Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Yes that is true. The fact is all humans ( or any other organism ) must work or starve.

Capitalism gives you the freedom to work OR starve. Collectivists systems enslave you to work AND starve.
Humans have always had to work or starve, but it has only been about five thousand years when the vast majority were required by rich parasites to work and starve to pay for luxury for a few and misery for the many. Capitalism is slavery by another name.
Humans have always had to work or starve, but it has only been about five thousand years when the vast majority were required by rich parasites to work and starve to pay for luxury for a few and misery for the many. Capitalism is slavery by another name.

But socialism lets humans work AND starve for their Oligarch masters. :thup:
Humans have always had to work or starve, but it has only been about five thousand years when the vast majority were required by rich parasites to work and starve to pay for luxury for a few and misery for the many. Capitalism is slavery by another name.

Capitalism has uplifted more out of poverty than any other system or idea.

Collectivist ideas fail

Capitalism is not slavery because it places the burden of consent on the individual. By contrast ALL collectivist systems impose authority on others dictating what they will worlk for and how which IS SLAVERY.

You are proven wrong
Sitting at core of the socialist mindset is a fixation on democracy - the idea that anything and everything should be decided by majority rule. That's my main beef with socialism.
Your mindset is on the fringe politically.
Most people understand democracy begins in the workplace

"As with all political ideas exist on spectrum, with a majority of people in the center and only a small minority on either extreme. Contrary to its portrayal in the media, Democratic Socialism or Social Democracy rests near the center of the political spectrum."

City of South Fulton, GA - Councilman khalid Explains Democratic Socialism
No, capitalism isn't tyranny of the majority.
Capitalism is the tyranny of capital.
It's when rich parasites obstruct the will of the majority. (P.6)

"Capitalism and democracy can easily conflict in two situations: If the distribution and use of property rights lead to an accumulation of wealth large enough to hinder politics through capitalist pressure, and if democratic decisions are taken to massively limit the use of property rights.

"Weighing the two against each other, it is generally the case that rights to property and use of capital should be limited and regulated by democratic governments if they threaten to overshadow or transform democratic decisions in the political sphere."
Your mindset is on the fringe politically.
Most people understand democracy begins in the workplace

"As with all political ideas exist on spectrum, with a majority of people in the center and only a small minority on either extreme. Contrary to its portrayal in the media, Democratic Socialism or Social Democracy rests near the center of the political spectrum."

City of South Fulton, GA - Councilman khalid Explains Democratic Socialism

Most people disagree with you.

Democracy has no place in the workplace. It is a matter of consent between employee and employer or it is force and slavery.

Socialism of anyu description is far left.
Humans have always had to work or starve, but it has only been about five thousand years when the vast majority were required by rich parasites to work and starve to pay for luxury for a few and misery for the many. Capitalism is slavery by another name.
Agreed. The Constitution says not a word about Capitalism. And not a word about Communism and Socialism. It says Freedom. We have to separate these things but we are not. Our nation compared to others has been a wide open one. It tells us what a real currency is. Gold and Silver backed dollars. That was changed in 1913. Over each generation the times changed a bit. Industrialists in everything for us to live a better life became the norm a century after our Independence. The factories and the working by employees were primitive for a period of years. But many millions and millions more provided for their families back then. We move to different eras. We are a few eras later now to make this short. However we are letting the fiat currency control our future and way of live today. And that means there are people privileged to making good salaries, pensions and modern benefits depending on their job classifications and compared to others who may be smarter and better.
It's inconceivable to me to imagine capitalists will ever voluntarily give up their "free lunch" of private profits subsidized by socialized costs.

Any specifics? Which private profits? What socialized cost?

"The (S & L) problem began during the era's volatile interest rate climate, stagflation, and slow growth of the 1970s and ended with a total cost of $160 billion; $132 billion of which was borne by taxpayers."

Savings and Loan Crisis – S&L Crisis Definition
Why anyone would choose to believe we are not a democracy is astounding.
Capitalism is crashing for the third time in this century, and the fascists are crawling from beneath their rocks, just like 1933:

"The Business Plot (also called the Wall Street Putsch[1] and The White House Putsch) was a political conspiracy in 1933 in the United States to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator.[2] Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler asserted that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans' organization with Butler as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt."

Business Plot - Wikipedia
When have creditor oligarchs ever given up their power?
in bankruptcy court. Creditors routinely work out something with the debtors

and just a reminder they are debtors because they borrowed something from the creditor.

paying someone back really isn’t that hard of a concept…and the right thing to do

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