Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Awesome reponse. Very clear and informative. You really broke down what I said and refuted it with logic and facts.

If you're talking to me - and it's certainly hard to tell WHO you're talking to, since you didn't reference anyone or quote any posts, and none of us are mind-readers, Bubba - I CAN'T break down and refute what you're saying, because it KEEPS CHANGING FROM POST TO POST.

That's why I asked you to please choose just one personality to address us, please: either the one who thinks capitalism is slavery, or the one who seems to think you said communism was, or possibly the one who doesn't seem to like either one.

Answering you right now would be like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.
The problem with capitalism is that it is 100% akin to slavery.

The problem with Communism is that it IS 100% slavery.

This is inarguable.

The problem with this freakoid is that he can't seem to figure out WHAT argument he's trying to make, and then make it, but he somehow thinks he said something pithy, brilliant, and brimming with clarity.

I always knew politics drives people crazy, but DAMN!
The problem with capitalism is that it is 100% akin to slavery.

The problem with Communism is that it IS 100% slavery.

This is inarguable.

The problem with this freakoid is that he can't seem to figure out WHAT argument he's trying to make, and then make it, but he somehow thinks he said something pithy, brilliant, and brimming with clarity.

I always knew politics drives people crazy, but DAMN!

Name calling. Cute. Go ahead and explain yourself or just fuck off. You're adding zero to this conversation.
The problem with Communism is that it IS 100% slavery.

This is inarguable.

The problem with this freakoid is that he can't seem to figure out WHAT argument he's trying to make, and then make it, but he somehow thinks he said something pithy, brilliant, and brimming with clarity.

I always knew politics drives people crazy, but DAMN!

Name calling. Cute. Go ahead and explain yourself or just fuck off. You're adding zero to this conversation.

I just DID explain myself, you twit! And WHAT conversation? You killed any conversation we were having with your schizo performance: "capitalism is slavery, communism is bad, neither is good". That's not name-calling. That's stating a fact, and . . . here, let me state it again: YOUR POSTS MAKE NO LINEAR, LOGICAL SENSE.

In case that's not "explaining myself" clearly enough, or there's some personality in the back of your head who's still confused, let me elucidate further. Here are your three posts:

The problem with capitalism is that it is 100% akin to slavery.

Well. The stated goal of communism according to Marx is the destruction of private property which is certainly a tenet of freedom. Basically you are in complete bondage to the party. You get from them only what they think you need and they take from you by force those things they think you don't need. Communism removes choice almost entirely from the equation. It is based on force and force is the antithesis of liberty. I can expand more if required.

Also please don't confuse the current form of "capitalism" as true capitalism, because it is not even close.

One right after the other, without a single reference to anyone else's posts. And after that, you decided you were going to get up on your high schizoid horse and play at being condescending and DEMANDING some sort of RESPONSE to this farrago. Not, of course, that you bothered to specify anyone you were addressing.

Now let me ask you, Psycho Sam: Did YOU see any coherent point that those three posts were attempting to make in relation to each other? "Capitalism is akin to slavery; communism's goal of destruction of private property is a tenet of freedom; communism takes away all choice; current capitalism is not true capitalism."

What the HELL are you babbling about? Does that "explain myself" sufficiently to you, or would you like to try again to pretend that you're making brilliant points that have everyone on the run?

Last chance, because your little lunatic act is on its last legs. We have much more original crazy people around here than you.
OF COURSE communism is dead, an impossible ideal- only Cold War Dinosaur dupes go on about it.

Socialism, though, often called social democracy now so as to not madden the dinos, is the future, simply fair and intelligent capitalism.Which we will have in 2014 thank god. lol
OF COURSE communism is dead, an impossible ideal- only Cold War Dinosaur dupes go on about it.

Socialism, though, often called social democracy now so as to not madden the dinos, is the future, simply fair and intelligent capitalism.Which we will have in 2014 thank god. lol

Got news for you socialism=communism and communism=socialism
Names are different but the goal is the same.
Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization. Socialism says that the distribution should take place according to the amount of an individual's production efforts, whilst communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs.
So communism by any other name is still communism and is a proven failure.
I guess we'd have to understand the reason for the deaths of hundreds of millions of poor souls that have died for the sake of several dictators.
As I write this, there are people like the Hmong in Vietnam that are forced into "re-education" camps and slowly starved to death. Then there's China where "re-education Camps' are used for slave labor in order to fill the pockets of a few exporting to America. If you continue to protest in China you will receive a bullet to the back of your head fired by a fellow slave. Your family with be charge the price of the bullet that killed you.
Is Russia any better? Some say yes since the fall of "Communism' however, things have not changed. We have seen this by the rise of Putin.
You must ask the question. After being free all your life are you willing to give up your freedom, your children's freedom to slave away or be placed into re-education camps because of your ideology and thirst for FREEDOM? As an individual are you prepared for enslavement of the mind and body?
HAHAHAHAHHAH yeah you win I am dyslexic as fuck. Meant communism is akin not capitalism. Jesus I'm losing it.

And it only took you four posts of "Ooh, name-calling. Ooh, explain yourself or fuck off" - AND someone drawing you a frigging DIAGRAM - before you bothered to figure that out. I started out trying to point your problem out nicely, if you'll recall, and you decided to get snotty in return.

It's called an apology, numbfuck. And this ain't it, so get on it. "Jesus, I'm losing it" does not cover it.
We haven't really seen true communism or capitalism so to call either a failed idea is absurd imo

We've already covered this, fool, so try to frigging keep up. If you hadn't already made such a rude ass out of yourself, I would reiterate, but you don't deserve it. Go back and look it up.
#550-TY, cold war dinodupe. Not for anyone else. The rest of the world knows the difference.

Ok my socialist friend, where did I go wrong?
Names are different but the goal is the same.
Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization. Socialism says that the distribution should take place according to the amount of an individual's production efforts, whilst communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs.
Would like to hear you explain the difference between socialism and communism, maybe you can make it a little clearer.

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