work in. The prices that we have to sell at to book business is entirely dictated by the largest companies in the industry. If they feel that things have slowed down (as it did in the last few months) they start selling products at a profit margin and volume that the smaller business can not touch.

They do this without regard, without regard for the small businesses that are in the same arena as them and knowingly/actively move to target them out of business or offer buyout prices that can not be ignored all in order to reduce competition. It is completely unchecked.

There is something completely wrong about that to me, where is the compassion for your fellow worker? Where is the true sense and thrill of competition? It is no longer about competition and helping another person, it's ALL about the dollars and wiping your competition off the map. Who cares about the families that work there and the support it offers. Add shareholders and it gets even worse. :eusa_eh:

Anyway, The Occupy movement is about as blown out as the tea party, it has distilled down until all that is left is the hardcore out-spoken individuals. A clear sign of a movement that is losing steam and popularity.
The Occupy Wall Street protestors want a government bailout too. Originally the protesters pretended to be advocating for the availability of more jobs. The protestors supported President Obama’s push for new government stimulus money by demanding the rich should be taxed more so Obama could give more government money for the creation of jobs.

To evaluate the real intent of the protestors, an employment group went to the Occupy Washington protest area and offered real jobs to the protestors. It surprised no one that none of the protestors were interested in a job or in performing any work. The two men with the employment group had 127 real jobs offered by 27 companies, but there was no interest. There were a lot of excuses, but not one of the protestors was interested in applying for a job.

The protesters presented a list of demands, each of which was fundamentally Marxist. Each of the demands was for our Federal government to give money to the protestors and to their friends. They demanded free housing, free loans that did not need to be repaid, free healthcare, and free everything else with the express demand that they would get all the government support they needed without any requirement that they work.

The America of the Occupy Movement protesters has been brought to us by the news media, the Democratic Party, Liberal teachers and professors, Hollywood, union leaders, the Communist Party of America, Black Panthers, and numerous domestic and foreign groups that hate Freedom, Capitalism, and the United States of America.

Throughout history there have been creators and destroyers. The creators have developed agriculture, education, engineering, businesses, and all that has gone into civilizations. The barbarians have destroyed the workers, the achievers, and the technically advanced civilizations.

Marxists are the barbarians of modern history. Marxists purposely create class hatred and envy to attract and enlarge their political base. They enrage their supporters to murder and mayhem.

The Occupy Wall Street protestors are destroyers and not builders. They want money taken from Wall Street, banks, and the hated “upper 1%” of income earners. The protestors want money for themselves, but they do not want to work to better themselves and to honestly earn the money they want to receive.

The protesters are not interested in producing anything or creating anything of value. They are not interested in adding value to anything or to creating jobs for themselves and others. They simply rage and rant and scream, “We want it now!”

President Barack Obama creates hatred for “the rich” and daily stokes the fires of class hatred and envy. Obama directs the concern for his own misdeeds and projects it onto those who are working hard to pay the bills. Obama and his supporters enable the rage of those on the Progressive Left.

The Occupy Wall Street supporters are the political base of Barack Obama and the Progressive Left. They are examples of what the Great Society and the Department of Education produced for our country. We should be very disgusted and angry.

Occupy Movement
An Occupy Movement organizer admitted on Sunday that the goal of the Occupy Movement and Progressive Labor is the destruction of Capitalism and the establishment of a Communist government in the United States. Matthew Boyle reported in The Daily Caller,

Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.

“Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Golash said he and his comrades are “trying to learn something from the historical revolutions of the past: the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, the revolutions in Cuba and Eastern Europe.”

“What can we learn from them so we can build a more successful movement to transform capitalist society?”

This admission does not come as a surprise. President Obama openly supported the Occupy Movement. Nancy Pelosi blessed the Occupy Movement and openly supported its goals.

Obama laid the foundation for the Occupy Movement, which is nothing more than Marxists and Anarchists who have been inspired and energized by Obama’s efforts to create Class Envy and Class Hatred in America.

They participants of the Occupy Movement were often poorly educated and poorly informed. They had generally sacrificed little or nothing to educate and to prepare themselves for a life and a job.

They, like Obama, were raised to hate America and the Freedom that America protects. Many, if not most, were on welfare or have been supported by their indulgent parents. All want money and other support from our government, and all want someone else to pay for all of it.

The goal of the Occupy Movement protestors is to live in comfort without having to work for what they receive. They want equality with those who have sacrificed and worked hard, and they want government to achieve the equality by taking from the assets of the hard workers and giving money to them who are lazy, uneducated, and unappreciative. In addition, most of the protestors want the successful to not only be brought to poverty but also to be punished for their success.

Occupy Movement

Fuuny..Occupy is allegedly made up of educated people who for whatever reason are outof work or under employed.
What I find laughbale is the fact that these people fail miserably in their study of history. That history states clearly "Communism DOES NOT WORK"....Period done end of story.
For supposedly smart people, they are really stupid.
Well, it shows how dumb the OWS crowd is. Because we don't have capitalism here. Go ahead and try and destroy something that die over 100 years ago. :lol:

But nevermind that stuff. No one really cares WHAT system we have here or why it is failing. Just shit behind a car, place a tent on public or private land with a percentage sign of some type and start shouting about shit which you're clueless on.

Too funny.
Wasn't it Churchill who once said that Capitalism is not perfect but it is the best system we have? Communism not only doesn't work but I would argue it is almost an unnatural system. Almost every system is a "mixed" system, it is only a matter of degrees, there is a reason the world has constantly rejected Communism and why many citizens risk their life trying to escape it (even if you broaden the definition).

To me, Capitalism and freedom go hand in hand, you cannot have one without the other.
The Occupy Wall Street protestors want a government bailout too. Originally the protesters pretended to be advocating for the availability of more jobs. The protestors supported President Obama’s push for new government stimulus money by demanding the rich should be taxed more so Obama could give more government money for the creation of jobs.

To evaluate the real intent of the protestors, an employment group went to the Occupy Washington protest area and offered real jobs to the protestors. It surprised no one that none of the protestors were interested in a job or in performing any work. The two men with the employment group had 127 real jobs offered by 27 companies, but there was no interest. There were a lot of excuses, but not one of the protestors was interested in applying for a job.

The protesters presented a list of demands, each of which was fundamentally Marxist. Each of the demands was for our Federal government to give money to the protestors and to their friends. They demanded free housing, free loans that did not need to be repaid, free healthcare, and free everything else with the express demand that they would get all the government support they needed without any requirement that they work.

The America of the Occupy Movement protesters has been brought to us by the news media, the Democratic Party, Liberal teachers and professors, Hollywood, union leaders, the Communist Party of America, Black Panthers, and numerous domestic and foreign groups that hate Freedom, Capitalism, and the United States of America.

Throughout history there have been creators and destroyers. The creators have developed agriculture, education, engineering, businesses, and all that has gone into civilizations. The barbarians have destroyed the workers, the achievers, and the technically advanced civilizations.

Marxists are the barbarians of modern history. Marxists purposely create class hatred and envy to attract and enlarge their political base. They enrage their supporters to murder and mayhem.

The Occupy Wall Street protestors are destroyers and not builders. They want money taken from Wall Street, banks, and the hated “upper 1%” of income earners. The protestors want money for themselves, but they do not want to work to better themselves and to honestly earn the money they want to receive.

The protesters are not interested in producing anything or creating anything of value. They are not interested in adding value to anything or to creating jobs for themselves and others. They simply rage and rant and scream, “We want it now!”

President Barack Obama creates hatred for “the rich” and daily stokes the fires of class hatred and envy. Obama directs the concern for his own misdeeds and projects it onto those who are working hard to pay the bills. Obama and his supporters enable the rage of those on the Progressive Left.

The Occupy Wall Street supporters are the political base of Barack Obama and the Progressive Left. They are examples of what the Great Society and the Department of Education produced for our country. We should be very disgusted and angry.

Occupy Movement

Ok I will bite ..

I walked this march in San Francisco last summer and will tell you that your dead wrong.
Occupy is about being angry for The bail outs, yet we lost our homes
Basically back in the beginning it was quit close to what the Tea Party wanted less Government ....
And just like the people who try to discredit the Tea Party, there are those like this Blog who are discrediting the Occupy.
I would not say that capitalism is "dead" per se, but it needs some more guide rails. That's coming from a former supporter. :eusa_angel:

A good example is the industry that I work in. The prices that we have to sell at to book business is entirely dictated by the largest companies in the industry. If they feel that things have slowed down (as it did in the last few months) they start selling products at a profit margin and volume that the smaller business can not touch.

They do this without regard, without regard for the small businesses that are in the same arena as them and knowingly/actively move to target them out of business or offer buyout prices that can not be ignored all in order to reduce competition. It is completely unchecked.

There is something completely wrong about that to me, where is the compassion for your fellow worker? Where is the true sense and thrill of competition? It is no longer about competition and helping another person, it's ALL about the dollars and wiping your competition off the map. Who cares about the families that work there and the support it offers. Add shareholders and it gets even worse. :eusa_eh:

Anyway, The Occupy movement is about as blown out as the tea party, it has distilled down until all that is left is the hardcore out-spoken individuals. A clear sign of a movement that is losing steam and popularity.

I find it objectionable when large companies try to use their weight to put small businesses at a disadvantage. However, if your idea is to use government to limit the marketplace, you can check for example, states where the price of dairy products ( New York is just one) is regulated by state law. The idea is to protect small dairy farmers from being over run by large producers. The fact is this practice had had the opposite effect.
When one or a group petitions government to control the marketplace ( picking winners and losers) the end result is nobody wins. And invariably the biggest loser is the consumer.
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Capitalism is not dead. We have plenty of 'fee' market capitalism for the middle class and poor, and socialism for the opulent.
I find it objectionable when large companies try to use their weight to put small businesses at a disadvantage. However, if your idea is to use government to limit the marketplace, you can check for example, states where the price of dairy products ( New York is just one) is regulated by state law. The idea is to protect small dairy farmers from being over run by large producers. The fact is this practice had had the opposite effect.
When one or a group petitions government to control the marketplace ( picking winners and losers) the end result is nobody wins. And invariably the biggest loser is the consumer.

I do not know what the answer truthfully and fully is.. But, regulation is part of it.

You may disagree with me, but regulation is the only thing that actually works. Its side effects are debatable.
The Occupy Wall Street protestors want a government bailout too. Originally the protesters pretended to be advocating for the availability of more jobs. The protestors supported President Obama’s push for new government stimulus money by demanding the rich should be taxed more so Obama could give more government money for the creation of jobs.

To evaluate the real intent of the protestors, an employment group went to the Occupy Washington protest area and offered real jobs to the protestors. It surprised no one that none of the protestors were interested in a job or in performing any work. The two men with the employment group had 127 real jobs offered by 27 companies, but there was no interest. There were a lot of excuses, but not one of the protestors was interested in applying for a job.

The protesters presented a list of demands, each of which was fundamentally Marxist. Each of the demands was for our Federal government to give money to the protestors and to their friends. They demanded free housing, free loans that did not need to be repaid, free healthcare, and free everything else with the express demand that they would get all the government support they needed without any requirement that they work.

The America of the Occupy Movement protesters has been brought to us by the news media, the Democratic Party, Liberal teachers and professors, Hollywood, union leaders, the Communist Party of America, Black Panthers, and numerous domestic and foreign groups that hate Freedom, Capitalism, and the United States of America.

Throughout history there have been creators and destroyers. The creators have developed agriculture, education, engineering, businesses, and all that has gone into civilizations. The barbarians have destroyed the workers, the achievers, and the technically advanced civilizations.

Marxists are the barbarians of modern history. Marxists purposely create class hatred and envy to attract and enlarge their political base. They enrage their supporters to murder and mayhem.

The Occupy Wall Street protestors are destroyers and not builders. They want money taken from Wall Street, banks, and the hated “upper 1%” of income earners. The protestors want money for themselves, but they do not want to work to better themselves and to honestly earn the money they want to receive.

The protesters are not interested in producing anything or creating anything of value. They are not interested in adding value to anything or to creating jobs for themselves and others. They simply rage and rant and scream, “We want it now!”

President Barack Obama creates hatred for “the rich” and daily stokes the fires of class hatred and envy. Obama directs the concern for his own misdeeds and projects it onto those who are working hard to pay the bills. Obama and his supporters enable the rage of those on the Progressive Left.

The Occupy Wall Street supporters are the political base of Barack Obama and the Progressive Left. They are examples of what the Great Society and the Department of Education produced for our country. We should be very disgusted and angry.

Occupy Movement

Ok I will bite ..

I walked this march in San Francisco last summer and will tell you that your dead wrong.
Occupy is about being angry for The bail outs, yet we lost our homes
Basically back in the beginning it was quit close to what the Tea Party wanted less Government ....
And just like the people who try to discredit the Tea Party, there are those like this Blog who are discrediting the Occupy.

OWS marches for communism - I only posted the video of the guy the OP is talking about..

OWS is like 75% communists, 10% libertarian, 10% pissed off US citizens with no affiliation and 5% people who just want to party and cause chaos...

BTW you lost your home because of Bill Clintons CRA amendments (forced lending)...
The Occupy Wall Street protestors want a government bailout too. Originally the protesters pretended to be advocating for the availability of more jobs. The protestors supported President Obama’s push for new government stimulus money by demanding the rich should be taxed more so Obama could give more government money for the creation of jobs.

To evaluate the real intent of the protestors, an employment group went to the Occupy Washington protest area and offered real jobs to the protestors. It surprised no one that none of the protestors were interested in a job or in performing any work. The two men with the employment group had 127 real jobs offered by 27 companies, but there was no interest. There were a lot of excuses, but not one of the protestors was interested in applying for a job.

The protesters presented a list of demands, each of which was fundamentally Marxist. Each of the demands was for our Federal government to give money to the protestors and to their friends. They demanded free housing, free loans that did not need to be repaid, free healthcare, and free everything else with the express demand that they would get all the government support they needed without any requirement that they work.

The America of the Occupy Movement protesters has been brought to us by the news media, the Democratic Party, Liberal teachers and professors, Hollywood, union leaders, the Communist Party of America, Black Panthers, and numerous domestic and foreign groups that hate Freedom, Capitalism, and the United States of America.

Throughout history there have been creators and destroyers. The creators have developed agriculture, education, engineering, businesses, and all that has gone into civilizations. The barbarians have destroyed the workers, the achievers, and the technically advanced civilizations.

Marxists are the barbarians of modern history. Marxists purposely create class hatred and envy to attract and enlarge their political base. They enrage their supporters to murder and mayhem.

The Occupy Wall Street protestors are destroyers and not builders. They want money taken from Wall Street, banks, and the hated “upper 1%” of income earners. The protestors want money for themselves, but they do not want to work to better themselves and to honestly earn the money they want to receive.

The protesters are not interested in producing anything or creating anything of value. They are not interested in adding value to anything or to creating jobs for themselves and others. They simply rage and rant and scream, “We want it now!”

President Barack Obama creates hatred for “the rich” and daily stokes the fires of class hatred and envy. Obama directs the concern for his own misdeeds and projects it onto those who are working hard to pay the bills. Obama and his supporters enable the rage of those on the Progressive Left.

The Occupy Wall Street supporters are the political base of Barack Obama and the Progressive Left. They are examples of what the Great Society and the Department of Education produced for our country. We should be very disgusted and angry.

Occupy Movement

Ok I will bite ..

I walked this march in San Francisco last summer and will tell you that your dead wrong.
Occupy is about being angry for The bail outs, yet we lost our homes
Basically back in the beginning it was quit close to what the Tea Party wanted less Government ....
And just like the people who try to discredit the Tea Party, there are those like this Blog who are discrediting the Occupy.

he's not and many others were just suckered into being useful idiots for the communist/socialist movement....

Mike Golash is an OWS organizer pushing communism....listen to his very own words....
[ame=]God Bless The Occupy Movement? - YouTube[/ame]
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Nobody is confused by who the occupiers are, who their puppet masters are, or what their multiple wants are..........

As if its all brand
It doesn't matter at all whether the OWS group (are they somehow all as homogenous as Republicans?) are socialist, communist, animist, maoist, fascist, or republican.

Capitalism is a primitive form of post-feudalism economy that was adapted for a corporate industial society. It won't last.
Nobody is confused by who the occupiers are, who their puppet masters are, or what their multiple wants are..........

As if its all brand

it's hard for many to discern the truth from the hype......since commies are VERY GOOD at hiding their true intentions....just look at the commie in the White House for example....

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