Capitalism is not corporatism

You keep using the word cooperative, I don’t think you know what it means. You propose to take people’s money and redistribute it by force. It then gets redistributed in a way that’s not as the people calling for the taking of money see fit, but in a way that a very minuscule percent of the population that’s in charge see fit. That’s not cooperation. All this is in contrast to a system, capitalism, where only voluntary trading is taking place.

And you’re reading the constitution wrong, there’s nothing in it that grants government the power to do what you propose, and the 9th and 10th amendments that tells government they are not to fuck with anything they weren’t explicitly given permission too in the constitution.
You propose to take people’s money and redistribute it by force.
I do no such thing.

I propose a system of voluntary trade.

Where people produce goods and distribute them via a marketplace. Sans capital.
We already have voluntary trade. Money is a relatively new tech in human history that allows trade to be more exact and fairer. There was way more inequality back before money was invented. Nothing is going to change the fact inequality exists. It’s a universal law called the preto distribution. By universal I mean we literally see the preto distribution played out all over the universe, in nature, bacteria, stars, molecules, whatever. You cannot eliminate inequality because it’s inherent in human nature and nature in general. The best you can do is allow people to create their own wealth, which is what capitalism does. If you live in America, you are in the top 1% compared to the rest of humanity. It’s jealousy, resentment, naivety to the rest of the world, and ungratefullness that make you want to tear the system that millions of people fought and died for...just because you’re not “winning” currently, so let’s just throw the game board on the ground. You don’t care for the poor, you merely just hate the rich. It’s niave to think you can get a nation of over 300 million to all of sudden become barterers, and have that not end in disasterous collapse.
What makes you think I'm not winning? How do you define winning?

And who are you to say what motivates me?

What arrogance causes you to argue against what I'm saying when you don't even understand what I am saying?

You're arguing against a preconceived notion inside your own head. One that has been inculcated there by the regulation of information by a capitalist ruling class.
By getting rid of capital, you mean getting rid of money, which means you want a reset. You want a reset thinking that you’ll have a better chance at getting ahead or at least bring everyone else down to your level because you don’t feel like your “winning”...whatever winning is to you. I don’t know and don’t care what it means to you. You want to screw 100s of millions of Americans over with this reset who are doing just fine and don’t want that. You live in the most successful nation in human history, during the safest most plentiful era of human history. Yet you’re talking about democracy and our system not working, clearly you’re naive and/or ungrateful, and do not feel like you’re “winning”. The only people who want to throw the game board on the ground, or in other words want a reset, are the poor sports who aren’t winning. Except in this case the game board is a nation and throwing it in the ground means creating hell on earth.
Money is not capital in general. So no, that is not what I'm saying.

I don't need a better chance at getting ahead. I'm doing fine.

I'm talking about the decay of our society. I am pinpointing what I believe to be the source of the decay. I am saying we should think about a new socioeconomic relationship that will address the problems we are seeing.

Why do you think I am self centered? Are you projecting?
No, what you are suggesting is a reset, is it not? I’m not suggesting a reset, clearly. I think things can improve, but I’ve also very clearly expressed gratitude for the sacrifices that allow me to live in the most successful country in the world, during the most abudent era of human history. We got here for a reason, a system that I’m want to build upon, not tear down. So no I’m not projecting
I do no such thing.

I propose a system of voluntary trade.

Where people produce goods and distribute them via a marketplace. Sans capital.
We already have voluntary trade. Money is a relatively new tech in human history that allows trade to be more exact and fairer. There was way more inequality back before money was invented. Nothing is going to change the fact inequality exists. It’s a universal law called the preto distribution. By universal I mean we literally see the preto distribution played out all over the universe, in nature, bacteria, stars, molecules, whatever. You cannot eliminate inequality because it’s inherent in human nature and nature in general. The best you can do is allow people to create their own wealth, which is what capitalism does. If you live in America, you are in the top 1% compared to the rest of humanity. It’s jealousy, resentment, naivety to the rest of the world, and ungratefullness that make you want to tear the system that millions of people fought and died for...just because you’re not “winning” currently, so let’s just throw the game board on the ground. You don’t care for the poor, you merely just hate the rich. It’s niave to think you can get a nation of over 300 million to all of sudden become barterers, and have that not end in disasterous collapse.
What makes you think I'm not winning? How do you define winning?

And who are you to say what motivates me?

What arrogance causes you to argue against what I'm saying when you don't even understand what I am saying?

You're arguing against a preconceived notion inside your own head. One that has been inculcated there by the regulation of information by a capitalist ruling class.
By getting rid of capital, you mean getting rid of money, which means you want a reset. You want a reset thinking that you’ll have a better chance at getting ahead or at least bring everyone else down to your level because you don’t feel like your “winning”...whatever winning is to you. I don’t know and don’t care what it means to you. You want to screw 100s of millions of Americans over with this reset who are doing just fine and don’t want that. You live in the most successful nation in human history, during the safest most plentiful era of human history. Yet you’re talking about democracy and our system not working, clearly you’re naive and/or ungrateful, and do not feel like you’re “winning”. The only people who want to throw the game board on the ground, or in other words want a reset, are the poor sports who aren’t winning. Except in this case the game board is a nation and throwing it in the ground means creating hell on earth.
Money is not capital in general. So no, that is not what I'm saying.

I don't need a better chance at getting ahead. I'm doing fine.

I'm talking about the decay of our society. I am pinpointing what I believe to be the source of the decay. I am saying we should think about a new socioeconomic relationship that will address the problems we are seeing.

Why do you think I am self centered? Are you projecting?
No, what you are suggesting is a reset, is it not? I’m not suggesting a reset, clearly. I think things can improve, but I’ve also very clearly expressed gratitude for the sacrifices that allow me to live in the most successful country in the world, during the most abudent era of human history. We got here for a reason, a system that I’m want to build upon, not tear down. So no I’m not projecting
There is no such thing as a reset, just ask brother Vladimir.

There is only the transition from one thing into another.

That can't happen until people such as yourself fess up to knowing we have a problem, want to begin to understand why we have it and want to find real solutions.

Otherwise we will continue down the road of despotism.
We already have voluntary trade. Money is a relatively new tech in human history that allows trade to be more exact and fairer. There was way more inequality back before money was invented. Nothing is going to change the fact inequality exists. It’s a universal law called the preto distribution. By universal I mean we literally see the preto distribution played out all over the universe, in nature, bacteria, stars, molecules, whatever. You cannot eliminate inequality because it’s inherent in human nature and nature in general. The best you can do is allow people to create their own wealth, which is what capitalism does. If you live in America, you are in the top 1% compared to the rest of humanity. It’s jealousy, resentment, naivety to the rest of the world, and ungratefullness that make you want to tear the system that millions of people fought and died for...just because you’re not “winning” currently, so let’s just throw the game board on the ground. You don’t care for the poor, you merely just hate the rich. It’s niave to think you can get a nation of over 300 million to all of sudden become barterers, and have that not end in disasterous collapse.
What makes you think I'm not winning? How do you define winning?

And who are you to say what motivates me?

What arrogance causes you to argue against what I'm saying when you don't even understand what I am saying?

You're arguing against a preconceived notion inside your own head. One that has been inculcated there by the regulation of information by a capitalist ruling class.
By getting rid of capital, you mean getting rid of money, which means you want a reset. You want a reset thinking that you’ll have a better chance at getting ahead or at least bring everyone else down to your level because you don’t feel like your “winning”...whatever winning is to you. I don’t know and don’t care what it means to you. You want to screw 100s of millions of Americans over with this reset who are doing just fine and don’t want that. You live in the most successful nation in human history, during the safest most plentiful era of human history. Yet you’re talking about democracy and our system not working, clearly you’re naive and/or ungrateful, and do not feel like you’re “winning”. The only people who want to throw the game board on the ground, or in other words want a reset, are the poor sports who aren’t winning. Except in this case the game board is a nation and throwing it in the ground means creating hell on earth.
Money is not capital in general. So no, that is not what I'm saying.

I don't need a better chance at getting ahead. I'm doing fine.

I'm talking about the decay of our society. I am pinpointing what I believe to be the source of the decay. I am saying we should think about a new socioeconomic relationship that will address the problems we are seeing.

Why do you think I am self centered? Are you projecting?
No, what you are suggesting is a reset, is it not? I’m not suggesting a reset, clearly. I think things can improve, but I’ve also very clearly expressed gratitude for the sacrifices that allow me to live in the most successful country in the world, during the most abudent era of human history. We got here for a reason, a system that I’m want to build upon, not tear down. So no I’m not projecting
There is no such thing as a reset, just ask brother Vladimir.

There is only the transition from one thing into another.

That can't happen until people such as yourself fess up to knowing we have a problem, want to begin to understand why we have it and want to find real solutions.

Otherwise we will continue down the road of despotism.
We are well down that road. It is also the road to serfdom and totalitarianism.

Americans today allow their government to spy on everything they do, imprison vast numbers of them, impose draconian laws of all sorts...along with failing schools, infrastructure, and nonstop wars of aggression. They admire a military that is outrageously expensive and murderous, while many citizens are languishing economically.

The Great Recession revealed the government’s true colors. They bailed out the wealthy, while doing little for the people preyed on by the wealthy.

Not a pretty picture but in the time I have left, I intend to party like it’s 1999.
We already have voluntary trade. Money is a relatively new tech in human history that allows trade to be more exact and fairer. There was way more inequality back before money was invented. Nothing is going to change the fact inequality exists. It’s a universal law called the preto distribution. By universal I mean we literally see the preto distribution played out all over the universe, in nature, bacteria, stars, molecules, whatever. You cannot eliminate inequality because it’s inherent in human nature and nature in general. The best you can do is allow people to create their own wealth, which is what capitalism does. If you live in America, you are in the top 1% compared to the rest of humanity. It’s jealousy, resentment, naivety to the rest of the world, and ungratefullness that make you want to tear the system that millions of people fought and died for...just because you’re not “winning” currently, so let’s just throw the game board on the ground. You don’t care for the poor, you merely just hate the rich. It’s niave to think you can get a nation of over 300 million to all of sudden become barterers, and have that not end in disasterous collapse.
What makes you think I'm not winning? How do you define winning?

And who are you to say what motivates me?

What arrogance causes you to argue against what I'm saying when you don't even understand what I am saying?

You're arguing against a preconceived notion inside your own head. One that has been inculcated there by the regulation of information by a capitalist ruling class.
By getting rid of capital, you mean getting rid of money, which means you want a reset. You want a reset thinking that you’ll have a better chance at getting ahead or at least bring everyone else down to your level because you don’t feel like your “winning”...whatever winning is to you. I don’t know and don’t care what it means to you. You want to screw 100s of millions of Americans over with this reset who are doing just fine and don’t want that. You live in the most successful nation in human history, during the safest most plentiful era of human history. Yet you’re talking about democracy and our system not working, clearly you’re naive and/or ungrateful, and do not feel like you’re “winning”. The only people who want to throw the game board on the ground, or in other words want a reset, are the poor sports who aren’t winning. Except in this case the game board is a nation and throwing it in the ground means creating hell on earth.
Money is not capital in general. So no, that is not what I'm saying.

I don't need a better chance at getting ahead. I'm doing fine.

I'm talking about the decay of our society. I am pinpointing what I believe to be the source of the decay. I am saying we should think about a new socioeconomic relationship that will address the problems we are seeing.

Why do you think I am self centered? Are you projecting?
No, what you are suggesting is a reset, is it not? I’m not suggesting a reset, clearly. I think things can improve, but I’ve also very clearly expressed gratitude for the sacrifices that allow me to live in the most successful country in the world, during the most abudent era of human history. We got here for a reason, a system that I’m want to build upon, not tear down. So no I’m not projecting
There is no such thing as a reset, just ask brother Vladimir.

There is only the transition from one thing into another.

That can't happen until people such as yourself fess up to knowing we have a problem, want to begin to understand why we have it and want to find real solutions.

Otherwise we will continue down the road of despotism.
I very clearly see the problems coming our way with things like increasing automation. The difference between you and I is I interpret Marx as what he is. A decent CRITIC who had some useful insights and observations, and even made some partially true predictions. But not at all a good when it came to theoretical thinking, which he was incredibly vague. Basically he suggested have an actual prolitariat class dictator (funny you’re accusing my philosophy as the path to despotism) take over until the state dies off...and something better would come after that. There’s a lot of finger crossing there. Really shitty theory that in practice had more murderous consequences than the conquest of Ghengis Khan. Both his ability to critique and theorize are missing important ingredients, namely psychology, evolutionary psychology, genetics, and biology. All these ingredients were either non-existent, or incredibly limited at the time. So, while you cling to 200 year old writings that in practice directly caused the deaths of about 100 million people in the 20th century...I like the policies like property rights and free markets that are undeniably raising humanity out of war, disease, poverty, etc. You can not argue against the results, you implement free markets and property rights, and people’s lives get better wherever that happens.
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