Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

Did any of the nations that called themselves communist, or those we called communist, practice Marxian communism, or did they practice some other political/economic system?

if 39 countries tried to get to the Nazi Marxist utopia and 125 million human beings were slowly killed then you conclude the very idea was the single most deadly idiotic genocidal bloody idea in all of human human history!!

Why not have the death penalty for anyone who still proposes it??

There have been a number of ideas that have been the end of millions of people, and burning em at the stake was often used.

The question was: if the USSR and other countries that called themselves communist did not practice Marxian communism, what economic/political system did they practice?
It sure as hell wasn't a capitalist constitutional republic, was it?

Still no reason to try communism. It utterly fails to take human nature into account, therefore is doomed to failure.
There have been a number of ideas that have been the end of millions of people,

please name an idea that was 10% as bad a Nazi Marxism or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so

and burning em at the stake was often used.

and you wanted instead to reward them for killing millions?? Are you a pschyo liberal too???

The question was: if the USSR and [39]other countries that called themselves communist did not practice Marxian communism, what economic/political system did they practice?

you could say they practiced socialism since it was defined as a route to communism by the Nazi Marxists who slowly killed 125 million.

I wonder why our liberal intellectuals spied for Stalin long after the revolution if it wasn't communism?? Our intellectual liberal spies called it communism didn't they? But you were brainwashed to rethink it weren't you, perhaps in a university or mental hospital?? Tell us if you were trained to rethink Hitler too.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be braindead and deadly?
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See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be braindead and deadly?

Who is "we" Eddie?

I wonder why our liberal intellectuals spied for Stalin long after the revolution if it wasn't communism?? Our intellectual liberal spies called it communism didn't they? But you were brainwashed to rethink it weren't you, perhaps in a university or mental hospital?? Tell us if you were trained to rethink Hitler too.
See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be braindead and deadly?

Who is "we" Eddie?

I wonder why our liberal intellectuals spied for Stalin long after the revolution if it wasn't communism?? Our intellectual liberal spies called it communism didn't they? But you were brainwashed to rethink it weren't you, perhaps in a university or mental hospital?? Tell us if you were trained to rethink Hitler too.

I would suggest you read a book or two on Marx and then compare Marx's communism with the communism all the nations that call themselves communist practice. The USSR probably made the best attempt at starting Marx but never even came close and dropped it within a few years. If you read Marx you will begin to realize that it would never work could not possibly work. So if that's true, what political/economic system did the USSR practice after it dropped Marx?
See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be braindead and deadly?

Who is "we" Eddie?

I wonder why our liberal intellectuals spied for Stalin long after the revolution if it wasn't communism?? Our intellectual liberal spies called it communism didn't they? But you were brainwashed to rethink it weren't you, perhaps in a university or mental hospital?? Tell us if you were trained to rethink Hitler too.

Why have you ducked yet another question, Eddie? Who is "we" Eddie?
I would suggest you read a book or two on Marx and then compare Marx's communism with the communism all the nations that call themselves communist practice. The USSR probably made the best attempt at starting Marx but never even came close and dropped it within a few years. If you read Marx you will begin to realize that it would never work could not possibly work. So if that's true, what political/economic system did the USSR practice after it dropped Marx?

Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.
I would suggest you read a book or two on Marx and then compare Marx's communism with the communism all the nations that call themselves communist practice. The USSR probably made the best attempt at starting Marx but never even came close and dropped it within a few years. If you read Marx you will begin to realize that it would never work could not possibly work. So if that's true, what political/economic system did the USSR practice after it dropped Marx?

Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.

Please read the posts before sharing your wisdom. What countries have, or are, practicing Marxian communism? It's a simple question, can you answer it or not?
I would suggest you read a book or two on Marx and then compare Marx's communism with the communism all the nations that call themselves communist practice. The USSR probably made the best attempt at starting Marx but never even came close and dropped it within a few years. If you read Marx you will begin to realize that it would never work could not possibly work. So if that's true, what political/economic system did the USSR practice after it dropped Marx?

Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.

Please read the posts before sharing your wisdom. What countries have, or are, practicing Marxian communism? It's a simple question, can you answer it or not?
You're asking too much. With very few exceptions those who like to toss the word communism into these Internet forum disussions have little to no awareness of what the word means. For them the concept as it occurs in their thoughts is limited to: communism = bad, capitalism = good.

And that's it. So don't expect more from them.
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Was not peaceful, but with a revolution. The USSR dropped the communist program a few years after the revolution but kept the name. One question in a class on comparative economic/political systems might be: if the USSR dropped communism a short time after the revolution, what economic/political system replaced communism?

You didn't ask for an example of a peaceful transition to communism. You ask for an example of a socialist government transitioning to communism. The Kerensky government prior to the October Revolution was socialist.

Chile under Allende is another example of a socialist government going communist. The only difference here is that the people of Chile were smarter than the Russians in 1917.

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
Without taking the slightest step to research the validity of these ignorantly biased condemnations of socialism you take for granted it's true. Have you ever looked for some concrete example of a socialist entity to base a conclusion on, or are you content to lock onto any published opinion so long as it conforms with the current right-wing propaganda?

Suggestion: Do a quick Google search via "Denmark / Socialism / Happy Nation." If you wish to go even deeper you'll find most of the scandinavian countries are socialist and are doing just fine.

Advice: Don't believe what Limbaugh and Hannity tell you. They, along with most right-wing propagandists are multi-millionaires. They've gotten rich brainwashing people like you.
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I would suggest you read a book or two on Marx and then compare Marx's communism with the communism all the nations that call themselves communist practice. The USSR probably made the best attempt at starting Marx but never even came close and dropped it within a few years. If you read Marx you will begin to realize that it would never work could not possibly work. So if that's true, what political/economic system did the USSR practice after it dropped Marx?

Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.

Please read the posts before sharing your wisdom. What countries have, or are, practicing Marxian communism? It's a simple question, can you answer it or not?

You are obviously immune to logic.
Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.

Please read the posts before sharing your wisdom. What countries have, or are, practicing Marxian communism? It's a simple question, can you answer it or not?

You are obviously immune to logic.

Well here is your argument in a syllogism:
Major premise :To declare a processs has never been practiced, is to defend the process.
Minor premise: Regent has declared that no nation has ever practiced communism.
Conclusion: Regrent has defended communism.

Where's the fallacy?

The real fallacy is your assumption that I am defending communism. No nation has practiced communism because no nation so far has been able to make it work. It may work in a small group coupled with a religion, but a nation??
Here's another question: Does any nation today practice laissez faire capitalism?
Marxism has never been put into practice for the same reason that no one has ever drawn a triangle with four corners: it's fucking impossible, moron. Claiming that Marxism doesn't exist is not a valid defense of Marxism. It's proof that you're an idiot.

Please read the posts before sharing your wisdom. What countries have, or are, practicing Marxian communism? It's a simple question, can you answer it or not?
You're asking too much. With very few exceptions those who like to toss the word communism into these Internet forum disussions have little to no awareness of what the word means. For them the concept as it occurs in their thoughts is limited to: communism = bad, capitalism = good.

And that's it. So don't expect more from them.
As opposed to the useful idiots who claim communism = good, capitalism = bad?
Here's another question: Does any nation today practice laissez faire capitalism?

too stupid. Are you 2??? all Econ 101 texts used the term "mixed" to describe all economies as having some capitalism and some socialism!!

Good, coming along, now what about the question on the nations that have practiced communism?

What nations are practicing or have practiced Marxian communism?
What nations are practicing or have practiced Marxian communism?

too stupid its like when you asked who practices pure capitalism. Rather than ask idiotic questions why not tell us your conclusion or admit you lack the IQ to do so??
What nations are practicing or have practiced Marxian communism?

too stupid its like when you asked who practices pure capitalism. Rather than ask idiotic questions why not tell us your conclusion or admit you lack the IQ to do so??

Well since you got yourself that econ 101 textbook and did such a good job on capitalism, I figured you were ready for the big-time: econ 102 questions, but I guess not. But here's a deal, if I admit I lack the IQ to answer my question will you attempt an answer?
What nations are practicing or have practiced Marxian communism?

too stupid its like when you asked who practices pure capitalism. Rather than ask idiotic questions why not tell us your conclusion or admit you lack the IQ to do so??

Well since you got yourself that econ 101 textbook and did such a good job on capitalism, I figured you were ready for the big-time: econ 102 questions, but I guess not. But here's a deal, if I admit I lack the IQ to answer my question will you attempt an answer?

Why not cut the BS??? Rather than ask idiotic questions why not tell us your conclusion or admit you lack the IQ to do so??

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