Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Humans have worked collectively for many thousands of years, and capitalism can't stop that..
Collectivism is for pussies
Hardly so, as it was needed in the USA for many decades,,,You think the Amish don't work as a collective in their society, you are sadly mistaken..Individualism is nice also, but it helps when you help a neighbor and they help back...All for no money...
How do you support the claim that it was "needed?" We also had slavery. Was that needed?
And slavery was collectivist in nature...It was needed because that is how society was set up to function and had for several million years...Slavery was booty, just like silver and gold....Women, horses, etc...
It isn't needed now, and it wasn't needed then. It was just an affliction of our society, just as syphilis afflicts some people.
Then why does the Bible tell one how to treat your slaves..Now mind you there are several layers of social strata used to define different types of slavery...Today you have debt and economic slaves, or wage slaves...I personally told my employees I didn't want them to feel like a slave for wages, so I liberated them from their paychecks and let them try socialism through welfare.......
Hardly so, as it was needed in the USA for many decades,,,You think the Amish don't work as a collective in their society, you are sadly mistaken..Individualism is nice also, but it helps when you help a neighbor and they help back...All for no money...
How do you support the claim that it was "needed?" We also had slavery. Was that needed?
And slavery was collectivist in nature...It was needed because that is how society was set up to function and had for several million years...Slavery was booty, just like silver and gold....Women, horses, etc...
Any society that needs collectivism should not even be a society to begin with, because it's 100% guaranteed to fail… Fact
Yet the US survived...

No two ways about it this is a failure… LOL
Shame on Congress who pays the bills and writes the checks..the president merely spends it...
Do you think Democratic Socialism will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of democratic socialism is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im democratic socialist.

Don't fool yourself, you're a communist
You can tell by the hair cut...
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.

That's all Trump's father did. Getting ahead entails getting the better end of a deal instead of a fair exchange.
Oh bull shit.

Trump inherited around $400M and turned it into $10B. He's pure capitalist to the core, and so was his dad.
He understands that welfare is part of the economy. He may not need it himself but I think you'll find he's a social democrat.
Heroin addicts are also part of the economy.

What's your point?
Maybe we should legalise it then.
Actually, I just figured out why you're so confused. I thought about it allllll night. You can't figure out why the stats in the link prove America has a better economy because you have no idea what MAKES a good economy. For example, since Socialists are anti-capitalism, they think 0.3% growth is AMAZING, and high taxes are GREAT. They also think low productivity, barely any exports, barely any businesses are STUPENDOUS. They also believe that if everyone is inherently poor, it's a job well done. In short, Socialists are backwards, which explains why they're Socialists in the first place. If they understood economics, they wouldn't be Socialists. Destroying the economy of a Nation isn't a side effect, it's the goal.

And yet the links you posted show none of that. Go figure...just another neocon loon.
Actually, I just figured out why you're so confused. I thought about it allllll night. You can't figure out why the stats in the link prove America has a better economy because you have no idea what MAKES a good economy. For example, since Socialists are anti-capitalism, they think 0.3% growth is AMAZING, and high taxes are GREAT. They also think low productivity, barely any exports, barely any businesses are STUPENDOUS. They also believe that if everyone is inherently poor, it's a job well done. In short, Socialists are backwards, which explains why they're Socialists in the first place. If they understood economics, they wouldn't be Socialists. Destroying the economy of a Nation isn't a side effect, it's the goal.

And yet the links you posted show none of that. Go figure...just another neocon loon.
Says the person who didn't read them, unironically. You know, there are multiple pages of states on those links. I suppose if you even opened the link, you couldn't look long without hurting yourself.
Wrong. It proves that their system is worse than ours.

Which part? Where we have more unemployment than you? oh, that's right we don't. Where our health care premiums cost us thousands a month? Oh that's right they don't. Where our inflation rate is disastrous compared to yours? oh, that's right it's not.

And if your system is so much better than ours, why didn't you vote for Hillary. Surely, more of the same would be the way to go if your system was much better..
Says the person who didn't read them, unironically. You know, there are multiple pages of states on those links. I suppose if you even opened the link, you couldn't look long without hurting yourself.

Not only did I read them, I almost laughed my arse off when I realised they proved my point for me and, in the most part, proved you wrong....
Wrong. It proves that their system is worse than ours.

Which part? Where we have more unemployment than you? oh, that's right we don't. Where our health care premiums cost us thousands a month? Oh that's right they don't. Where our inflation rate is disastrous compared to yours? oh, that's right it's not.

And if your system is so much better than ours, why didn't you vote for Hillary. Surely, more of the same would be the way to go if your system was much better..

The part where you have a lower standard of living than us. Our healthcare premiums costs thousands a month because of Obamacare, a program you endorse. Most of the European welfare states have higher unemployment than the United States, and it's chronic.
Says the person who didn't read them, unironically. You know, there are multiple pages of states on those links. I suppose if you even opened the link, you couldn't look long without hurting yourself.

Not only did I read them, I almost laughed my arse off when I realised they proved my point for me and, in the most part, proved you wrong....
Oh good grief, you only keep proving my point that you didn't. Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? They'll love you there.

Well, not only that you didn't, but that your sense of what makes a good economy is totally backwards.
Oh good grief, you only keep proving my point that you didn't. Why don't you go back to the Flame Zone? They'll love you there.

Well, not only that you didn't, but that your sense of what makes a good economy is totally backwards.

I rarely post in the flame zone. You really don't have a clue.

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