Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

However, every year that money I earned by working hard is taken away from me by the filthy ass government and given away to the worthless welfare queens that support the elected officials that take the money away. Like the asshole Negro voting block of the destructive Democrat Party.
Bigots gotta bitch.

How much money would you earn without "the filthy ass government"?
Bigots gotta bitch.

How much money would you earn without "the filthy ass government"?

You are confused Moon Bat.

The assholes are the welfare queens, Illegals and retarded Libtards that want the the US to be a Socialist shithole.
Nope. It's not. That's a lie.
Leaving the decision making to someone else is a requirement for working in a capitalist enterprise is NOT a lie, it is reality which probably explains why those who believe in "small government" fail to grasp how every economy is planned by someone.
Leaving the decision making to someone else is a requirement for working in a capitalist enterprise is NOT a lie, it is reality which probably explains why those who believe in "small government" fail to grasp how every economy is planned by someone.
Ahhh... lying again. The usual dodging and equivocation. Do you EVER stand behind your claims?

Here's your original lie:

"It is required under the capitalist system just as the serf was required to work his lord's land for his entire life and slaves were destined to serve their masters."

Serfs were slaves - they were owned by their "lord", much like you want employees to be owned by the state. In a free market, no one is owned. I know that gnaws at you, but that's how freedom works. Sorry.
Women's suffrage - Wikipedia

"The first place in the world to award and maintain women's suffrage was New Jersey in 1776 (though in 1807 this was reverted so that only white men could vote).[2]"

Chronologically, the first state in the union in which women voted was New Jersey. The original 1776 New Jersey State Constitution provided suffrage to its citizens without mentioning gender or race—the only requirements were that they be “inhabits of this State” who were “of full age” and “worth fifty pounds proclamation money.” That is, all adults who owned at least fifty pounds worth of property were eligible to vote. This was later reinforced by a much more explicit ruling by the state’s supreme court in the 1790s, which made it clear that women held the vote in New Jersey.
There is no right to any of those. You mean any "human right" that can only be implemented by initiating force against innocent people.
The right to education, clean air and water, and medical care trump any right to private property, and only indoctrinated slaves believe otherwise. Implementing the right of private property has murdered millions of innocent people,
The right to education, clean air and water, and medical care trump any right to private property, and only indoctrinated slaves believe otherwise. Implementing the right of private property has murdered millions of innocent people,
Free shit!!!!!
In general, when liberals or maxists use the term "human right", they mean "free shit".

"The need to be liberal

"Many years ago, in the age of tyrant rulers only the ones who ruled could live like we all are living today.

"You might ask here, what exactly in our life is pointed when it’s said: 'live like us'.

"It’s the freedom and liberty to fulfil our needs and necessities, the feeling of being human and bearer of food, clothes and shelter.

"What do you think gives a person all these liberties?

"What makes them feel protected?

"What is the biggest source of their contentment?

"It’s the recognition of human rights."

What are the basic human rights?

And only a strong democratic government can guarantee such rights.
The right to education, clean air and water, and medical care trump any right to private property, and only indoctrinated slaves believe otherwise. Implementing the right of private property has murdered millions of innocent people,
There is no right to education, clean air and water or medical care, period.
What do you think gives a person all these liberties?
What liberties? If you're talking about all the goods and services you've declared to be "rights", I guess it would be whomever you try to take them from. It's never made much sense to me. Maybe you can clarify. Probably not
What are the basic human rights?
As you have characterized them, they are goods and services that others must provide you. You're claiming a right to demand the service of others. Others might not comply. They might tell you to get fucked. And then, you'll whip out the guns and the inherent violence of your vision will be obvious.

"The need to be liberal

"Many years ago, in the age of tyrant rulers only the ones who ruled could live like we all are living today.

"You might ask here, what exactly in our life is pointed when it’s said: 'live like us'.

"It’s the freedom and liberty to fulfil our needs and necessities, the feeling of being human and bearer of food, clothes and shelter.

"What do you think gives a person all these liberties?

"What makes them feel protected?

"What is the biggest source of their contentment?

"It’s the recognition of human rights."

What are the basic human rights?

And only a strong democratic government can guarantee such rights.
Those aren't liberties. If your policies were ever implement, we would all be starving.
ecause you're a douchebag propagandist. Also, I don't think you question is genuine.
Trump ran to the left of Hillary on issues like NAFTA, but it's hard to see him as any kind of populist other than a corporate version.

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