Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Yup- and a socialist these days IS a social democrat,

yes like a liberal is a now progressive. The CPUSA still loves Barry and Bernie no matter what deception they might use, but Bernie openly says he is a socialist while you feel the need to be lie for him!!!

Are you happy to be a liar??
Nazi propaganda. So you'll swallow any far right BS, even theirs. Read something...

of course if it was BS you would be able to say why!! What does your inability tell you about your character and IQ. HItler controlled the commanding heights and so was as socialist as Stalin and Mao which of course explains why our liberals spied for him!!.
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As far as I know, that BS started with "Liberal Fascism", described by The Economist (and everyone else outside your disgraceful Pub propaganda machine) as "absolute drivel", picked up by the moron Glenn Beck. I have a masters in history- it's total bs. Socialists were the first in concentration camps, and you're going to get a hot reception in the afterlife lol.... if don't stop being wilfully ignorant.

Hitler's pal's were industrialists and their corporations, and had other RW beliefs: nationalism, racism, war mongering, total hate of communism.
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As far as I know, that BS started with "Liberal Fascism",

dear, libturds were spying for Stallin long before Goldbergs book which was mostly quotes that the liberals have not denied!!

-W.E.B DuBois: (the most important black leader in the first half of the 20th Century) "Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20th Century approach his stature. The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was absolutely necessary to get the state in order." In 1937 he proclaimed: "there is today more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past." (page 10)

-Guy Tugwell: (FDR Brain Trust) said of fascism: "It's the cleanest, neatest piece...of social machinery I've ever seen." ( page 11)

-Walter Lippman: called on FDR to be a "dictator." (page 11)

-H.G. Wells: "progressives must become "liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis" ( page 21)

-Wallace Stevens: "I am pro-Mussolini." ( page 27)

-Isaac F. Marcosson: in the NY Times, "Mussolini is a Latin Teddy
Roosevelt." ( page 27)

-American Legion: "do not forget, Fascists are to Italy what the American Legion is to America." ( page 27)

-Will Rogers: "I'm pretty high on Mussolini 'Dictatorship' is the right form of gov't if you have the right dictator." ( page 27)

-Saturday Evening Post: gave Mussolini biggest advance ever on article he wrote about himself. (page 32)

-Winston Churchill: dubbed Mussolini the world's greatest lawgiver (page 27)

-Freud and Einstein: called Mussolini the hero of Culture (Page 29)

-Puccini and Toscanini: both were pioneering Fascists of Mussolini (page 32)

-Ida Tarbell: called Mussolini the "despot with a dimple." ( page 28)

-Lincoln Steffens: about Russia -"I have seen the future and it works"
(page 28)

-McClures magazine: "Fascism is a 'great step forward' and the first new idea in govt' since the founding of the American Republic" ( page 28)

-John Patrick Duggins: Columbia University is "Fascism's veritable home in America and a school house for budding fascists ideologues." ( page 32)

-Nicholas Butler: (President of Columbia University) received a signed photo from Mussolini thanking him for his, "most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States" ( page 29)

-James Farrell: (head of US Steel) Mussolini is the "greatest living man"

-Lowell Thomas: "he (Mussolini) stands out like a Modern Caesar - the answer to America's needs" (page 30)

-Jonah Goldberg; "communists and Nazis tended to vote together in the Reichstag" (page 77)

-Jonah Goldberg: "More dissidents were arrested under...Woodrow Wilson than Mussolini" ( page 80)

-Jonah Goldberg: "In Italy they were called Fascists; in Germany they were called Nazis; in America they were called progressives" (page 81)

-Woodrow Wilson: "The State does..whatever the times demand" (page 86)

-Jane Adams: "the individual must lose the sense of personal achievement" (page 87)

-Walter Rauschenbusch: "individualism means tyranny" (page 87)

-Woodrow Wilson: "our make kids as unlike their fathers as we can" (page 92)

-Woodrow Wilson: "Jefferson has passed...American is not a place for unrestricted individual enterprise" ( page 93).

-Woodrow Wilson: "Bismark's welfare state is the most perfected in the world" ( page 95)

-Charles Beard: "fascism is an amazing experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism" (page 100)

-Stuart Chase: "Communist Party officials...create a new heaven on earth" (page 102)

-W.E.B. Dubois: "I stand in wonder...I am a Bolshevik"

-Arthur Bullard: "Any citizen who did not put the state first is merely dead weight" ( page 110)

-Stuart Chase: "why should Russia have all the fun of remaking a world?" ( page 131)

-H.G. Wells : called for "a 'Phoenix Rebirth' of Liberalism under the banner of Liberal Fascism" ( page 134)

-George Orwell: (met FDR at White House often) "Much of what H.G. Wells has imagined and worked for is physically there in Nazi Germany"(page 135)

-Father Coughlin: "capitalism is doomed" (138)

-Nazi newspaper: described Roosevelt as a man of irreproachable, extremely responsible character and immovable will... with a profound understanding of social needs...with nationalist socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies" ( page 147)

-Mussolini: "America has a dictator in FDR" ( page 148)

-Rexford Tugwell: in 1934 "I find Italy doing many of the things which seem to me necessary" (page 156)

-NRA Study: "The Fascist principles are very similar to those which have been evolving in America and are of particular interest at this time" (page 156)

-Washington Post: headline -"Reagan Still Sure Some In New Deal Espoused Fascism" (page 157)

-Harry Hopkins: (new deal Communist) "that we (those in FDR Administration) are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have lawyers who will declare anything you want to do legal" ( page 159)

-Jonah Goldberg: "in the 1960's Mao Tse-Tung's Little Red Book of revolutionary maxims became a best seller in America"

-Irving Louis Horowitz: "Fascism will return to the United States not as right wing ideology but almost as a quasi-leftist ideology" (page 198)

-John F Kennedy: "political labels and ideological approaches are irrelevant to the solution of today's challenges" ( page 211)

-Jonah Goldberg: "The Marxist explanation of Fascism was that it was the capitalist ruling classes' reaction to the treat of the ascendancy of the working class." (page 223)

-Sidney Webb: "no socialist eugenicist can be a Laissez Faire individualist... the result is this country gradually falling to the Jews and Irish" (page 249)

-H.G. Wells: "eugenics must be the central tenant of any true successful socialism" (page 249)

-Jonah Goldberg: "George Bernard Shaw was not only an ardent socialist but totally committed to eugenics" (page 249)

-John Maynard Keynes: "eugenics is the most important significant..and genuine branch of sociology" (page 250)

-Harold Laski: ( friend to FDR and other American Democrats) "Socialists have to inculcate that spirit which would give offenders against the state short shrift and the nearest lampost" (page 251)

-Charles Van Hise: "we know enough about eugenics so that if the knowledge were applied the defective classes would disappear within a generation" (page 256)

-Jonah Goldberg: "when the Nazi took over they replaced the traditional infrastructure of the state and churches with a Nazi monopoly on charity" (page 267)

-Jonah Goldberg: "Mein Kamph is replete with attacks on dividend hungry businessman whose greed, ruthlessness and short sighted narrow mindedness were ruining the economy. The Nazi Party labor union threatened to put business leaders in concentration camps if they didn't increase workers' wages" (page 288)

-Fortune Magazine: "the corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt" (page 293)

-Foreign Affairs: "The Italian (fascist) system treated workers better" ( page 295)

-Adolf Hitler: "Christianity will disappear from Germany just it has done in Russia" (page 365)

-Lawrence Tribe (Harvard Law School): religious views were inherently superstitious and hence less legitimate then secular ones" (page 366)

So then, if you were surprised to discover that American Democrats had a natural love affair with Communism, Socialism, and Fascism you have to wonder why. Was it due to your own failings or perhaps a liberal conspiracy in the schools and media to keep the information from you, or both. In any case, if you are still tempted to imagine that the caring, big gov't programs you support could not possibly lead to the horrors of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin then you have to wonder how it is that Jefferson knew they would - 150 years earlier. What exactly did Jefferson know. Simple: he knew men and he knew human history. But, despite his wisdom, and the country he gave us base on that wisdom, the Democrats made the 20th Century the bloodiest of all centuries. Try to imagine what would be left of the world if Jeffersonian Republicans hadn't been there the whole time as the last best hope for freedom on earth.
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Socialists were the first in concentration camps,

dear, kings fought and imprisioned other kings this did not mean they were not both kings and aristocats. Hitler said he was a socialist and acted like it as did Stalin. SInce you're a history major can you tell us if our liberals liked Hitler more than Stalin??
Liberals ALWAYS hated Hitler, AND Stalin after the purges unveiled him...

Where do you get the Pubspam? Hmmm? LOL Beck?
NOBODY wants communism, just an intelligent health system, and assistance for victims of the Pub depression...
Karl Marx believed that competitive markets would eventually devolve into monopolies whereby the market winners would capture the political machinery and hold non property owners captive to rising prices and diminishing services... until you had a whole underclass of alienated slaves working only for subsistence. But because the wealthy had so much money they would buy media and convince stupid people that their concentrated power must be defended on the grounds of freedom

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