Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Because the Oligarchs, Zuckerberg, Cook, Soros, et al are such free market advocats..
Trump's an oligarch and a moron.

Class War for Idiots: Libertarianism = Assholism
Capitalism is a con.
It was born in slavery and genocide.
Capitalism was also a revolutionary force in its beginnings … or at least that is what Karl Marx argued.

Your understanding of capitalism is way too oversimplified. You also don’t seem to have given much thought to what an alternative to capitalism might look like, or how to get there from here. You are right capitalism has been and still is utterly brutal in many places and at many times, but it was also key in overturning monarchism, feudalism, and chattel slavery in the 19th century. It has also of course unleashed tremendous productive forces and encouraged scientific and technological advances. The issue for humanity is … where is it leading us now?
BTW some idiot working multiple jobs probably doesn't have good enough credit to even get a damn credit card. They may be ignorant, but you're just plain stupid.
Only someone as stupid and ignorant as Trump believes those who need multiple jobs to provide for their family can succeed without putting part of their monthly expenses on a credit card.
Short answer, YES! Some of the richest people in the US and around the world aren't defense contractors and they have nothing to do with extending credit to their customers. Any more excuses you what to make up?
The US dollar fills the bank accounts of ALL rich people, and the US dollar is as much an instrument of eternal war and debt as the US military with its network of 800 military bases around the world.

In fact, it's US dollars spent into foreign economies which are then recycled through foreign central banks into US Treasury bonds that finance their countries encirclement with US bases. It is basically the largest free lunch in economic history, and everyone who uses US currency profits from it.

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson
has any one else noticed how the dems are pointing out the evils of capitalism and defending socialism in the same breath ? dems are basically admitting they are socialists [communists in training] ...
The US dollar fills the bank accounts of ALL rich people, and the US dollar is as much an instrument of eternal war and debt as the US military with its network of 800 military bases around the world.

In fact, it's US dollars spent into foreign economies which are then recycled through foreign central banks into US Treasury bonds that finance their countries encirclement with US bases. It is basically the largest free lunch in economic history, and everyone who uses US currency profits from it.

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson
That's a good reason to stop using the U.S. dollar as a medium of exchange.
Capitalism isn't great.
Democracy is flawed.
Socialism is idealistic.
Marxism is idiotic.

I think that covers it.

However the top 2 is what we've got and the best of a bad bunch. You think capitalism is bad? lol engage your brain and think of the alternatives.
Only someone as stupid and ignorant as Trump believes those who need multiple jobs to provide for their family can succeed without putting part of their monthly expenses on a credit card.

And only an ignorant commie thinks you can borrow your way to prosperity.

The US dollar fills the bank accounts of ALL rich people, and the US dollar is as much an instrument of eternal war and debt as the US military with its network of 800 military bases around the world.

In fact, it's US dollars spent into foreign economies which are then recycled through foreign central banks into US Treasury bonds that finance their countries encirclement with US bases. It is basically the largest free lunch in economic history, and everyone who uses US currency profits from it.

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson

Kewl photo commie, the flag doesn't seem to match the uniforms.

Is “state capitalism” democratic? Can it be? Our U.S. economy, which is profoundly capitalist, is more and more dominated by finance capitalism. Having largely de-industrialized, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve is the heart of the modern American empire.
Even after precipitating the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression, finance capitalism is just as corrupt as it has ever been:

"On July 21, 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) became the law of the United States.

"Its promise to Americans was that it would reform the corrupt practices on Wall Street that had led to the worst financial collapse in 2008 since the Great Depression and the largest taxpayer bailout of Wall Street in history.

But here we are, 11 years later, with every one of those corrupt practices in full display at the Wall Street mega banks today.

"Losses from wild derivative bets check.

"Trading for the house (proprietary trading), check.

"Secret bailouts from the Fed, check.

"Credit Default swaps, check.

"The continuance of the private justice system on Wall Street, check.

"Banks paying rating agencies for ratings, check.

"Banks giving insanely leveraged loans to hedge funds, check...."

More than a Decade after the Volcker Rule Purported to Outlaw It, JPMorgan Chase Still Owns a Hedge Fund

"The Dodd-Frank Act was passed with President Obama, a Democrat, in the White House and Democrats in control of both the House and Senate. President Biden, a Democrat, now occupies the Oval Office.

"Democrats are once again in control of the House and Senate.

"Yes, there is much on their plate in the middle of a pandemic.

"But there will be a lot worse on their plate if there is another financial panic on Wall Street. It’s long past the time to clean up this toxic mess that threatens the financial stability of the United States and, thus, the national security of the nation"

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