Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Man you are one angry troll. Not enough visitors to your bridge?

It's ironic that you had the gall to tell me, "You're adding nothing to the discussion", and then when you belatedly realized what everyone else knew - that YOU, in fact, were the one adding nothing to the discussion - you not only do not have the simple maturity and courtesy to say, "I'm sorry, I was an ass", but you now think you're qualified to call ME an "angry troll".

Apparently, this is the brave new world of ignorant, ill-mannered cretinous children that we all have to look forward to. Kinda makes Obamacare's death panels look appealing.

Meanwhile, shitforbrains, you've worn out your welcome in record time. I need no more proof that you do not now and will not ever have anything to say that I will ever feel bad about not having heard. Begone back to your daycare, and perhaps you can call us when you move up to big-boy Underoos.

#550-TY, cold war dinodupe. Not for anyone else. The rest of the world knows the difference.

Ok my socialist friend, where did I go wrong?
Names are different but the goal is the same.
Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization. Socialism says that the distribution should take place according to the amount of an individual's production efforts, whilst communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs.
Would like to hear you explain the difference between socialism and communism, maybe you can make it a little clearer.

not to mention that socialism is merely a stepping stone to communism, as Marx conceived it . This is why even though our governemt is far bigger than ever Barry sees no end in sight even after taking over 20% of the economy!!
#550-TY, cold war dinodupe. Not for anyone else. The rest of the world knows the difference.

Ok my socialist friend, where did I go wrong?
Names are different but the goal is the same.
Both socialism and communism are based on the principle that the goods and services produced in an economy should be owned publicly, and controlled and planned by a centralized organization. Socialism says that the distribution should take place according to the amount of an individual's production efforts, whilst communism asserts that that goods and services should be distributed among the populace according to individuals' needs.
Would like to hear you explain the difference between socialism and communism, maybe you can make it a little clearer.

not to mention that socialism is merely a stepping stone to communism, as Marx conceived it . This is why even though our governemt is far bigger than ever Barry sees no end in sight even after taking over 20% of the economy!!

So what governments that have peacefully installed some socialism in their economic systems have gone communistic?
Man you are one angry troll. Not enough visitors to your bridge?

It's ironic that you had the gall to tell me, "You're adding nothing to the discussion", and then when you belatedly realized what everyone else knew - that YOU, in fact, were the one adding nothing to the discussion - you not only do not have the simple maturity and courtesy to say, "I'm sorry, I was an ass", but you now think you're qualified to call ME an "angry troll".

Apparently, this is the brave new world of ignorant, ill-mannered cretinous children that we all have to look forward to. Kinda makes Obamacare's death panels look appealing.

Meanwhile, shitforbrains, you've worn out your welcome in record time. I need no more proof that you do not now and will not ever have anything to say that I will ever feel bad about not having heard. Begone back to your daycare, and perhaps you can call us when you move up to big-boy Underoos.


Listen bitch. I typed one word wrong on accident. If you are too fucking stupid to figure out I meant communism in my first sentence after I wrote 2 paragraphs discussing communism then you're the idiot.
So what governments that have peacefully installed some socialism in their economic systems have gone communistic?


Was not peacful, but with a revolution. The USSR dropped the communist program a few years after the revolution but kept the name. One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?
These boards serve two types of discussions, the hopefully somewhat scholarly, somewhat adult type and the other type, for people to ventilate their frustrations, anger, insults or whatever on other posters. Sometimes I think it's good that these posters have a place to take out their hostility rather than on their families, or others, but then again I wonder.
These boards serve two types of discussions, the hopefully somewhat scholarly, somewhat adult type .

if you've ever said anything scholarly in defense of liberalism why be so afraid to give us your best example???? Please give us your best example.
These boards serve two types of discussions, the hopefully somewhat scholarly, somewhat adult type .

if you've ever said anything scholarly in defense of liberalism why be so afraid to give us your best example???? Please give us your best example.

Liberalism needs no defense.
Translation: I'm far to ignorant to present one so I'll pretend it needs no defense.

Why be here then, you idiot liberal.
So what governments that have peacefully installed some socialism in their economic systems have gone communistic?


Was not peaceful, but with a revolution. The USSR dropped the communist program a few years after the revolution but kept the name. One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?

You didn't ask for an example of a peaceful transition to communism. You ask for an example of a socialist government transitioning to communism. The Kerensky government prior to the October Revolution was socialist.

Chile under Allende is another example of a socialist government going communist. The only difference here is that the people of Chile were smarter than the Russians in 1917.

Was not peaceful, but with a revolution. The USSR dropped the communist program a few years after the revolution but kept the name. One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?

You didn't ask for an example of a peaceful transition to communism. You ask for an example of a socialist government transitioning to communism. The Kerensky government prior to the October Revolution was socialist.

Chile under Allende is another example of a socialist government going communist. The only difference here is that the people of Chile were smarter than the Russians in 1917.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?

a better question is how many failed versions of communism does a libturd have to see before he realizes it killed perhaps 150 million people!!

Our liberal intellectuals spied for Stalin long after the revolution you perfect fool liberal!!

So did you like Stalin or Hitler better???

Was not peaceful, but with a revolution. The USSR dropped the communist program a few years after the revolution but kept the name. One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?

You didn't ask for an example of a peaceful transition to communism. You ask for an example of a socialist government transitioning to communism. The Kerensky government prior to the October Revolution was socialist.

Chile under Allende is another example of a socialist government going communist. The only difference here is that the people of Chile were smarter than the Russians in 1917.

Did any of the nations that called themselves communist, or those we called communist, practice Marxian communism, or did they practice some other political/economic system? If the Kreensky government was socialist that is not Marxian communism. Has any nation practiced Marx, if not, what economic/political system did the USSR use until it dropped what it called communism. State capitalism has been put forth in some text books but is that now accepted?
Did any of the nations that called themselves communist, or those we called communist, practice Marxian communism, or did they practice some other political/economic system?

if 39 countries tried to get to the Nazi Marxist utopia and 125 million human beings were slowly killed then you conclude the very idea was the single most deadly idiotic genocidal bloody idea in all of human human history!!

Why not have the death penalty for anyone who still proposes it??
Did any of the nations that called themselves communist, or those we called communist, practice Marxian communism, or did they practice some other political/economic system?

if 39 countries tried to get to the Nazi Marxist utopia and 125 million human beings were slowly killed then you conclude the very idea was the single most deadly idiotic genocidal bloody idea in all of human human history!!

Why not have the death penalty for anyone who still proposes it??

There have been a number of ideas that have been the end of millions of people, and burning em at the stake was often used.

The question was: if the USSR and other countries that called themselves communist did not practice Marxian communism, what economic/political system did they practice?

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