Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

"Life will be even easier when Libertarians admit private tyrannies are an even greater threat to individual liberties than government.

"Society will either be controlled by corporations or by democratically elected representatives.

"The only realistic non-violent alternative to our current corporately controlled government is to elect representatives who serve individual liberties instead of corporate profits.

The amusing thing is it is the right who is pushing back against Corporate tyranny from Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google while you collectivist goons protect and promote their abuses of basic liberty.

The reality is that you're a Nazi. You love corporations that are embedded and entwined with your Reich. Facebook and the DNC are conjoined twins.
The amusing thing is it is the right who is pushing back against Corporate tyranny from Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google while you collectivist goons protect and promote their abuses of basic liberty.
See - you guys are on the same side. Why you gotta argue?
"Life will be even easier when Libertarians admit private tyrannies are an even greater threat to individual liberties than government.

"Society will either be controlled by corporations or by democratically elected representatives.

"The only realistic non-violent alternative to our current corporately controlled government is to elect representatives who serve individual liberties instead of corporate profits.
There are no private tyrannies so there is no such threat.
f, and when, "private tyrannies" can arrest, imprison, and/or kill me if I defy them, I'll admit that.
You should probably discuss that with Steven Donziger who has spent over two years of house arrest AFTER DOJ prosecutors refused to file charges.

This Attorney Took On Chevron. Then Chevron-Linked Judges and Private Prosecutors Had Him Locked Up.

After spending more than 700 days under house arrest, a human rights and environmental lawyer was found guilty last month of criminal contempt in a legal saga that has demonstrated the deep-rooted conflicts of interest layered throughout the judicial system when it comes to climate justice.

"In Steven Donziger’s conviction, the initial judge who referred him to trial, the second judge who was asked to lead the trial, and the private prosecutors who tried him all had deep ties to Chevron, the company Donzinger had won a landmark multibillion-dollar ruling against."
Socialism and Communism is all about enslaving the vast majority of the population. Socialism views people as parts in the machine of the state, disposable and with no intrinsic worth.
Where did US capitalism come from, Slave?
Learn the damn language you incompetent commie asshole, labor is what a person's effort produces, not what they are. Sounds to me it's you with a slave mentality.
Human labor is not a commodity anywhere profit isn't elevated over the general welfare

Labour power - Wikipedia

"Karl Marx introduces the concept in chapter 6 of the first volume of Capital, as follows:

"'By labour-power or capacity for labour is to be understood the aggregate of those mental and physical capabilities existing in a human being, which he exercises whenever he produces a use-value of any description.[2]

"He adds further on that:

"'Labour-power, however, becomes a reality only by its exercise; it sets itself in action only by working. But thereby a definite quantity of human muscle, nerve. brain, &c., is wasted, and these require to be restored.'"
Marx was a whiney failure.....I see why you like him.
Marx was a genius
You're a brainless troll
I see why you're bitter.

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history, and his work has been both lauded and criticised.[17]

"His work in economics laid the basis for some current theories about labour and its relation to capital.[18][19][20]

"Many intellectuals, labour unions, artists, and political parties worldwide have been influenced by Marx's work, with many modifying or adapting his ideas. Marx is typically cited as one of the principal architects of modern social science."
Human labor is not a commodity anywhere profit isn't elevated over the general welfare

Labour power - Wikipedia

"Karl Marx introduces the concept in chapter 6 of the first volume of Capital, as follows:

"'By labour-power or capacity for labour is to be understood the aggregate of those mental and physical capabilities existing in a human being, which he exercises whenever he produces a use-value of any description.[2]

"He adds further on that:

"'Labour-power, however, becomes a reality only by its exercise; it sets itself in action only by working. But thereby a definite quantity of human muscle, nerve. brain, &c., is wasted, and these require to be restored.'"

Run along commie, you're a waste of good oxygen. The only thing that needs to happen when you start quoting marx, is you getting covid and dying.

You should probably discuss that with Steven Donziger who has spent over two years of house arrest AFTER DOJ prosecutors refused to file charges.

This Attorney Took On Chevron. Then Chevron-Linked Judges and Private Prosecutors Had Him Locked Up.

After spending more than 700 days under house arrest, a human rights and environmental lawyer was found guilty last month of criminal contempt in a legal saga that has demonstrated the deep-rooted conflicts of interest layered throughout the judicial system when it comes to climate justice.

"In Steven Donziger’s conviction, the initial judge who referred him to trial, the second judge who was asked to lead the trial, and the private prosecutors who tried him all had deep ties to Chevron, the company Donzinger had won a landmark multibillion-dollar ruling against."
I told you, I don't read all the quotes and memes and links you post. If you have something to say, you'll need to put it in your own words.
When did the NYT become NAZI?

Got yours yet?

The Voice of the Reich?

I think they became Nazi about 1928.

At the outbreak of the Second World War, The New York Times bureau chief in Berlin, Guido Enderis, was known to sit in the bar of the city’s famous Adlon Hotel spouting “a loudmouthed defense of Nazism,” eventually provoking another reporter to complain to the Times’ publisher: “Isn’t it about time that The New York Times did something about its Nazi correspondent?”
But the Times had no intention of doing anything about Enderis. In fact, it valued his close connections to the Nazi government, as it had throughout the 1930s. All American newspapers found reporting in Nazi Germany difficult. The government tightly controlled information and harangued and threatened reporters who managed to publish what it didn’t like. The Nazi regime also didn’t hesitate to use its strongest weapons—banning a newspaper from distribution in Germany, kicking a reporter out of the country, or denying a reporter’s reentry. As a putatively “Jewish-owned” newspaper, The New York Times considered itself a special target. Bureau chief Enderis’ job therefore was “administering reasonably soothing syrup” to Nazi officials, as another Times reporter put it.}

How do you transmit, test, and expand knowledge without free speech?

On Freedom of Expression and Campus Speech Codes | AAUP

"Freedom of thought and expression is essential to any institution of higher learning. Universities and colleges exist not only to transmit knowledge.

"Equally, they interpret, explore, and expand that knowledge by testing the old and proposing the new.

"This mission guides learning outside the classroom quite as much as in class, and often inspires vigorous debate on those social, economic, and political issues that arouse the strongest passions.

"In the process, views will be expressed that may seem to many wrong, distasteful, or offensive. Such is the nature of freedom to sift and winnow ideas."
Nice words, but we both know they are empty on campus.
The poor and middle class do so much better when the banks fail, eh comrade?

"February 24, 2021 Update: US Billionaire Wealth Grows $1.3 trillion Since Mid-March 2020.

"As the US crosses the threshold of half a million deaths from the Covid pandemic, the nation’s billionaires continue to reap extraordinary financial gains.

"After 11 months of pandemic misery, where millions have lost their jobs, health and wealth, total US billionaire wealth increased $1.3 trillion since mid-March, 2020, an increase of 44 percent."

Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers

"February 24, 2021 Update: US Billionaire Wealth Grows $1.3 trillion Since Mid-March 2020.

"As the US crosses the threshold of half a million deaths from the Covid pandemic, the nation’s billionaires continue to reap extraordinary financial gains.

"After 11 months of pandemic misery, where millions have lost their jobs, health and wealth, total US billionaire wealth increased $1.3 trillion since mid-March, 2020, an increase of 44 percent."

Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers

Wait, people who own stocks make money when stocks go up in price?

Makes you feel even dumber for never owning any stocks, eh?
This story should get a LOT more coverage than it does. Orban is a vicious, extremist autocrat who is stamping out the democracy in his own nation in plain sight, and our supposedly-conservative popular leaders are crawling around his feet
I'm old enough to have watched two conservative buffoons con enough voters to win the White House. Reagan and Trump served right-wing oligarchs while claiming they only wanted to "make America great again." There is a long history here of reactionary business interests using such rhetoric to dismantle Democratic institutions, and Carlson appears to be willing to follow along:

Why Carlson’s Alliance With Hungarian Fascism Matters

"Carlson’s endorsement of the Orbán administration is not just a mainstreaming of Orbán’s politics, but a signal of what kind of society Carlson, along with other Trump supporters and the January 6 rioters, would like to see in the United States.

"Unlike other European far-right parties like the French National Rally or the Alternative for Germany, Orbán enjoys relatively unchecked power.

"The coalition between Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party and the Christian Democrats holds 133 out of 199 seats in the National Assembly, making the opposition effectively powerless (Reuters, 4/7/18; Guardian, 4/8/18).

"And some of the opposition isn’t friendly to democracy either, as the largest minority faction is Jobbik, which many see as an outright Nazi party (Independent, 4/8/14)."
Yes, I've read Zuboff's book and have seen her interviewed a few times. What she has warned us about is getting worse.
And I suspect a huge majority of Americans have never considered how a behavioral futures market could affect future.

Harvard professor says surveillance capitalism is undermining democracy

"We rushed to the internet expecting empowerment, the democratization of knowledge, and help with real problems, but surveillance capitalism really was just too lucrative to resist.

"This economic logic has now spread beyond the tech companies to new surveillance–based ecosystems in virtually every economic sector, from insurance to automobiles to health, education, finance, to every product described as 'smart' and every service described as 'personalized.'"

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