Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

So which segment of society controls the monopoly of violence, oligarchs or the majority?

Good point, in that it seem to me that the main violence comes from the police, not just shooting innocents, but the illegal War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandated sentencing, etc.
Giving government even more control over our money would be a terrible mistake.
Do you imagine Wall Street would provide a more equal opportunity to the ownership of property than a properly functioning democracy?

democritize money - Google Search

"People also ask

"What does it mean to democratize money?

"Democratizing money will therefore ensure equal opportunity to the ownership of property, and thus full participation in the democratic governance of society, as well as equal access to the banking system, which finances the creation of capital via the creation of money. ...

Democratizing Money - Levy Economics Institute of Bard College​

Do you imagine Wall Street would provide a more equal opportunity to the ownership of property than a properly functioning democracy?

democritize money - Google Search

"People also ask​

"What does it mean to democratize money?

"Democratizing money will therefore ensure equal opportunity to the ownership of property, and thus full participation in the democratic governance of society, as well as equal access to the banking system, which finances the creation of capital via the creation of money. ...

Democratizing Money - Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

Giving government even more control over our money would be a terrible mistake.
The leaders we elect control the monopoly of violence. Do you have a point?

And by controlling the media, the oligarchs control the elections.
That should be obvious from the candidates we get pushed on us.
I mean Biden, Trump, and Hillary, have got to be about the worst possible choice I have ever seen.
Do you imagine Wall Street would provide a more equal opportunity to the ownership of property than a properly functioning democracy?

democritize money - Google Search

"People also ask​

"What does it mean to democratize money?

"Democratizing money will therefore ensure equal opportunity to the ownership of property, and thus full participation in the democratic governance of society, as well as equal access to the banking system, which finances the creation of capital via the creation of money. ...

Democratizing Money - Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

Giving government even more control over our money would be a terrible mistake.

Aren't the oligarchs even worse?
Remember the oligarchs implemented slavery and we created government in order to end slavery,
White America??? Listen you ignorant motherfucker - if you are implying I'm a racist, you can go fuck yourself. With a pitchfork. In the ass. Hard.
Are you feeling guilty or are you ignorant about the role white supremacy played in US politics in 1945? Stick your pitchfork where it feels best, Troll.
Every legitimate economist, including Milton Friedman
Every legitimate fascist...
"Oligarchs” is the left's "deep state" - a vaguely defined boogeyman to scare the children.

True, but they are also real.
The word Fascist comes from the Roman oligarchs.
It was a coalition of the wealthy elite aristocracy, military, and priesthood.
The lictors carried an axe handle as a badge of office, that was called a facia.
The symbol of the oligrachs was the bundle of facia tied around a single axe.


This Roman facia bundle is what is on the back of the Mercury dime.
It is the symbol of the wealthy elite who ruled Rome.
E Pluribus Unum means strength through unity, and referred to the members of the wealthy elite coalition.
Yes, that is the point, that socialism does NOT require public ownership if you can achieve the same goals just by legislating private enterprise adequately.
Yes it is.

I have no idea what "public ownership law" means because I never wrote that.
But the point is that public ownership of any enterprise is always legal.
No one said it wasn't legal, so that isn't the point.
We can choose to allow private enterprise to supply our needs if we want, but as voters, we can also decide to engage in public enterprise any time we want, and we should, when private enterprise does it badly. And example of private enterprise doing badly is health care and insurance companies.
You mean we can adopt socialism any time we want. Tell us something we don't already know.
Yes, I should not have said ALL of WI, but I did not want to start getting city specific.
Government regulation IS socialism, and no one can dispute that.
Using Sweden as an example, their socialism is always a private and public partnership.
All your fellow progs on this forum do dispute it. Take it up with them.
Government can be inefficient, but that is always when either the voters are doing a bad job, or when big business has interfered.
Private enterprise is always very inefficient because they always skim profits off instead of reinvesting, and you can never count on private enterprise.
If something needs expensive updating, like railroads, private enterprise will just drop the essential resource and move investments into something else, like transAtlantic cable.

Government is always inefficient. You claim private enterprise fails to reinvest, yet government flushes every dime it gets down the toilet. What happened to the 900 billion that Obama "invested?" What happened to the $3 trillion in COVID "stimulus" we just "invested?"
Do you imagine Wall Street would provide a more equal opportunity to the ownership of property than a properly functioning democracy?

democritize money - Google Search

"People also ask​

"What does it mean to democratize money?

"Democratizing money will therefore ensure equal opportunity to the ownership of property, and thus full participation in the democratic governance of society, as well as equal access to the banking system, which finances the creation of capital via the creation of money. ...

Democratizing Money - Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

What you mean by it is organized plunder.
Yes it is.

No one said it wasn't legal, so that isn't the point.

You mean we can adopt socialism any time we want. Tell us something we don't already know.

All your fellow progs on this forum do dispute it. Take it up with them.

Government is always inefficient. You claim private enterprise fails to reinvest, yet government flushes every dime it gets down the toilet. What happened to the 900 billion that Obama "invested?" What happened to the $3 trillion in COVID "stimulus" we just "invested?"

The stimulus money that Obama, Trump, and Biden handed out mostly went to private enterprise.

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