Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

So are you suggesting that there is a number of variables that contribute to a recession/depression, and those variables have to be in the right amounts? That was usually my contention, but what of the depressions of 1819, 1837, and 1857? What was the most likely cause of those recession/depressions? A professor Arthur Cole sort of hints that the three were pretty much a result of the same cause.
And what of depressions that cross borders, why.
In any case are recessions self correcting in a "free economy" if so what is the evidence?
According to Ludwig von Mises, the business cycle is pure the result of inflationary polices of the monetary authority.

Of course.

However, inflation can occur even in the absense of a monetary authority, but how that occurs is somewhat complicated to explain here. It can be prevented if the government isn't allowed to print money.

If the monetary supply is static in relation to an expanding pool of goods and services, deflationary pressures will wreak havok on the economy.

When the government does have the authority to print money, then inflation is inevitable. The incentives for politicians are all in the wrong direction.

It's not inevitable, the supply of money must contract and expand at the same rate the pool of goods and services contracts and expands.
I don't understand where you are trying to go? There must be an agreed upon medium of exchange for a market to exist.

all agree, so???????????????????

Given this, then some entity will be responsible to expand or contract the money supply to match market activities. Whether the fed or congress, it will still be a single entity.

all agree, so?????????????????????????????

And the fed has made plenty of utter insane decisions that have not sunk the country.

I guess, as long as you call THe Great Depression and WW2 not sinking or eliminating the country. So??????????????????????????

The current game of quantitative easing coupled with absurdly low interest rates is one of the worst monetary policies in history,

you assert that without any hint of evidence, even as the Fed policy averted a huge depression??????????????????

yet the county isn't sunk.

Krugman calls it a depression, but maybe no sunk. So??????????????

Bernanke is basically sucking the value out of fixed assets and real property to fund deficits.

how is that possible given low inflation????????

This will shift wealth from the middle class to the government, but will not "sink" the country.

you mean if Bernanke inflates the currency??????????
In any case are recessions self correcting in a "free economy" if so what is the evidence?

as I said, as a liberal, you lack the IQ for this!

evidence?? people don't all at once get sick of working and eating and so recess the economy, and companies don't all at once decide to lose out to their competitor and so recess the economy!!

Only liberal interference in the whole economy can cause the whole economy all at once to go into recession or depression. Simply enough for even a liberal??????
I guess, as long as you call THe Great Depression and WW2 not sinking or eliminating the country. So??????????????????????????

Are you saying that the monetary policies of the fed cause the depression?

you assert that without any hint of evidence, even as the Fed policy averted a huge depression??????????????????

That the policies averted a depression is based on facts not in evidence. Bush and Obama claim that TARP prevented a depression, but the evidence suggests that the nation suffered about the same level of economic failure as would have occurred had taxpayer funds not been used to thwart the market from removing the failed models that got Goldman-Sachs, Chase, et al. into the mess.

Krugman calls it a depression, but maybe no sunk. So??????????????

Krugman is a leftist moron who doesn't grasp the terms he bandies about.

Recession, 2 or more quarters of negative GDP. Depression, 4 or more quarters of negative GDP. Idiot political hacks like Krugman can claim what they like, but the numbers do not support their contentions.

how is that possible given low inflation????????

Through the creative transfers of assets due to the purchase of equity by the fed. Low interest keeps existing real property from increasing in value while the fed assimilates institutions with value. Quantitative Easing.

you mean if Bernanke inflates the currency??????????

Bernanke IS inflating the currency, he is pumping huge amounts into the economy. The only reason that we are not feeling it is due to interest rates near zero.
Bernanke IS inflating the currency, he is pumping huge amounts into the economy. The only reason that we are not feeling it is due to interest rates near zero.

actually low interest rates is the way to inflate the currency because then everyone wants to borrow, but we have very little inflation, in fact more worry about a recession and deflation.
That the policies averted a depression is based on facts not in evidence. .

thats insane of course Lehman crash caused market to drop by 1000 points; if all the big ones went it would have been sure huge depression with huge huge huge federal actions to create an entirely new system for the entire country!!
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Going into this i would like to say that i am more on the capitalist end of the spectrum. Though going into this i am generally capitalist knowing the pros and cons of them both may change your own mind. Even though communism was originally a social thing it has also found itself as a government with one man in control. So lets try and picture it with a U.S or near that style democracy.
In essence capitalism is smaller government and communism is huge government. Now before your western instincts tell you to instantly choose capitalism think of the benefits of huge government control in your life.
In communism ideal/original communism everyone is equal. Though it almost never happens that a nation goes completely on the guidelines of a known social policy. Everyone is equal and therefore have the same things to live on and lean on their whole lives. Everyone once again must be equal in society and as a result you lose the right to earn. So in exchange for a lifetime safety net given by the government you give up the ability to earn your way up the ladder. This is because only one social class exist and that is common working class. So you have nothing to look foward to besides that life forever.
It is up to you to decide whether that is a bad or a good thing for you. As a result of this innovation potential is silenced. So is a lifelong safety net really worth losing earning rights and silencing so much potential for innovation?
Now knowing the main gains and losses of communism lets talk about capitalism.
Essentially capitalism is the exact opposite of communism in its original and purest form. In ideal/original capitalism they're is pretty much no government interference in your life. Of course they still have laws as any other nation but if you follow them you are left alone for all of your life. Capitalism is that sweet freedom you taste, love and learn about. In ideal capitalism you can go out and earn it all. You can dream big and dream about the journey there. You can be a bigshot nobody will ever forget. But with that ability to dream big and earn it all you lose that security you had with communism. And if someone earns too much capital they can decide to make everyone else work for dirt cheap money if they choose. They can dominate or without a law from it a monopoly can occur. And if you fail you have nothing to fall back on unless a generous citizen with decent capital decides to help you up.
So is the freedom of capitalism worth the possibility of ending up with nothing?
In conclusion i would like to share my opinion. I belive the risk involved with capitalism is worth the big dreams and potential unlocked that comes with it. People have bigger things to live for and more fuel to live on. Because "the dream" actually exist. In addition to the fact that the world/nation could innovate so much faster.
I would like for you to build an opinion of your own and for you to give me your feedback and for you to discuss amongst youselves.

Why don't you move to Havana and find out.

Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.
Only tinfoilers think there are communists exist in the USA, or anywhere but China, Cuba, and N Korea.

too stupid!! Barry had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate. Lets us know when Barry tells you that government is big enough!!

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
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So is the freedom of capitalism worth the possibility of ending up with nothing?

in fact that is a big Hell Yes.

the other option is

So is the security of communism worth the reality of ending up with nothing?
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too stupid!! Barry had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate. Lets us know when Barry tells you that government is big enough!! and let us know why our liberals spied for Hitler and gave him the bomb!!
Parents not communist,..

so then why does the CPUSA love him so much???

From early childhood, Obama was raised in an intensely anti-American environment. His anthropologist mother hated her country with a passion -- so much so that when her second husband, Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, lost some of his anti-American zeal, she sent her son to Hawaii to save him from his stepfather's pernicious influence and instructed her father to enlist his friend, Frank Marshall Davis, in the cause of mentoring young Barack. Davis, a card-carrying communist of a rabid Stalinist variety but also a black nationalist, did his job remarkably well, infusing his ward with a Marxist-cum-black separatist worldview.
In college, Obama blended eagerly into the far-left scene, as he freely attests in his autobiography, Dreams from My Father (page 101, emphasis added): "To avoid being mistaken for a sell-out, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structured feminists and punk-rock performance poets[.] ... We were alienated." It is a nearly complete catechism of a callow revolutionary.
In doing research for his recently released book The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor, Paul Kengor interviewed John Drew, a former friend of Obama during the Occidental years. John Drew stated unequivocally that Obama was a fervent Marxist-Leninist who looked toward a "proletarian revolution" in the United States.

Read more: Articles: Barack Obama: Anticolonialist or Neo-Communist?
Yup- and a socialist these days IS a social democrat, and Hitler had no bomb, or he would have used it, Prof. Beck. Link to anything? Change the channel, you are sorely misled.

Do you think Hitler was a socialist? That's where this idiocy begins.

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