Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Duped out of all connection to reality. Communism is the USSR and Cuba, etc. Socialism is Sweden, France, and even the USA with ACA, but we're a scumbag pander to the rich GOP oligarchy at this point, dupe. You RW militia? lol
Of course you say that because that's what the Establishment told you, yet you have no explanation as to HOW they are supposedly "Communist", despite it not lining up with ANY definition. You know who's duped? You. It's clear as day because you can't explain your position, only state that you hold that position, yet I've gone through the definition and the source multiple times. Karl Marx himself defined them that way, and gave explanations as to why, and how those definitions were properly applied. You haven't even given me a single statement to refute my assertions, you've only been repeating yourself. Sad. Absolutely sad and pathetic, Fopdoodle. Perhaps you should go read the Communist Manifesto, so you can understand what Socialism and Communism are. Or maybe you should go cry to your Establishment overlords and let them know that their mindless drones need REASONS for their statements, rather than just statements. They'll then proceed to pat your head and tell you "It's okay. If you repeat something often enough, some people will believe it. Hence you not thinking or questioning, just accepting. Now go, little one, and spread our propaganda to the world."
I've read it. MOOT since socialism and unionism and progressivism brought about the embourgeoisement of the working class. I have a Masters in History. You have a masters in RW BS.
If you had a Masters in History, you'd have already understood what I've been explaining to you. You, however, don't.

On that note, you apparently don't understand Unionism or Progressivism, either. Progressivism is just an attempt by Socialists to change their name, so they stop setting off red flags. Unionism is an abomination that allows workers to bully businesses into allowing them maximum pay for minimal work.
I understand that you listened to some bought off a-hole on the radio and think you're a genius now, dupe. You RW HS grad rubes are now the "loudmouth majority". Idiotic "classical liberals" and conservatives who are just dupes of the New BS GOP propaganda machine.. Maybe Trump may work out, but not for the reasons you voted for him...

"I understand that you listened to some bought off a-hole on the radio and think you're a genius now, dupe. You RW HS grad rubes are now the "loudmouth majority". Idiotic "classical liberals" and conservatives who are just dupes of the New BS GOP propaganda machine.. Maybe Trump may work out, but not for the reasons you voted for him.."

Uh oh!!!!!

You are tap-dancing on a landmine!!!!!!
IT'S ALL THE SAME BS GOP PROPAGANDA, DUPE. So where did you get that drivel?
And you never mention the New BS GOP/ W WORLD DEPRESSION? lol dupe. After 2012, all that stuff has gone down. ZZZZZZZZ.

World Depression???????

Gads, you're a moron.


Since there never was any such 'Depression' on the horizon, this post identifies you as just such a dolt.

"What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the historical narrative. This may explain why the Associated Press, while running a story on what Obama said, has made it pretty difficult to find. But it will be there for agenda-driven hacks to locate when it becomes time to spin the history. If a Republican or conservative president made such a claim, the fact checkers would already have been out in force.

At a townhall in London, Obama was asked: "After eight years, what would you say you want your legacy to be?" Here was his response, as it related to the "world economy":
"Saving the world economy from a Great Depression -- that was pretty good. (Laughter and applause.)"

[Obama:] "The first time I came to London was April of 2009, and the world economy was in a free fall, in part because of the reckless behavior of folks on Wall Street, but in part because of reckless behavior of a lot of financial institutions around the globe. For us to be able to mobilize the world community to take rapid action to stabilize the financial markets, and then in the United States to pass Wall Street reforms that make it much less likely that a crisis like that can happen again, I'm proud of that."

It's almost as if AP recognizes how absurd Obama's claim is, and wants to have it for the record so the historical revisionists can find it — but would rather as few people as possible know about it just yet." Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving the World Economy From a Great Depression'

If I may paraphrase Rudyard Kipling....
'Trust a Brahmin before a snake, and a snake before a harlot, and a harlot before a Democrat"
It happened, stupid. W's TARP in October 2008 spent 700 BILLION to save Wall ST, Dems and 2 GOPers spent 800 BILLION to save Main St. in April 2009, and TRILLIONS to help the victims in UE and welfare (almost no changes in law). The rest of the modern world DITTO. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, IDIOT. We have the best economy in the world now. The 3rd world is still in depression.

The fact that you jackasses deny this, GW, that Obama was totally obstructed, or Hillary was lied about, etc etc, shows how brainwashed and deluded you are. Trump showed how easy it is to con you morons.

Actually it never happened.

It's one more of those fairy tales that morons buy like they were on sale.

You"Hillary....smartest woman in the world!!!!!!!"
Yup, the financial crisis of 2008 never happened. Incredible, ignoramus.

Inadvertently...'cause you're a've proven my post.

As I "World Depression."

How do you find your way back to that split level PortaPotty you call home?
Bread crumbs?
Shiny pebbles?
45 ft pool, tennis court, 30 acres of woods, GE ranch by black architect/disciple of F L Wright. You're a gd moron dupe.

There isn't a single first world country that isn't a social democracy...

There is a difference between Democratic socialist and social democracy to boot. Democratic socialist is Chavez, Castro etc...While Social democracy is canada, Japan, South Korea, America, Mexico, Sweden, Britain, etc.

The difference is how they treat political freedom and how far they go in the economy.

Show me one country that uses unregulated capitalism??? If you can't than your dream theory is full of shit.
It is sad that our schools were unable to teach these different ideologies because of fear or lack of background in the days they were needed to be taught. Some universities did teach them, however, but the universities apparently missed many. Perhaps courses are still needed today?
World Depression???????

Gads, you're a moron.


Since there never was any such 'Depression' on the horizon, this post identifies you as just such a dolt.

"What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the historical narrative. This may explain why the Associated Press, while running a story on what Obama said, has made it pretty difficult to find. But it will be there for agenda-driven hacks to locate when it becomes time to spin the history. If a Republican or conservative president made such a claim, the fact checkers would already have been out in force.

At a townhall in London, Obama was asked: "After eight years, what would you say you want your legacy to be?" Here was his response, as it related to the "world economy":
"Saving the world economy from a Great Depression -- that was pretty good. (Laughter and applause.)"

[Obama:] "The first time I came to London was April of 2009, and the world economy was in a free fall, in part because of the reckless behavior of folks on Wall Street, but in part because of reckless behavior of a lot of financial institutions around the globe. For us to be able to mobilize the world community to take rapid action to stabilize the financial markets, and then in the United States to pass Wall Street reforms that make it much less likely that a crisis like that can happen again, I'm proud of that."

It's almost as if AP recognizes how absurd Obama's claim is, and wants to have it for the record so the historical revisionists can find it — but would rather as few people as possible know about it just yet." Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving the World Economy From a Great Depression'

If I may paraphrase Rudyard Kipling....
'Trust a Brahmin before a snake, and a snake before a harlot, and a harlot before a Democrat"
It happened, stupid. W's TARP in October 2008 spent 700 BILLION to save Wall ST, Dems and 2 GOPers spent 800 BILLION to save Main St. in April 2009, and TRILLIONS to help the victims in UE and welfare (almost no changes in law). The rest of the modern world DITTO. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, IDIOT. We have the best economy in the world now. The 3rd world is still in depression.

The fact that you jackasses deny this, GW, that Obama was totally obstructed, or Hillary was lied about, etc etc, shows how brainwashed and deluded you are. Trump showed how easy it is to con you morons.

Actually it never happened.

It's one more of those fairy tales that morons buy like they were on sale.

You"Hillary....smartest woman in the world!!!!!!!"
Yup, the financial crisis of 2008 never happened. Incredible, ignoramus.

Inadvertently...'cause you're a've proven my post.

As I "World Depression."

How do you find your way back to that split level PortaPotty you call home?
Bread crumbs?
Shiny pebbles?
45 ft pool, tennis court, 30 acres of woods, GE ranch by black architect/disciple of F L Wright. You're a gd moron dupe.

Is that description based as much in reality as Obama's "World Depression" (snicker, snicker)?
It is sad that our schools were unable to teach these different ideologies because of fear or lack of background in the days they were needed to be taught. Some universities did teach them, however, but the universities apparently missed many. Perhaps courses are still needed today?

Isn't this fun?

You post some inane, vague defense of FDR/totalitarianism.....I obliterate it.....and you change the subject!

It is sad that our schools were unable to teach these different ideologies because of fear or lack of background in the days they were needed to be taught. Some universities did teach them, however, but the universities apparently missed many. Perhaps courses are still needed today?

Isn't this fun?

You post some inane, vague defense of FDR/totalitarianism.....I obliterate it.....and you change the subject!

You may be a little confused.
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...
Further proof you didn't read it. This just keeps getting sadder and sadder. I even paraphrased it for you.

You're an idiot. I'm done. You post links that prove my point and I'm the idiot. I couldn't think of anything more idiotic....
The inculcated will not change.
We simply need wait for them to die out, like the Southern Racist Democrats, the Dixiecrats, did.

Oh the peanut gallery agreeing with something that somebody else posted that proves the opposite of what they thought it did. Why am I not surprised.
It is sad that our schools were unable to teach these different ideologies because of fear or lack of background in the days they were needed to be taught. Some universities did teach them, however, but the universities apparently missed many. Perhaps courses are still needed today?

Isn't this fun?

You post some inane, vague defense of FDR/totalitarianism.....I obliterate it.....and you change the subject!

You may be a little confused.

Confused doesnt' even begin to explain half of it.....
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...
Further proof you didn't read it. This just keeps getting sadder and sadder. I even paraphrased it for you.

You're an idiot. I'm done. You post links that prove my point and I'm the idiot. I couldn't think of anything more idiotic....
Ha, resorting to calling names. Just what I'd expect from a Socialist.
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...
Further proof you didn't read it. This just keeps getting sadder and sadder. I even paraphrased it for you.

You're an idiot. I'm done. You post links that prove my point and I'm the idiot. I couldn't think of anything more idiotic....
Ha, resorting to calling names. Just what I'd expect from a Socialist.
"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed. Everyone in the world but ugly American dupes know what socialists and communists are. You, an IDIOT, thinks socialists are USSR etc, and communists only exist in the Communist Manifesto. Read something since 1920...
Last edited:
You didn't, you didn't even read the comparisons. As usual, Socialists are allergic to facts. Good grief. No wonder you failures haven't learned a single thing throughout history.

Are you some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the right? Those links you provided comparing the US to Norway and US to Sweden actually prove my point. Thanks for doing so. Those economies are far superior to the US's...
Further proof you didn't read it. This just keeps getting sadder and sadder. I even paraphrased it for you.

You're an idiot. I'm done. You post links that prove my point and I'm the idiot. I couldn't think of anything more idiotic....
Ha, resorting to calling names. Just what I'd expect from a Socialist.
"We're all socialists now!" Finland PM when ACA passed. Everyone in the world but ugly American dupes know what socialists and communists are. You, an IDIOT, thinks socialists are USSR etc, and communists only exist in the Communist Manifesto. Read something since 1920...
As I said before, you're going to have to back up your statement with facts, like I did, or you're just blustering.
Ha, resorting to calling names. Just what I'd expect from a Socialist.

I'd just settle for you trying to make your own arguments instead of making mine for me. Basically you're arguing a point, then presenting evidence against your own point. I would hardly call you a candidate to be a brain surgeon. Tell you what, go back to those links comparing the US to Norway and Sweden and tell me which ones prove your point. BTW, there are a couple of those stats that do show the US in a good light, but he vast majority show the exact opposite.
Ha, resorting to calling names. Just what I'd expect from a Socialist.

I'd just settle for you trying to make your own arguments instead of making mine for me. Basically you're arguing a point, then presenting evidence against your own point. I would hardly call you a candidate to be a brain surgeon. Tell you what, go back to those links comparing the US to Norway and Sweden and tell me which ones prove your point. BTW, there are a couple of those stats that do show the US in a good light, but he vast majority show the exact opposite.
It's not my fault you didn't bother to look. Get over it. The United States has a better economy than Norway and Sweden, my links proved that, the fact you didn't bother to actually look through the listed stats only shows that you're trolling and went into this argument knowing you were wrong.
It's not my fault you didn't bother to look. Get over it. The United States has a better economy than Norway and Sweden, my links proved that, the fact you didn't bother to actually look through the listed stats only shows that you're trolling and went into this argument knowing you were wrong.

Um...your links failed. might want to start again...
Humans have worked collectively for many thousands of years, and capitalism can't stop that..
Collectivism is for pussies

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