Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

So why did Reagan and Bush spend all those borrowed government trillions if government spending shrinks and depresses the private economy? That wasn't very nice.

To fulfill the constitutional requirement of defending the nation by defeating the USSR.

Why do you ask?
So why did Reagan and Bush spend all those borrowed government trillions if government spending shrinks and depresses the private economy? That wasn't very nice.

To fulfill the constitutional requirement of defending the nation by defeating the USSR.

Why do you ask?

and Bush did it because he was not much of a conservative. Regent as a liberal will lack the IQ to go further.
This is amazing. Is someone really arguing for communism in this thread?

No one that I can see. There does seem to be a trend by some to want to shrink down government to the size where we're run by corporations. Some seem to think that having our meat inspected makes us a communist society.

You do not have one shred of evidence that your idiotic statement has any merit.
I hope your parents haven't wasted their money by sending you to college.
So why did Reagan and Bush spend all those borrowed government trillions if government spending shrinks and depresses the private economy? That wasn't very nice.

To fulfill the constitutional requirement of defending the nation by defeating the USSR.

Why do you ask?

and Bush did it because he was not much of a conservative. Regent as a liberal will lack the IQ to go further.

To try to outspend the USSR was a Reagan choice and has nothing to do with the constitution. If Reagan had simply stood aside and let the Russians sort out their decisions sthe same results would probably have occurred.
To try to outspend the USSR was a Reagan choice and has nothing to do with the constitution.

OMG!!!actually dear he was CIC according to Constitution and so got 10,000 nuclear weapons aimed at us, eliminated. Plus he won the economic war against liberalism not by trying but by suceeding.

If Reagan had simply stood aside and let the Russians sort out their decisions sthe same results would probably have occurred.

too completely stupid but very liberal!! Republican belief in freedom saved humanity!!
Don't forget that without Republicans there is no freedom. Human history had been without it and our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb! The only light in human history came from the first Republican, Jefferson!! He fired the shot heard around the world.

OVer a liberals head?
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To try to outspend the USSR was a Reagan choice and has nothing to do with the constitution.

Reagan was charged by the Constitution with defending the nation. Jimmy Carter had declared the USSR to be a vastly superior force that could not be contained nor stopped. Reagan took a different approach and defeated the Soviets without firing a shot or getting Americans killed.

This outraged you of the left, of course.

If Reagan had simply stood aside and let the Russians sort out their decisions sthe same results would probably have occurred.

And if you took no AIDS medication, you would not be any sicker...

Leftist = abysmally stupid...
What is there to argue about?
Communism has a history, and it has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Nothing to argue about - Communism is a proven failure.
What is there to argue about?
Communism has a history, and it has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Nothing to argue about - Communism is a proven failure.

ah but liberals don't recognize proof, thinking is not for them. Did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro strike you as the kind of guys who would care about proof? Our liberals are asking China to turn back to socialism even when it slowly starved 50 million to death. It is like a religion to them, and capitalism, even when it just saved 20 million from slow starvation, is like the devil to them. Don't forget, in human history humans have mostly not been rational.
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Well. The stated goal of communism according to Marx is the destruction of private property which is certainly a tenet of freedom. Basically you are in complete bondage to the party. You get from them only what they think you need and they take from you by force those things they think you don't need. Communism removes choice almost entirely from the equation. It is based on force and force is the antithesis of liberty. I can expand more if required.
Also please don't confuse the current form of "capitalism" as true capitalism, because it is not even close.
Well. The stated goal of communism according to Marx is the destruction of private property which is certainly a tenet of freedom. Basically you are in complete bondage to the party. You get from them only what they think you need and they take from you by force those things they think you don't need. Communism removes choice almost entirely from the equation. It is based on force and force is the antithesis of liberty. I can expand more if required.

Um, did you read your own post before you put it up?
Awesome reponse. Very clear and informative. You really broke down what I said and refuted it with logic and facts.
Also please don't confuse the current form of "capitalism" as true capitalism, because it is not even close.

Okay, I have to ask: have you at any point in your life been diagnosed with schizophrenia or multiple-personality disorder, and if so, could you choose JUST ONE of your personalities to address us, please?
When I was visiting Prague a few years ago and sitting in an Irish bar on the main drag there, some guy from Ireland wanted to chat since I'm an American and he was Irish going to college there. I saw his "Che" lighter on the table and knew he was a moron, especially when he claimed to be a Communist studing in Prague.

I have an Economics degree and MBA, so this was like dinner time for me ripping into his beliefs.

After beating him over the head about Bush, Iraq, capitalism, etc he finally he admitted "Communism only works when EVERYONE is under it." In order for communists to get their way, they can't have competition of ideas.

He claimed the USSR failed because the Americans and British wouldn't help them with capitalists isolated them economicallly and it's our fault they failed, not the communist model.

His demented mind and comments showed the naive level of communist followers, especially young morons like him.
Wonder what his USMB username is...?

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